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UND-RedSox fan

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Everything posted by UND-RedSox fan

  1. I don't even want to think about Stecher not ever going to UND. I've really only followed Sioux hockey for 5 or 6 years, but him and Caggiula are easily my favorite players I've gotten to watch in person.
  2. And Sam Shields started as a wide receiver in college. I can't believe how bad his hands are!
  3. Agreed Oxbow. I do think Denver is better than Omaha though. Zajac alone is better than the entirety of Omaha's defensive group. Will Butcher is a very good player as well. Trevor Moore and Danton Heinen both have a level that they can take it to that they haven't yet this year. Shore hasn't been as good as I expected this year either and Gambrell is a pretty good freshman. Omaha might be better than Miami but personally I think it is a toss-up. I haven't seen WMU play this year but they did sweep Omaha. I'd have to see them play first but they are probably around that same level as Miami and Omaha as well. Blais clearly thought UND was a better team than Omaha based on what he said this week leading up to the series and the style of games they played this weekend. Ortega and Guentzel are both obviously very good. The conference player of the year at this point would have to be between those two, Caggiula, Schmaltz, and Kossila or Murray. With some bias I would go with Caggiula. As much as I dislike Ortega, he is definitely the best opponent I've seen play this year.
  4. I think the Packers should have gone for two at the end. The offense looked poor all day and needed two hail marys on the last drive to score. I like a one off shot from the 3 yard line with Aaron Rodgers more than the chances of winning a coin toss then driving down field and scoring. When you are the underdog, you have to play for the win and not just for continuing the game.
  5. On the discussion about Waynes, cornerback is one of the most difficult positions to adjust to from college to the NFL. Good rookie corners are few and far between. Joe Haden and Darrelle Revis really weren't all that good as rookies either. Most people had never heard of Norman for the Panthers prior to this year. I trust that Waynes will continue to adjust and should be a solid player in the next few years.
  6. I am also more than willing to eat my words if Omaha goes on to do well. I'm not a hockey expert, but in my uneducated opinion we've played teams that are a lot better than Omaha.
  7. That was me and I stand by it. Duluth, Denver, and St. Cloud are all definitely better than Omaha. Miami is at least as good as Omaha. I forgot about Michigan State when I made the comment. Outside of when Guentzel and Ortega were on the ice, I was never worried at any point about giving up a goal. The only goal Omaha scored this weekend that wasn't following a big blunder by UND was the powerplay goal last night. I would take CBS over Taco, Guentzel, and whomever. I would take a line of three guys that didn't dress last night for us over Omaha's 2nd line. Any pairing of our defensemen would be better than the best pairing of Omaha's defensemen. Unless the goalie that was injured this weekend is an absolute stud, there is nothing that worries me about Omaha. Omaha dominated a weak out of conference schedule just like we did, but the difference is Omaha has gone on to play under .500 in conference games and we are where we are. I would be more surprised if Omaha finished in the top 4 of our conference than if they finished 7th. And I thought Omaha played better last night than they did on Friday. They are a two player team. The only other skills they demonstrated this weekend were diving, hooking, and holding.
  8. Games with 3 goals or fewer in the NCHC this year: 10-30: Miami 0 SCSU 3 10-31: UND 2 CC 0 11-6: Miami 2 WMU 1 11-7: Miami 2 WMU 1 11-13: Denver 3 UMD 0 11-14: Denver 1 UMD 1 12-4: Miami 1 CC 2 12-11: UND 3 UMD 0 12-12: UND 3 UMD 0 1-8: UMD 1 Miami 1, CC 1 SCSU 2, Denver 3 UNO 0 1-16: SCSU 1 UMD 1 So the NCHC, in my very quick look through, has had 13 games with 3 goals or fewer. There were three 1-1 ties and four 2-1 games. So I would say that the conference overall hasn't had many low scoring games and definitely not as much as WCHA. I get the general feeling from looking at other conference games that both Hockey East and ECAC have been generally low scoring and no one in the Big 6 has a goalie or a defenseman. I didn't feel like looking those conferences up. I've only watched UND games this year, but they seem to be more up and down hockey than it has been in the past. That may be because of the personnel and coach we have this year though.
  9. I don't think they are terrible and they have one of the best top lines in the country. They were pretty solid when they were in the offensive zone. But I thought they struggled moving the puck up ice and playing in their defensive zone. Schmaltz and Stecher seemed to be able to go around them whenever they wanted. Maybe their top goalie is a stud. He's had to be for them to be where they are. i would put ourselves, Duluth, SCSU, and Denver in a class above Omaha. Then Omaha in a class with Miami and WMU.
  10. I will say I forgot about us playing Michigan St. However, I don't think Omaha compares well to Duluth, St. Cloud, Miami, or Denver. Omaha has nothing outside of Guentzel and Ortega. Omaha has outshot their opponents 9 times in 21 games and two of those were against Arizona State. Wisconsin is objectively bad and nothing else needs to be said about them. Omaha was swept by Western Michigan. They were outplayed by Ohio State in both of their games against them. They were outplayed by Duluth in both of their games against them. And going off of what I saw yesterday, Guentzel and Ortega are their only good players. Granted those two are very good and whoever is the third guy on that line adds up to being as good as CBS, they were still extremely underwhelming from what I saw. Their goals yesterday can be tied more to UND making huge mistakes than anything special any of their players did. I wouldn't be remotely surprised if Omaha finished 6th or 7th in the conference.
  11. I couldn't disagree more. Outside of Ortega and Guentzel I couldn't name a player on their team that looked average. Brady looked like he didn't know how to skate. Their defensemen were all bad. Guentzel is good but he should be playing for the Gophers with how much he whines. Ortega is just really good. Not much more you can say about him. Outside of Huntsville, I think Omaha is the worst team we've played since Wisconsin.
  12. Schmaltz looks good up on the point on the power play
  13. The Fins are playing Chelsea Dagger for us with each goal. Have they playing it for other teams?
  14. I wish we would have been the crows. More original and has some ties to GF since I've never seen bigger crows than the ones there
  15. Patrick Roy changed the goalie position. One of the first, if not the first, pure butterfly goalies. Now every goalie plays like him and is tall and athletic enough to cover the upper part of the net even when down. There is more shot blocking as well as skaters have gotten better and better protective equipment. It still takes huge balls to lay your body on the line blocking shots, but its nothing like I imagine it was like 20 or more years ago. Bigger goalies with better technique and more skaters clogging up shooting lanes is a big reason why the scoring levels in the NHL (and I believe college) are at historically low levels.
  16. I think it makes sense for a goalie. It is such a mental position and if you aren't 100% certain you can play to your full potential, it will show. When I read what Schlossman says, I get the impression that Tomek as healthy enough to play but needs another week or so to be mentally prepped and it's a good thing for him that we have Christmas break coming up.
  17. In my personal circle, I know a few people that voted for F Hawks over RoughRiders. I still haven't met a person that voted for it over both Nodaks and RoughRiders. Oh well, is my opinion now. I wanted UND to get a new nickname so we wouldn't ever have to talk about this again. They picked a nickname I personally found to be horrendous, but it is what it is. I'm still a UND fan, just one that will never buy anything with F Hawk on it. We still have the interlocked ND logo and the best hockey team in the country and a football team on the rise.
  18. His way of going out is definitely preferable to Derek Jeter and his season of annoying ass kissing.
  19. Totally understand that. I remember when I was 13 and Aaron f-ing Boone hit that home run in game 7 of the 2003 ALCS and crying afterwards. I thought that was going to be my defining memory as a sports fan and was starting to buy into the whole Red Sox will never win a world series mindset. Then I got the greatest comeback in baseball history the following year. I still get bad feelings thinking about that home run and the nerves of watching Varitek catch for Wakefield.
  20. I'm thinking 4-3 or 5-4 type game tonight hopefully in our favor. Schmaltz with 3 assists, Drake pots a couple and Boeser gets one. A d-man with the fourth.
  21. So watching the explanation of the hit and the hit itself, I don't see how it is a 5 minute major. At the beginning of the video the narrator states they support the refs call of charging but then at the end says it isn't charging. So what is it? Seemed like a good hard check to me, with some unfortunate, unavoidable snapping back of the head.
  22. Watched a lot of Blue Jays baseball this year and really enjoyed it. Was pulling for them. Should still be a fun World Series between two downtrodden teams. Not old enough to be alive for '86 so I have no harsh feelings towards the Mets and will be pulling for them. Amazing pitching.
  23. Don't quote me on this but with mono, rupturing a spleen is the big worry with contact sports and it can remain enlarged for months. Very variable how long he could be out. Quick look at recommendations is 4 weeks without contact and it can be longer.
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