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Everything posted by Sioux94

  1. Finally a Bison fan that gets it. Recruiting blogs are for people to think positive about the future, especially when your team has had a rough couple of years. I would hope every teams recruiting threads across the country are full of positive thoughts and hopes of a better team, but none of us know how any of these kids are going to pan out. I would say that Bison fans should be banned from this thread unless they have something productive to add, other than saying....Bubba hasn't proved anything yet, or tell us about a new recruit NDSU just got. We don't want or need to hear it. Also I think it is human nature to think every recruit you get is awesome. I think what most of us are excited about is that we do feel confident in what Bubba and his staff can turn them in to. I think many of us had our doubts about where Muss could take us. It's certainly possible that it doesn't all pan out with Bubba, but I think most of us genuinely feel he is going to do a good job and turn things around. Can't say that I was every too excited the last two years under Muss as to what we could accomplish those years. I am actually excited again. I do however think we will still take a lump or two this year, we have a ways to go but we sure seem to be on a much better track right now and it's refreshing.
  2. Ok this is the point where an NDSU troll comes and says how Bubba hasn't done anything yet, and our recruits could all be crap. This is a recruiting thread, just like any other school in the country.....fans our going to positively speculate about our recruits and think positively about the future. You NDSU fans can stay on your recruiting thread, we don't need you here spouting.
  3. And unfortunately for NDSU.........you are tied to them.
  4. God help us if we end up being the North Dakota Nodaks. I've said it before......but I will be completely embarrassed when I hear the ESPN announcers say that the next time we are playing in the Frozen Four. I know there is a lot of people who hate Sundogs, but Sundogs is 10 times better than Nodaks. North Dakota Nodaks sounds ridiculous in my opinion.
  5. Well at least I have some good reading material here to keep me entertained on my two hour flight delay out of Bismarck tonight
  6. Well I guess I was wrong then.....if I was thinking maybe they would be boring.....sure doesn't sound like they are! Now I'm even more curious to see them!
  7. I usually don't come on here during the day, usually in the evenings. I just saw a post on FB about us signing him.....was so excited I had to come on! I've been back up in ND for about 4 weeks, flying back to AZ tonight.....this is some great news before I leave the great state of ND. Football isn't far away.....will really start to get excited about things now!
  8. It is a little hilarious how addicted some of these Bison fans are to our UND site.
  9. I'm just trying to keep my expectations low, and am hoping I am pleasantly surprised when I see them lol. I'm glad the players seem to like them, that is a good sign. You and some others have a closer feel as to if they really like them......or if they are being politically correct and just saying that. Even if they were horrible, I doubt you'd ever hear a player say it too much in public that they didn't like them.
  10. Wow....took you 45 minutes to reply to Darrell's comment........on a UND fan site......on a blog related to two teams that are not your team. Glad you were having that much fun on a Saturday night you were trolling various blogs on Siouxsports.com so you could get a shot in. I feel for ya man, I really do.
  11. Honestly, I'm a little scared to see them. Not sure if I'm going to like the green on green if that is what it's going to be. I think the matt helmets are a bit boring, I know it goes with the identify of our team though as a grind it out team though. We talk about how we need these uniforms to impress recruits, I have a feeling our new uniforms will likely be a bit boring. Not that I want a super wild and crazy uniform, but for an alternate uniform.....I wouldn't mind at least a little bit of flash. Will be curious to see them when they come out though!
  12. At this point I'm sure when other teams look at us up next to play on their schedule, and think about us in general.......they are probably thinking......good defense, but no offense...all we have to do is somehow get to 20 points and we'll likely win. That was a true statement most of last year. I'm really hoping our offense can get on track this year and at least be decent. It is kind of fun to be the underdog, so lets enjoy that role this year.......as hopefully it will be the last year we will be in the position to be under estimated.
  13. I was in Lincoln, NE for work this week at a customer's site and a couple Cornhusker football players work at the company I was visiting. I got a tour of their stadium and facilities from one of the players. Here is their indoor practice facility, it is nice but ours looks to be bigger since it also has a track. Suh donated a bunch of money for their weight room I guess, looks very nice....as does their locker room. Thought I would share.
  14. Boy aren't you full of yourself thinking we actually like you and some of the others coming here. Oh wait....you are a Bison fan.....being full of yourself is the norm. In my opinion I wish most of you would go away. We don't even get to talk about the game or have real conversations because you guys are here sticking out your chest on how good you are and how we have never beat anybody. If none of you guys were here, we would have more honest conversations with ourselves. We know we hit bottom at the end of the Muss era and are rebuilding. Some UND fans are overly optimistic in some of their predictions for this season, trust me some of us UND fans are realists and would counter some of those over optimistic expectations. However we never have to do that internally because you guys are here EVERY.....SINGLE.......DAY.....to tell us how bad we are and have never done anything. You guys try to make it sound like we have the football tradition of Augustana or something. We do like a little bit of banter, but sorry to burst your bubble......but I think most of us....wish most of you would go away.
  15. Hmmmm let's look at last year. After a coaching change and things being up in the air after the 2013 season, some kids transferring etc., we could barely hold a spring game for 2014. New coaching staff, new style, not a lot of depth going into the fall. Then we got a ton of injuries, and yes I can hear you say injuries are just an excuse. Yes every team has injuries, but we had a lot of injuries on a team that was already a little thin due to transfers etc. We were starting a red shirt freshman for half of the season. If you take the WR's that transferred out and then injuries, the second half of the season our #1 WR would have been 5th on the depth chart if not for transfers and injuries. We laid some eggs last year for sure, and we played well at times. If you guys were starting your 3rd string QB for half the season I'm sure your season would have panned out a little differently. You still would have had a good team though as you have better depth at this point. But anyway, my point is that we improved our record with all of that transfers and injuries. We are still going to take a few lumps at times this year, but we should be more consistent. Anything is possible and things could go downhill 3-4 years later with Bubba, but after seeing what he did with a decimated team last year we UND fans are optimistic. So although regression is statistically possibly, we think it is true overall improvement in our program that will lead to good things to come. Feel free on your end though to think of it as just regression however.
  16. You know what I think is funny, NDSU fans come here and tell us how great they are, and how bad UND is. But....then they openly admit they did not want to play us because they were afraid the game might be close or that UND might win somehow. I mean why be so afraid it might be a close game if you keep saying we've never beat anybody, and you guys are holier than thou. For as good as NDSU has been in football the past five years, you guys as a fan base are the biggest group of sissies there is. I've never seen a group so afraid to lose their perch. And I've never seen a group of sissies as cocky as you guys either. I would have inserted a P word instead of sissies, but didn't want to get banned.
  17. Wow this thread has gotten so lame I had to fast forward through the last page or so. I see we have another what seems to be new Bison troll has joined now to come spout off how great NDSU is. Well hopefully keep all their bragging to this thread so I can just not even check this thread anymore and read the other ones.
  18. When I see his name.....I can just hear how the announcer use to say his name after he tackled somebody....tackled by......Travis.... O'Neel, I can quite explain it but it was almost in a monster truck announcers type voice the way he'd say his name, or at least that's the way it is in my mind when I recall it. I loved it. I didn't know him but sounds like he was as good of a guy as he was a football player, very sad.....and makes you think about life.
  19. Sioux94

    Greg Hardin??

    I'd have to respectfully disagree with you there. Yes it is a total team game, but because the overall team was better does not mean the individual player is better when you are looking at something like that. With that mentality Trent Dilfer should be thought of as being a better QB than Dan Marino because Dilfer has a ring. Dressler's teams were pretty good, I still remember when they knocked off Northern Iowa on their home turf. And supposedly the NI players were kind of laughing at him a little or whatever in warm ups because of his size. Well.....he showed em
  20. I can't believe how many people like Nodaks as a nickname, I think that is the worst one on the list. Sure I think Nodak Nation is cool as a saying or whatever, but not that as an actual mascot name. I can't even imagine the next time we make the Frozen Four and the ESPN commentator has to say......"and here come the North Dakota Nodaks". I will be completely embarrassed. Don't some of you realize how flipping dumb that sounds??? Sounds like lots of Sundog haters....but I would take that any day over Nodaks.
  21. Well it's good to know NDSU couldn't win big at the DII level when they didn't have an advantage (more money/scholarships). To me it's interesting that Rocky and NDSU fans would want to defend the reduction in scholarships as the reason they declined. To me this is like saying, yep.....we had an advantage over other schools since they didn't have as much money to spend, but when that went away our dominance went away.
  22. Fun watching that video........Dressler = Class Act It was fun watching our defense shut the run down last year, but it will be nice when our offense is actually fun to watch again and can make some big plays.
  23. I think that is being pretty optimistic!! Going from 99 in the pass to 25 is quite the leap. I'd be happy if we moved up to 50 in pass, that would be a big improvement. Also, I think we will be a top 10 rush defense and certainly could be in the top 5 again. However like people have mentioned, our run defense was tough and we were weak in pass defense so people gave up running the ball. So yes we were top 5 in run last year, but we were number 5 not number 1. So given the amount of teams getting in the top 5 is pretty impressive so I wouldn't bank on top 5 again this year as a guarantee. Especially if our pass defense is a little better people will run the ball more it would be easy to slip down to 6 or 7, but that is still pretty good! And top 5 in total defense....wow to me that is super optimistic in my opinion. It was awesome watching the run defense shut people down last year though, I'm looking forward to more of that. Teams might be a little more prepared for our defense next year as it's the second time around.
  24. My early prediction for the game is 31-13 NDSU. Hopefully after the first two games our offense will show something and give me some confidence that it will be closer.
  25. I would agree, pretty much everything that could have gone wrong last year did. We started the year with a number of holes already and many things that needed to be worked on. Then on top of that we got nailed with tons of injuries during . By the end of the season our starting QB was a redshirt freshman that was on the scout team a week before he had his first start. I wonder how NDSU, or any team for that matter had to finish up the second half of their season with their true freshman scout team QB. Anyway, is it possible to just ignore a users posts. This would be such a better thread without no clue nosidel. Let's just ignore every comment he makes and maybe he'll go away. Let's stop trying to convince him of anything, I honestly don't care what he says or thinks. Wait....who am I talking about again.....I don't remember, nor do I care to. Now for me, I'm definitely not going to sit here and try to argue to anybody about how good we'll be next year. Our defense will be good, but our offense has a lot to prove.
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