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UND-RedSox fan

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Everything posted by UND-RedSox fan

  1. I believe that we clinched a first round home series with the win tonight. Denver and Duluth would both need to win out to catch us and if that happened we would be ahead of Omaha.
  2. I didn't realize Davies had their own team. I saw fargo north and south were together and thought that meant Fargo only had one team. Whatever still not going to feel bad for towns like Fargo and GF
  3. Not having two teams sure seemed to help Fargo.
  4. Northeastern and BU, 5 goals in last 6 minutes of the first.
  5. NBA and NHL are pretty different though. Much more parity in hockey. An 8 seed has a legitimate chance at winning the Stanley cup. I don't think that's true in the NBA. You're better off finishing with a top 5 pick than making the playoffs as a 7 or 8. The tanking is embarrassing but kind of the smart thing to do. Pray you can sign a star or draft one. The draft is another thing. Look at the red wings. Their best players are late round draft picks. You're not likely to find a star in basketball even in the late first round.
  6. And Oakland traded Moss to the Patriots for a 4th round pick when he appeared truly washed up. The Vikings can get something for AP and I hope they do. The Pats are my favorite team but I pull for the Vikings against any other team. I would find it difficult to cheer for AP.
  7. True but he came a long way out of the net for that puck because his defense wasn't back. That one was almost as much on the defense as it was on him.
  8. I'd say that wmu is without a doubt the most physical team we played this year. The goalie was really good handling the puck as well. Every time we dumped it there was next to no chance holding the zone because of him.
  9. Back handed compliment of the century to WMU right here And I completely agree. The NCHC has 6 teams that are at least really good and then two other teams that there is a reason they already have the 7th and 8th spot in the conference locked up.
  10. I feel like I've read before (maybe it was MACtion on this site) that the WMU quality has been historically pretty poor but has been getting better. I might just be misremembering though.
  11. Not to bring a bummer into the thread but some idiot shouted something stupid during the moment of silence for Montgomery's dad. I heard security found him and threw him out so that's nice. Really embarrassing. I hope the kid feels ashamed of himself.
  12. http://www.uscho.com/2015/02/13/ammerman-hickel-macmillan-murray-scott-named-finalists-for-2015-hockey-humanitarian-award/ Congrats to Mac on the nomination. The North Dakota Strong thing he set up last year was pretty cool.
  13. Since BU and Harvard took double OT to decide a winner, does that mean it will go down as a tie for pairwise? I would think that it would since it went beyond what a normal NCAA game is to decide the winner.
  14. I think a big problem with drinking at the hockey games is cops bothering people that are drinking and behaving well. On more than one occasion, either myself or someone I've been with, has been made to stop and pull out our ID's while drinking a beer even when we had wristbands on. I'm not sure how often this happens, but it is really annoying when it does happen.
  15. I don't know. While the ECAC isn't great this year they have three teams in Quinnipiac, Yale, and Colgate each barely outside the top 15 in pairwise right now. I wouldn't be too surprised if they got 2 teams in.
  16. I decided to checkout an old USCHO bracketology post and this is what it said about intraconference 1st round match ups... "• Conference matchups in first round are avoided, unless five or more teams from one conference are selected, then the integrity of the bracket will be preserved." So with that being the case I would agree with what yzerman said right away. And I was basing my field of 16 on there being as few teams outside the pairwise top 16 as possible. So that would assume Harvard winning the ECAC and Michigan winning that crappy conference they're in.
  17. So it's starting to look like the blame for deflate-gate is going to be placed on a locker room attendant. Who could have possibly guessed that?
  18. No bookie would let you bet on that because they aren't going to just give away money
  19. True. It comes down to what they value more, avoiding first round interconference games or protecting the number one seed. I don't know which is considered priority #1 but either way Fargo would be one heck of a regional.
  20. You can make an argument for quite a few teams to be number 1 right now. UND and Mankato probably have the best arguments and have very similar losses with both losing to Duluth and Bemidji. They also have 2 losses to pretty good teams besides Duluth in Omaha and BGSU and we have 2 losses to good teams in Miami and Denver. Their loss to Alaska is worse than our loss to St. Cloud but if we are just comparing who we have lost to then us and Mankato have basically the same resume. BU and Harvard both have pretty solid seasons going so far as well.
  21. BU would have to play Robert Morris as the other three #4 seeds would be from Hockey East. That would leave us with Vermont since Lowell would go to Mankato's region. The way I see it, there could be Omaha, Harvard, Michigan, and BC in one region out east. Also 5 teams from both the Hockey East and NCHC and 3 from the WCHA with only one team from each of the other 3 conferences would be in the tourney as of now.
  22. Nice bounce back for Bemidji after being swept by Lake State
  23. Who gets bumped from the lineup when St. Clair, Stecher, and Olson are healthy enough to play? I would think both forwards would be back into the regular lineup but don't know who I would take out besides Murphy. I think Mattson has been playing well so it would probably be Panz out of the everyday lineup for Stecher with Poolman remaining at forward.
  24. When I say everybody was doing them, I mean I think everyone was doing them. The only people in the NFL I don't think are on steroids or some sort of PED are the kickers, punters, and QB's. People aren't 300 lbs and run like wide receivers without help. So if my mythical professional football career was ended by a 'roided up freak, then I would consider myself unlucky because every hit in the NFL is delivered by a 'roided up freak and I would also be a 'roided up freak. Steroids happened in baseball and I couldn't care less. A-Rod, Bonds, Clemens and Manny were all good baseball players with or without them. I do not care that some professional athletes use PEDs. For the borderline pro players it obviously would suck but I guess tough break. There's nothing I could do. BTW, I think Brady is lying right now in his press conference about not knowing the balls were deflated. But of course I'm a Boston fan so it is impossible for me to have, what I think, is a rationale opinion unlike the fans of any other town. Everyone knows we Boston fans support cheaters and absolutely no one else does.
  25. I'm obviously biased on spygate and deflate gate since its my favorite team that did both. I think its stupid that they did both these things but I also don't think either thing ever changed an outcome of a game. I guess I take a whatever approach to cheating in professional sports. It doesn't affect my life and I still get to enjoy watching them play. I feel much worse about having been a fan of Aaron Hernandez than I do about being a fan of Bill Belichick and the rest of the Patriots.
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