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UND-RedSox fan

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Everything posted by UND-RedSox fan

  1. Thank you. I think this is a pretty decent silver lining to last night. I didn't get to watch but everyone is saying we didn't play too well and yet we doubled up the shot attempt on a very good Denver team. If the defense plays like they are capable of tonight, we will come out with a split.
  2. The Friday game against Huntsville was 1-0. I was only able to follow online, but it sounds like Nick picked it up right where he left off. Caggiula didn't seem to be mentioned much. Thompson seemed to be mentioned a lot in a bad way. And at one point Denver had 4 goals on 20 shots and it sounds like the defense was bad and Cam wasn't much better. Now a question. On the CHN app it says 8 shots blocked for UND and 27 for Denver. Does this mean UND blocked 8 shots or does it mean UND had 8 shots blocked?
  3. Nick had one, Boeser had one, and from the sounds of it Nick made a good play to set up Stecher's goal. So 3 out of the 4 goals. Trying to blame the top line when they were the only ones to produce seems a tad bit ridiculous. Unless they were being matched up with Denver's top line all night; you can't blame this game on CBS.
  4. Two points each. 6 points for the top line. You can't expect much more.
  5. They each had 2 points tonight. Couldn't have been that bad.
  6. The Mauer contract should never have been bad. It was a good deal for the best catcher in baseball when it was signed. They expected him to play catcher at least until he was 33 or so. That would have resulted in only 1 or 2 seasons overpaying an average 1st basemen and 6 or 7 years of paying a fair value for a guy who would be a hall of famer if he was able to stay at catcher for a couple more seasons. Instead an unforeseeable concussion problem forced him to change positions 4 or 5 seasons earlier than planned. For some reason it seems Twins fans hated the contract from the beginning and if you did, then you are an idiot.
  7. 4. If not determined by (1) or (2) or (3), the seeding for the NCHC Tournament shall be determined by comparison of total goals for and against each team in contests between (among) the other teams tied in the standings in NCHC regular-season play; I take this to mean that they will compare goals for and against in only games between SCSU and UND if we tie. I think the only criterion that considers whether or not the schedule was balanced, is the first one. So it's either SCSU already has the tiebreaker locked up or else they almost have locked up unless somebody blows them out by 5+ goals or we start blowing out teams.
  8. If you switch our loss to Wisconsin into a win, we would be number 1 in the Pairwise. As far as St. Cloud goes, they were actually ahead of Quinnipiac in RPI but were in 2nd because they lost to Quinnipiac head to head. One loss, almost regardless of who it was against, wouldn't have been enough to get UND's RPI ahead of St. Cloud. Our chances at first would actually have been better if SCSU won and it was Quinnipiac that lost because we were closer to them in RPI.
  9. They just showed a graphic on the Wild game of the top scoring Minnesota born players in the NHL. Top two guys had something in common. Can you guys guess what it is?
  10. It was basically a line brawl towards the end of a game. The ref was trying to separate two players and the Ohio State guy ended up on the ground with the ref on top of him. Then with the guy on the ground, the Michigan guy punched the Ohio State guy's head into the ice. I feel he went beyond just a fight and deserved more than 1 game.
  11. I think it was different than a normal fight too. You don't see a person down on his back with a ref on him getting punched in the face very often. I guess I think of a fight as both guys on their feet and once one guy can't go anymore the other person needs to stop. You just can't punch a guy when he can't fight back.
  12. Michigan State was as close to a goal as I have ever seen. Puck needed to go another centimeter at most to be a goal.
  13. And it sets a precedent that nothing a person does is worth more than one game unless he has a history.
  14. Michigan State allows the exact same pass 3 times in a row but the goalie comes up big for them. MSU penalty kill looks terrible.
  15. Considering what he is accused of doing he has a lot bigger things to worry about than football. He ought to be in jail.
  16. The suspension I really thought they blew was from that Michigan/Ohio State fight. Was it guy from Michigan that punched an Ohio State player while they were on the ground or the other way around? Either way that got only 1 game. I know that Penn State hit looks deliberate and probably is, but he can always say it was an accident. Can't say the same thing when you punch a guy who is down with a ref between the two of you.
  17. I could see SCSU doing very well down the stretch. I wouldn't put it past them to get 2 or 3 sweeps. UND is going to depend on Cam again. Sweeping at Denver will be difficult and beating Duluth 4 times this year will be tough. I think the winner of the conference will be around 56 points or so. To get there UND needs 5 wins and SCSU needs 6. My long shot prediction will be Omaha finishes 7th. Since I saw them at the Ralph, I've been saying I think Omaha is bad. I could easily see them only winning 1 game down the stretch with UND, SCSU, and Denver all remaining on their schedule. After last weekend, I could see WMU playing .500 hockey the rest of the way and that could be enough to move them ahead of Omaha. Also worth noting, I believe if SCSU and UND ends in a tie then SCSU would win the tie breaker due to having the better goal differential in head to head games.
  18. Eades having the top comment on that is awesome. The saintly Wisconsin announcers always make me roll my eyes. I picture them sitting in the announcers booth fanning themselves like some sort of southern belle.
  19. I don't think what the crowd does is really intimidating but rather it adds that little extra push to piss off an opponent. It doesn't work on every player but it will work on some. All it took to make Eades snap and jump into the opponent's bench was a water bottle. He was obviously already angry but the water bottle pushed him over the edge. Something a student said must have gotten to that BU player a couple years ago that made him hit a fan with his stick, which should have resulted in him being thrown out of the game. Anything the crowd can do to throw a player off of his game should be done in my opinion. WMU student section was trying to do it this weekend with Keaton, but he didn't let it get to him. Is it necessary to swear to accomplish this? No it isn't, but it is what it is. I personally think spelling out "condom", "orgy", or "sex" is a stupid cheer but its what they do so I join in. And nothing annoys me more than when a "F the Gophers" chant starts when we aren't playing Minnesota. I miss when all it took to get the Ralph rocking was the "let's go Sioux" chant. Now it lasts like 20 seconds and is done by at most a quarter of the arena. I do wish the student section had some more chants that the entire crowd, including children, could get into. It would also be nice if more than just the student section would get into the post goal celebration. Whenever I'm not in the student section I almost feel awkward celebrating a goal because no one around me is celebrating. It doesn't take much to move your arms during Chelsea Dagger or join in on the fight song and sieve.
  20. The bolded part has to be true in my opinion. I've seen Iowa's club team play in the mall at Corralville. They play in a mall with no seating! There is no way there is any interest in a D1 team when the support for the team is completely nonexistent. Hockey is at best a very distant third to either wrestling or basketball for winter sport popularity in that state.
  21. Barry Sanders did. There are plenty of reasons to retire young in football. As long as he was smart with his money, he will be financially set for the rest of his life. He probably hasn't had many days in 9 years where his body wasn't hurting in some way. I know I couldn't handle what professional football players put themselves through for nearly 10 years. Plus who wouldn't like to retire at 30 and fill their time with much less demanding work?
  22. Honestly, aren't all student sections like that? They're not in church. Their job is to be as obnoxious as possible. So I had no problem with WMU and at least their fans get into the game unlike a lot of places.
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