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Everything posted by nodak651

  1. Haha I agree! It's too late now that I graduated, but I got them to go to a few. It was tough to get them to go after goose hunting, because I could barely get them to go when they were bored! Started going with my buddies younger brother before I graduated haha. Edit: I was at UND through the duration of the transition, so they weren't interested in watching the likes of Joey Bradley haha. Happy to say that I converted them from hockey-only. They are now semi-respectable football fans.
  2. I think they look good! (with exception to the ugly helmet stripe)
  3. maybe one row could have reserved spots and one with first come first serve. Also, I know some students don't tailgate, because they have to get the permits ahead of time. Most of my friends wouldn't commit early to something like that, and go to games as last second decisions, because they didn't know ahead of time if they wanted to go. For instance, they didn't know if they would have enough energy to go after goose hunting, or many of them wouldn't want to go until the day of the game. Passes for students have to be bought at the union, correct? They should be able to buy them at the game if this is the case.
  4. Thanks for the reminder.. marking my calendar for Oct 28, when average Joe's can attempt to get tickets. I predict the new arena in Sioux Falls will put in a bid, and get it, for the next go around of regionals. It's close to Omaha, UND, Mankato, St. Cloud.
  5. Wmu will be hd for next game. They were working out the glitches in the new system or something so they didn't use it
  6. "Their best player" only completed 7 of 14 passes and got sacked twice....
  7. I think they announced that there will not be fees for transferring tickets, starting this year.
  8. Yeah we were polite and he did that. The usher that came down was young.. he saw a beer right next to my foot, next to my buddies, but ignored it. My buddy got busted because he was caught on video, and the usher had to do what he was told. I told the story, because I thought it was surprising that they watch the students with cameras and I've heard they do it at the Ralph as well.
  9. My buddy and I are over 21, and we snuck beer into the student section last year... Usher comes down and tells my buddy to dump his beers, because his boss saw him ON VIDEO drinking. It's ridiculous that they waste recources on !@#$ like this trying to catch minors drinking. He wasn't acting boligarant (his second beer). There should be a section for students who are over 21 so they can have a dang beer at the game.
  10. When there is 10,000 people there the student section isn't empty. And it doesn't help that they charge $$$ for student tickets when more than 1 or 2k go. The main reason kids don't show is because they can't drink in the student section, and if they do they will likely get a minor because cops are constantly trying to bust them. Once we have a better product on the field, which we now do, students will have a reason to stay for the second half after the buzz wears off.
  11. We're 91 and usd is 52. The data when you break it down by team or conference is different than it is if you show everyone together.... Wonder if it is an error or if it just lags
  12. One other thought: I really liked what N. Schmaltz was doing on the powerplay... taking a pass from the point and skating it to the middle. I think this will be tough for pk units to handle and he will score a lot of goals from the top of the circles.
  13. What are your guy's thoughts on Chyzyk? Maybe it's just me, but I thought he looked really quick tonight. I'd like to see him in the lineup next week to see what he can do...
  14. The pip feature on nchc.tv will be pretty useful.
  15. would be nice if we could sync up wday to these games... they should work on that for online listeners
  16. like gothbergs helmet. Cant remember how to spell his new name yet
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