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Everything posted by siouxguyinstpaul

  1. I'm not sure why he owned the bar - he did not really impress me a "local bar owner" type of guy. He owned and operated the ice cream store mainly as a place for his kids to work during the summer - at least that is what he was telling me.
  2. This too shall pass - the lads and lassies will get a fine for being in an establishment that serves alchol and said establishment will also be fined for allowing such. I find it difficult to believe that this was done by Judys on a regular basis to attract customers like the case at the University of Minny-Mystery. I've been in Judys - albeit many years ago - and it did not impress me as the night club that some folks are makinig it out to be. After all , how many customers can a place the size of a large kitchen attract. On a side note - I knew the owner very well (who also owned the Dairy Queen next door) at the time - late 80's. I'm not sure if he remains as the owner - probably not.
  3. OK - your a great guy - ya happy?
  4. OK - sorry - I was referring to his statements at the coach's luncheon. It appears as if I was not following the thread as closely as I should have. Forgive me.
  5. Not at all - According to him, his team is young and tired after the grueling 2/3 of the season - they dearly need a week off. I would have to agree and would not be surprized if they are only able to squeeze out 1 point against UAA.
  6. Congratulations, Ryan - well deserved.
  7. One more thing about Robbie. I loved his play in many aspects this weekend - but one thing that stood out with me was the way he takes the body. Twice - during Sioux PP's - a gopher had the puck in our zone and at least one if not two Sioux players were chasing him around trying to get it back. Then came Robbie - as soon as I could yell "take the body" (like it would help at all) he came in and "doink" (as John Madden would say) the brown and yellow was on the ice and we had the puck. The second one was Wooger's Saturday's "hit of the game" Simple but hard nosed play - he is one of the best.
  8. He also made mention of this at the luncheon last Friday. He began his talk - after a responding to a Wooger joke about a fight with Ben Hankinson back in his playing days - that "I don't know if we have the team right now that can come here and beat the Gophers this weekend" This brought groans from the partisan crowd of course. He then did the air shovel thing - probably because of the responce he got. But it worked as I am fairly certain that most of the same partisan crowd mentioned earlier probably felt exactly that way.
  9. FROM GPL "iBorg wrote: streakygopher wrote: It looks like the WCHA is asserting itself once again as the nation's elite: Minnesota, UND (if they keep playing like this), Denver & SCSU. An impartial non-Minnesotan, watching Gopher hockey in 2007, would probably leave MN off of any "elite" list. Hope they can get their s**t together. This was the most embarassing weekend of hockey I've sat through. I think our boys would have had a serious challenge with the Sioux women's team this weekend. I did have a hearty laugh at the "mite goalie choke" comment, though! Poor Frazee ..... no matter how he excels from now on, he will ALWAYS be remembered for that moment - like the Viking who ran the wrong way with a fumble, thinking he was getting a touchdown, was it Jim Marshall? And worse for Frazee, embarassing moements are immediately available for all to see on youtube.com. Hope this doesn't become his "defining moment." Other than Sue fans, it will be mentioned rarely. Watch much NHL action? I guess not because Roy used to let those by a couple of times a year. The prior goal from the end line was the bad one, he neglected to cover the post. The third goal was a fluke in a meaningless game. This is coming from a Briggs guy, so if anyone was going to jump on Jeff, it'd be me." This is from GPL - "meaninless game" from a GPL veteran is what caught my eye. I guess when they lose - they are meaningless. Funny stuff. I probably would have commented on this there instead of burdening all of you - but I'm still banned from posting on that site.
  10. ditto - but comments should not be directed at the poster - just the post or you will be accused of picking on somebody that doesn't deserve that treatment. I think that is good enough anyway.
  11. I read that he went to the committee and asked them to lighten up the injunction (for lack of a better term) and they would not budge - whether this is true or not - I have no way of knowing. What else is funny is that they allow the hostile and abusive Sioux to participate on some non-revenue sports such as track and swimming/diving - from what I understand anyway.
  12. That "Rick Flair" hair guy must have been Bruce Brothers - who wrote the nice article about Robbie earlier this week.
  13. http://siouxsports.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=7763 I did record the games - but Friday's was alittle choppy at the end and I missed most of the post game's interviews last night (damn). If he can't help - I'll make copies of mine for you though.
  14. I think not as well - anyway - probably enough about the Gophs or some may accuse us of being obsessed with them and their program again
  15. Poor Frazee - I saw him raise his hand earlier for an icing call with 20 some seconds left in a Goph PP. No wonder Lucia took him out - his mind must have been elsewhere. At Friday's luncheon - Don stated that he did not have a #1 goalie yet - wonder if that has changed at all over the past couple of days.
  16. I would like to believe that my comments are directed towards the "posts" as opposed to the "posters" here. Anything less may be considered inappropiate.
  17. The only chant that really mattered was the "over-rated" one from the Sioux faithful - who (by some accounts) seemed to out number the gopher less than faithful in the final few minutes of the game.
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TXMnye_8wfg it isn't the ESPN video - but it works
  19. I'm glad it was enjoyable for you and I found that arrogance is difficult to muster (even at MnTech) when you get beat 12-6 over the two games in the east wing of The Ralph.
  20. The same happened to me - before the game on the street and at Stubs. Nothing after the game though (wonder why). You get used to the low-class acts and the people with character flaws which are so prevalent at the University of Minny-Mystery after a few years though.
  21. average age of 20.99 as of this week - 3rd youngest in the nation.
  22. The Goofs will try and be all over the DOT tonight - should open up the game for the other lines - as long as we cut the penalties in half tonight. I look for Miller and Kozek to get a total of three between them this tilt.
  23. A cheapshot is one thing - but a totaly inaccurate cheapshot in an attempt to make oneself look good in ones own eyes is pathetic.
  24. There were definately not more - but our lads appreciated the ones that were there. The whole team gave us a small but noticable stick salute while in line at the end of the National Anthem in responce to the "Home of the Sioux". I've read that they appreciate this on the road - but last night made this evident.
  25. BTW Greyeagle - I went to the coach's luncheon yesterday and - well - I don't hate Don as much as I thought I should. He spoke well with regard to our team, your team and the entire WCHA as a whole. He ended his talk with some nice words with regard to Robbie Bina - pretty class act and stand up type of guy. I won't be taking any personal and/or cheap shots at him anylonger.
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