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Everything posted by NoiseInsideMyHead

  1. Notwithstanding the System Requirements, has anyone with a Smart TV had luck with nchc.tv via their TV's installed browser? With fingers crossed and admittedly in denial, I finally tried logging in with my 2-year-old Samsung. I was able to log in and view all of the content at the site but not access any video. I am not a tech geek, and I realize that there are a lot of behind-the-scenes issues with streaming, but I was a little disappointed because it seemed that so many popular video/media sites do work on this TV and I had let myself build up a tiny bit of hope. Also, has anyone heard whether nchc.tv compatibility with Smart TV will improve in the future?
  2. It's quite a fallacy for MidCo to suggest that CableOne holdouts in Fargo are going to benefit and that MidCo is losing out on revenue. If you were a UND hockey fan living in Fargo and had the choice going into the season between CableOne (a handful of CBSSN games; FCS was not officially in the mix) and MidCo (the whole home season PLUS CBSSN), wouldn't you have jumped ship already? By sharing a handful of broadcasts with FCS - and by extension, CableOne subscribers in Fargo - where is the harm? Those households obviously weren't interested in MidCo to begin with.
  3. I couldn't get past the pay wall…EXCEPT when I used the link in the @IlliniHockey Twitter feed. Thanks for the tip, cberkas!
  4. Do they happen to have a med school with a proctology residency? They could call themselves the Ass Techs and nobody would notice.
  5. Good grub. Something like this is way overdue. Of course, in GF, we can't even get a Long John Silver.
  6. THIS is why UND needed a VP for Diversity. We're fixing to put out even more crackers.
  7. Have we beaten up on "Sentinels" yet? http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/sentinel?s=t Fits well with the state's cold war motif, nukes, Cavalier Air Station radar, Border Patrol.
  8. With the dwindling relevance of the AFB and the constant BRAC fears, you'd think it would have evolved to Worriers of the North.
  9. That's it! The Polyps.
  10. Hook and Ladder is my recommendation. Make sure you hit up the hot sauce bar, too. Dozens to try!
  11. "Map out and gather input for the potential selection...." A bit of a leap in logic to suggest that this Task Force will be directly involved in the selection. As annoying as this verbiage is, the fact that there are so many words preceding "adoption" and "selection" in the two clauses definitely indicates that nobody is yet willing to commit to anything.
  12. Yes, and no. Per the press release on the UND website (http://und.edu/news/2014/09/nickname-logo-task-force.cfm): The University of North Dakota has announced the formation of a Task Force to participate in the development of a process for the potential adoption of a new nickname and logo.
  13. Amen on Firehouse. GF needs one STAT! As I think a bit more, it occurs to me that no fewer than six chains have scaled back their presence in the past few years, and nobody would ever accuse the Grand Forks restaurant market of having been over-developed to begin with: Applebees Taco Bell Arby's Perkins Pita Pit Quiznos Again, not singing the praises of any of these, but it seems we should be going in the other direction, especially given our oft-cited growth.
  14. http://www.newson6.com/story/26607295/osage-nation-to-boycott-fedex-over-support-for-washington-redskins-name When it absolutely, positively has to get off the reservation overnight, you'd better use UPS.
  15. Another one bites the dust...Quiznos on Washington has closed, leaving only one location at 32nd & Columbia. This is reminiscent of Pita Pit, which closed two locations north of 17th in favor of a new 32nd Ave. store. Also, the Herald reported recently that Italian Moon is for sale, and the I-29 Perkins reportedly has now closed. I'm not saying that Quiznos is anything more than a run-of-the-mill chain sandwich shop, but the vacancies do seem to be piling up along Washington. What are the chances of getting decent replacements? Anybody heard of plans? The Perkins is interesting because I think most of us viewed the new Walmart as signaling a complete revival on the NW side of town. I know the owners were quoted as saying they simply didn't want to spend the money to bring the restaurant up to current, corporate standards. But, still.
  16. One word: Superfund.
  17. Nokes?
  18. Stop the presses, boys. http://youtu.be/FpG5lszNi_4?t=30s
  19. Not a bad thought…maybe we could do the whole Prince thing (he knows a bit about changing names), change our color to purple, and call our women's teams the Darling Nikkis. Fight song could be "I Would Die 4 U" with everyone changing the last word to Sioux. Is he even using that symbol anymore? It may be ours for the taking! And it would piss off the Gophers, too.
  20. I'm not going to hold my breath, but if this story gains traction, it might be enough to move the NCAA down the road to Tallahassee. I had to do a double take the other day when it dawned on me that the "Cowboys Classic" was actually being played cowboy (OK State) vs. indian (FSU) style. Where is the uproar?
  21. Be careful with that. You yell the words "fire Bubba" in the wrong place and you're liable to clear out every trailer and country bar in a five mile radius.
  22. Not so good for the winter sports teams…blow up every January. (Too soon?)
  23. I think it's the incessant whining that is the crime, although many of us have been guilty at one time or another so we ain't exactly throwing stones here. There are only two ways to defend against unwelcome encroachment (i.e., progress, development, road widening, multi-family, commercial, industrial) on one's castle…(1) find a fully platted, fully zoned residential neighborhood and build right in the middle with lots of like-minded neighbors, and (2) buy a huge tract of undeveloped land and build right in the middle with lots of natural barriers on all sides. Otherwise, the encroachment is completely foreseeable and caveat emptor applies. It's not rocket science.
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