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Everything posted by watchmaker49

  1. BS! That is why Frontier still flies the Q-400 then? They are quite a bit different than a Saab 340 flying under ESA contracts that is what Delta used them for. Besides the 340's were NWA's planes under lease and not a profitable plane to fly. Don't you think if the demand really was there that Delta would have started a SLC run or brought in 319s or an MD-80s series into GFK? GFK's growth is due solely to Allegiant and the Canadians who make up over 75% of the boardings out of GFK. I studied boardings for all 8 commercial airports in ND for a ten year period. Some even back as far as 30 years ago. GFK's growth started with Allegiant and has nothing to do with Delta. Are they even going to have to pay any rent?
  2. Yeah they did it for 500K in taxpayers money. How long will they stay after the 500K runs out? Will they bail like Frontier did to fargo after the 500K Fargo gave them ran out? There is no gain to having this flight at all. What a frickin waste of money.
  3. Kind of funny since he played 4 years for Maine.
  4. What I find ironic is that all of you bashing DaveK were saying the same thing for years just a short time ago.
  5. Happy hour or regular price?
  6. Statues. You can easily move a pylon.
  7. When Dean retires Steve has the job. For one thing Steve is quite popular in Nebraska from all his years at Lincoln.
  8. The only reason he knew she just did not want to go is because it was his daughter. Do other kids have to apologize or sit out for missing practice?
  9. If the new owners of Sioux Falls are smart they will let Cary run the team as he sees fit.
  10. Justify it all you want. I have found when people respond as you have they know what is said is the truth. Did I call you names? No. Did you call me names? Yes. Anger flows from the fountain of truth.
  11. 70% of those that bothered to vote in the White Guys game.
  12. You have no idea how your children are going to turn out. You can hope but there is no way you can know for sure. My views? The one where I find it disgusting that a parent would embarass their child in front of her friends for their own ego? Talk about self-centered. You will never understand that you are what you are accusing me of. I wasn't abused but I have seen a lot of it over the years and how kids turned out. It is not the physical abuse that does the most damage but the mental abuse sports parents put their kids through to feed their own lack of self-esteem, the parent coach. Did you ever stop to think that her not wanting to go to practice was that she was trying to tell you something? Something like dad it is not fun anymore. It is a frickin game not life. Stop for a minute and talk this over with your wife and kids and see how they feel. Tell your daughters no matter what that you will love them till the day you die, which should not be hard for you to do since it is the truth, and if she does not want to play soccer or have to work so hard to make you happy, that it is ok. As for UNDBIZ if I see 2 people jump off a building and break their legs and a third guy tells me I am going to jump off the building and I tell you not to because you will break your leg what are the odds I will be wrong. When you have seen things many times over it is very easy to predict the outcome. Now I am going back outside and jump back into the pool and enjoy the sun. My daily routine that I have.
  13. So a bunch of whiny white folks sitting in front of their keyboards know what is best for Native Americans...
  14. Fear is a great motivating factor. He put her on the spt so what is she suppose to do?
  15. Where he responded to my question if he still beat her into submission and he said far from it. She did not want to go to HIS soccer practice not HER soccer practice. So she gets benched, which she probably could have cared less about to start with. It was easier for him to embarass her in front of her friends than to let HIMSELF be embarassed in front of the other parents. This is all about him and not her.
  16. You support his abuse of his daughter? Then that is a game I would not want to win.
  17. She's 7 years old for gripes sak. I can't wait till she turns say 16 and starts to tell you where to get off. What is it like to live your life over through your daughters soccer team? Embarrasing your 7 year old daughter in front of her friends takes a big man. Her friends could have cared less. Your anger came from her upsurping your authority and made you look bad in your mind in front of the other kids and their parents. This had nothing to do with your daughter being "responsible" at all. She slapped down your ego and this is how you responded. Now who is really in control?
  18. More like their responce would be, "Geez there are a lot of idiots in North Dakota".
  19. So you use to beat them into submission then. Thanks for the admission to your previous acts. Were you going to HER soccer practice or YOURS?
  20. Isn't the objective to recruit the best you can? Since the US is producing quality players can't blame the Canadians that they finally admit that there are many Americans that are better players than Canadians can we?
  21. And where did I say this? Do you still beat your kids into submission?
  22. Another social worker who has no real idea what these kids are going through beyond what they read in a book. Tell me if I am wrong that you grew up in a stable home on a nice street.
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