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Everything posted by watchmaker49

  1. The difference is SR were the Fighting Sioux, fought LtCol. Custer and such. Whereas the SL tribe were more the Wandering Sioux and did not even come to North Dakota from Minnesota until around 20 years before UND was founded.
  2. There is a difference? A better analogy than rich kids playing is more how much debt do parents want to take on so there kid may get a scholarship.
  3. Of those that voted. Where was your concern for all the NAs that were against the logo?
  4. Has this really not been the case for many years now?
  5. Karl even covered one of my pet peeves with his responce. “There is no such thing as a free lunch” is a principle taught in most entry level economics courses and the truth is everyone has to pay to play hockey. High school hockey teams would not be able to operate without taxpayer dollars subsidizing the program and the school districts. If it is wrong for The Hockey Academy to charge direct fees for playing on our proposed team, then why is it right to ask the general public to cover the cost of high school hockey even if their son or daughter does not play? The truth is even “community-based” youth programs charge a fee to play in order to cover costs and that is the exact same thing that our proposed team would do. Why do the tax payers have to cover the cost?
  6. This say all there is to lnow as to why he is so against it. John Russo, Ph.D., is founder and director of the Upper Midwest High School Elite League. He was a captain at the University of Wisconsin, and his Coaches’ Corner columns have appeared in LPH since 1986. It would compete with his league.
  7. Bozo the Clown live children's show premieres on TV...1959!
  8. Who knows but maybe Blais told him he had a different person picked to take over for him. Or Blais told him to go for it.
  9. That's my point in nominating him. In the last 30 years he was the captain of a team that needed that extra push and provided it.
  10. Apology not needed. It was a joke but your responce is a perfect analogy of why we need a conference. The only reason they survive is because TV seems to think that there is a big market watching Notre Dame playing mediocre football. Take the TV dollars a way and how fast do they want a conference?
  11. Hey come on now Notre Dame does quite well as an independant.
  12. And that is why you and everyone else here pass judgement on players, prospects, and everyone else all the time?
  13. I nominate Mario as the best captain this program has ever had. Someone beyond the coaching staff was leading through actions and dedication to the team. Someone was the leader in the locker room and that person would be Mario.
  14. I think we totally agree on government/schools. My first comment was meant as a sarcastic comment towards people who say government should be run like a business,though I could point out the problem with ideology such as that. As for students on the surface you would think they more would go but I really don't think that many do. Look at how few are ever at football and bb games, I'll leave out the total non-revenue sports. It would make for one interesting sociological survey. How about we split the difference and say maybe a quarter attend one game. Furthermore, I would say we probably would be on the same page on a lot of issues.
  15. My point with government comment is that some things like government/schools are not suppose to be run like a business. Breaking even is a happy day, the way it should be. As for the students attending game saying half attending one game I think is pushing it. I would bet that the number is much smaller.
  16. This is deserved since this year Hak showed he was a great coach with a great staff in lieu of a good coach and a good staff. On a side note could Mario have been the best captain at UND ever? Think about it for a minute. Somebody past the coaches was the leader in the locker room and got a bunch of guys to believe in themselves and never give up. There have been many championships in the past, and great teams, but this year may have been the best team ever. Going 40-8 or winning championships does not make the best team.
  17. No matter who gets the job congratulations. Great choice of coaches to pick from and no matter what Mankato is going to get a great coach.
  18. Bang. As Gilda use to say, "Never mind".
  19. At one point it says he coming next fall. But then it says he is going to Green Bay.
  20. Gee somewhat like the government does? You say an activity for students. I wonder how many students at UND have ever gone to a football, hockey, or BB (men's or women's game)? I would say the largest percentage have attended none of the above.
  21. Let me see. A: Play at UND? B: Play at Mankato? C: Have a lobotomy (same thing as B) I think I would chose A.
  22. And you are saying that colleges are not in it for the money?
  23. OK they make more money than the hockey team does.
  24. It would be nice to see a breakdown of Canadians that played US college hockey compared to the majors.
  25. The Lincoln Stars make more money than UND does from sports.
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