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Everything posted by siouxguyinstpaul

  1. I have 2 SRO for both games although my wife may not wish to go to both - she does hate the Mn Tech fans (even though she is an east-sider from birth) and loves to talk smack with that elitest group - and does it pretty well for a "girl". I'm sure that she will want to attend the Friday game as we are now planning on starting that day at Jax and keeping it going until after the Tech fans leave with 4 1/2 minutes left in the game to beat the traffic. That being said - I may have an SRO ticket for Saturday's game if interested.
  2. You haven't changed your name yet? Everybody knows that Wisconsin is the new State of Hockey. You guys are funny with your self righteous promotion/deception. Like Minnesota Nice - thats an oxymoron as well - at least in metropolitan area. But I digress - Wooger was right when he said that Vanelli didn't want to get into that and the outcome clearly showed it was painfully obvious as to why.
  3. They ALL matter - some more than others is all.
  4. Never even thought of going to one of these before - but sounds like it may be fun. Perhaps I'll see you there.
  5. Same as last year - Andrew Kozek - but Joe Finley is moving up now that somebody informed him that HE is the big guy and should play like one.
  6. I kind of agree - but wouldn't a Badger loss benefit us more than a goof one?
  7. me too - but our firewalls must not be as good as yours as at least I have net-radio - thank god
  8. I didn't last night - but at work tonight so won't be able to tell until I get home and check the recording
  9. I recall an interview with Dean a few years ago when asked how he felt about the possibility of NDSU developing a DI hockey program. His responce was "Good, that will just be another sport we will kick their ass in." That sentiment probably still exists and I believe that CSTV was reaching for something that will most likely never happen.
  10. Not at the Ralph - I don't believe. Seems to me this happended a couple of years ago with Mich Tech. The regular season ended with them here and the next weekend was the first round of the playoffs - with them here again - so they stayed. I thought that I heard that they had to practice at another arena - perhaps the Fido.
  11. I remember a few years ago during an interview when Dean was asked what he thought of NDSU starting a DI hockey program and his reply was " Good, it would just be another sport where we would kick their ass in" Do we think that thought has changed much?
  12. Back to CC thoughts - well - I think we will be back here in March for the first round of the playoffs. Which is probably a good as draw as we could hope for I imagine.
  13. Thomas Vaneck dropped the "f" bomb on a between periods interview on FSN a couple of years ago. That made it through for some reason - perhaps because nobody could understand what he was saying anyway.
  14. Worked OK for me last night with no change. It was funny - I was watching the St. Lawrence game on DVD when I noticed that I was receiving a signal from FSSN. I forgot that these games were being broadcast as I just happened to be in my Sioux TV room when it came on.
  15. Wow - thats bold. Well, Stearns county is in fact conservative, but hardly the most in the state and how can you make the claim that SCSU is conservative at all - let alone the most in the state (far and away?). I would like to know how a statement like that can be supported. It appears to be fairly evident that liberals (especially at the elitest academic level) support free speech only when they agree with what is being said and/or supports their position. One case in point; http://www.nypost.com/seven/12232006/posto...editorials_.htm
  16. I hope to drink more, gain weight and make an ass out of myself at times oh wait - that is what I did last year - I'll try the opposite in 2007
  17. No wonder we don't think INCH is worth the time spent reading it "HOW WE SEE IT As mentioned earlier, none of these teams carries positive momentum into this weekend's tournament, but all four have a chance to build that momentum for the second half by playing well and winning this title. BU edges the Saints and sets up a matchup with Dartmouth. The Big Green will win the title on home ice and set up a second-half run to mirror what they did last season, losing just one ECACHL regular-season game after the start of the new year.
  18. let the guy go at center ice - don't drag him down
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