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Everything posted by Kab

  1. I see Travis is still with the seahawks 2 cuts and 2 injured and another let go to get down to 80
  2. It should be midco with UND agreement with them.if it’s on wdaz UND should get some $ from them as they are paying ndsu for that, not sure why ndsu gets to,go to other facilities and broadcast should be on espn+ too
  3. Better hope those aren’t athletes that did that
  4. What was the price for bison game?
  5. Can you see what tickets are left when you go on the sight?
  6. Anyone know if Travis played in Vegas? I see they cut 6 players today, looked like defensive players and signed 1 defensive player
  7. I think he has to put in some time’ move him up and be in danger of losing 2 good QBs thru transfer
  8. Is Seattle game on tv anywhere
  9. Go ahead and waste the city money they said they could put it up without the money, call their bluff I would like to see a financial statement on how much revenue they think they can pull in with this
  10. Can’t we go see fish at Cabelas?
  11. I hope the GF community is letting Bo know there are better investments
  12. Anyone know how toivonen is doing in camp? Brady plays tomorrow on espn 2, sounds like he will see a lot of playing time , their number 1 back is hurt
  13. There are a lot better ways to spend this money tell them after x number of years they would qualify for some kind of grant based on their revenue and employees hired. was involved in a small town that a southern venture wanted to relocate to. They wanted free money. Our EDC was dumb enough to do it and when the money ran out they found another small town. The only employment was the founder and his wife. I had voted no and the others thought I was crazy. i wonder what kind of impact a home football game has on grand forks economy. look at gas, motels, food, liquor, other shopping, even the airport I’m sure benefits. just curious , the GF area should be supporting this way more than they do, just my 2 cents worth .
  14. I think we will get 1 unexpected win on the road
  15. I’m more concerned what other teams will do as far as cancelling like last year if the game is on we will be there, just don’t make me wear a mask
  16. Wonder the odds of games cancelled, limits on attendance and masks again this fall
  17. Right now I’m more interested in seeing how fall enrollment ends up,for both schools the number I will look for is students on campus and not online students hard for online students to attend many functions at either school
  18. What is the exit fee for the MVFC ? would be football 0nly or all sports?
  19. How many of these schools are or have been in trouble with the ncaa lately? is the ncaa on the way out too?
  20. I quit watching as soon as it became political i don’t care what an athlete thinks, I tune in to watch them play i haven't heard one of them say what other flag they would like to play for.
  21. Thank your old mayor for keeping GF population from growing
  22. Does anyone thing the big sky and mvfc have had any conversations on a new conference that could move up on their timeframe or do think a few teams are hoping to get and invite and leave others behind? would think both Montana’s and South Dakota teams would need to move together with their legislatures would be a football only conference or all sports
  23. Wishing him the best I asked coach once how he picks big athletes and he told me he looks at footwork
  24. Texas lawmakers are drafting a bill that would require legislative approval for a team to switch conferences 3 of the lawmakers attended Baylor
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