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Everything posted by siouxguyinstpaul

  1. 12 penalties - it could have been REAL ugly. I held my breath on each and every one of them.
  2. leaving for Jax now too - on a bus. See you there
  3. I agree - we usually try to find a spot on the street for awhile, give up and park in the lot across from the John. I've never been to Suzies - perhaps we will tonight. I'll be wearing my hostile and abusive #11 Kelly Green jersey and a white cap. 6'5" so should be easy to spot amongst all the brown/yellow.
  4. My wife and I will be at Stubs both tonight and tomorrow and at the John's doors when they open at 6:00
  5. Not only for the points - but selfishly - for bragging rights with my colleagues. Not to mention the fact the the John is a miserable place to be when the Goofs win. The rodent followers are pretty good losers (they turn on their team like all good minny fans do) - but are the most arrogant winners that one could imagine. So - a victory tonight (or even a tie) would be very special and set the tone for tomorrow's game and perhaps lead to that 3-4 point weekend.
  6. Good stuff- Dave and Tony. thanks much
  7. damn - can't make it now. Hopefully some green/white will be there though.
  8. This should help improve the less than acceptable MnTech student athelete program with regard to academics which has come to light in the last few days. ya right - silly me.
  9. WOW - Lord knows I've attracted attention to myself at the John - believe it or not - and nobody has approached me with that threat. Did you ask why and from whom the accusation originated? I would guess that nobody would get thrown out unless they threw someting on the ice or something similar to that stupidity.
  10. "The Refs are Jon Campion,Tony Lancette and Brad Shepherd" from GPL - damn - sorry - I still have access, just can't post there until next week not verified yet - but probably acurate
  11. Yep - it was a couple of years ago and I just verified that this is still the case.
  12. Is scheduled from 5:30 - 6:30 for those (like me) that may wish to attend. Times subject to change of course if travel scehdule changed for some reason.
  13. Nice article in today's Pioneer Press. I thought I knew how much heart this guy has - but he has much more than I ever imagined. http://www.twincities.com/mld/twincities/sports/16539017.htm
  14. Well - I went to read what the enemy was writing, didn't like what I found and decided to make an attempt to defend our honor. Evidently I took one or two too many shots. Best to stay away as I knew that I would not appreciate what is being written on the dark side and it is difficult for me to keep quite about such things
  15. Hey "he" can hear you and I knew what you meant Anyway - sorry that it came to this as I guess that I had too much time on my hands this AM
  16. fair enough - thank you and sorry to have been a bother
  17. I know it nothing to do with the Sioux - my point was that Gopher fans are pure and just love college hockey - so I was wondering why you did not fit that mold and go to the Final 4 instead of pawning your tickets is all.
  18. ok - wow I guess I have been informed. What seperates a private site from a public one? - just for reference.
  19. Are followed and respected by the elitists only when they agree with what is being said. "siouxguyinstpaul" please go troll somewhere else. I have removed your access from posting in here for now. Once your team gets "done" this weekend, I will give access back
  20. um - it was Virg that "just made it up"
  21. I did - this was responding to the trolls here that attempted to answered my question as to why tickets for ND series are not available.
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