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Everything posted by Mariucci

  1. Most of Wisconsin's games are snoozers, this was not one of them.
  2. It wasnt a boring game at all. Shots were 43-30 with good goaltending.
  3. Of course they can. I was referring to the earlier post that the FCS could sue the Big Ten. I'm no lawyer but I have to believe that the Big Ten is well within their legal rights to stop scheduling lower division programs if they so choose.
  4. Um no, it's a common sense argument. The Big Ten can schedule who they want in non-conference.
  5. What? The Big Ten is not obligated to schedule FCS teams Im sorry.
  6. I meant something obnoxious about my team. Classic brian. Wide open chance and he makes sure to not offend a prick like me.
  7. Nope i live in mpls so ill admit im a city snob. And brian ive been lurking message boards since their inception and youre my all time fave because you're so damn level headed, friendly, logical, objective, and non confrontational it makes me sick! Will you just for once say something obnoxious?
  8. Regular season=small potatoes. Its all about Pittsburgh. I'll send you guys a postcard. :-) Honestly though, some people on here need to lighten up. Im at a bar in st cloud just having fun. Cant wait to see and mix with all the NoDak fans when they come to the big city for the final five. Just remember that snowmobiles are not acceptable on our city streets. The weather should be warm enough by then so put away your Arctic cat jackets as well.
  9. Gophers are the best team in the nation right now and theres not really a close second.
  10. Nope. My premise that Blood is a hack is spot on. He lost a game so he decided to pick on the smallest Gopher he could find.
  11. I just checked and Blood wasn't suspended by the league. I must be thinking of Hakstol punishing him instead.
  12. By saying both players deserve equal blame he is defending Blood. Wasn't Blood suspended a game by the league? Rau got no punishment nor should he have. We have no idea if Rau said anything, but even if he did thats not against the rules. What Blood did is.
  13. I would expect nothing else of you Goon but to defend your hack. Blood had a reason but it had nothing to do with Rau. Blood was simply being a baby who was pissed that he just got blown out at home to the Gophers. It's as imple as that.
  14. You guys are unbelievable. UND's "toughest" player attacks Minnesota's smallest player in the hand shake line and you people defend it. You whine about Gophers pulling pussy moves like yapping their mouth and then hiding behind a ref or Lucia but then when one of your guys pulls the "ultimate" pussy move by attacking a player who has no idea it's coming, you'll defend it to your death. It was a classless move by Blood and if Demarchi, Bickel, or Helgeson ever tried that on Parise, Duncan, or Grimaldi you would all be calling it classless as well.
  15. What a joke. Do you have proof that Rau said anything to Blood? And even if he did say something, players are yapping their mouths the entire game without fights breaking out. That incident was 100% on Blood and was inexcusable.
  16. I wasn't calling UND fans petty. I was replying to ONE person saying their attitude seemed petty towads Miller. And yes he did leave UND in a bad spot but I think the coaching staff deserves some blame as well for recruiting someone who was by all accounts not ever close to being 100% committed to playing college hockey. Maybe they should have had a better back-up plan?
  17. That's a little petty don't you think? Peter Mueller did the same thing to the Gophers years ago but I still want him to have a good career. Maybe it's different since he's from my state but I love seeing American born players do well in the NHL.
  18. Earl was the worst ever, Cepis was certainly guilty as well. I agree with you, I dont remember Kraft or especially Pohl taking dives.
  19. Certainly doesnt hurt my feelings. I just disagree that the Gophers over the years have embellished more than the average college hockey team. I remember Jason Blake taking a dive or two as well.
  20. Mariucci

    Hobey Baker

    Wishful thinking? I couldn't care less who wins the Hobey or who the finalists are. But has anyone ever won the Hobey while being charged with a misdemeanor that same season?
  21. I beleive it's alternating years between the X and the Joe.
  22. Mariucci

    Hobey Baker

    Have to agree with you. Knight and Kristo are now both out of the running.
  23. Mariucci

    Hobey Baker

    That's because it's a waste of time. This voting has no effect on the award, it's just something to get the fans involved.
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