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Everything posted by zonadub

  1. zonadub

    SJSU Game Thread

    This game was against a FBS team. Their 2nd and 3rd stringers turned down FCS offers to play FBS. UND will have a slim chance against FBS teams when the staff and team have been in place for 3 years. This was their first ever game as a team recovering from the ashes of 2013. Was not in favor of hiring Schweigert, but give the guy a chance. Any time a FCS team beats a FBS team, it is an upset (yes, even the Bison). Anyone who thought this team was going to win last night had extremely high hopes. The general projections for this team are for 5 or 6 wins AT BEST! FBS San Jose was not going to be one of them. Chill freaking out! (This is meant for everybody, not just Irish.)
  2. I will go the other way and say that UND WILL beat the spread.
  3. Also, if UND wins the Big Sky, but loses to NDSU, what will that do for the perception of UND vs NDSU and the Big Sky vs the MVFC?
  4. Another part of the fan support of NDSU is that Mussman had so few North Dakota high school players on his teams, while Bohl made a point of getting out in the small communities around the state and recruiting ND kids. Looks like Coach Schweigert and his staff might be trying to change that. People want to cheer for the hometown boy. Go Sioux tomorrow night.
  5. Really disappointed in how this re-scheduling turned out, unless SiouxVolley is correct. His posts on this, while out-of-the-box, seem to be reasonably predictive and could explain why Faison allowed this to happen. The fly in the ointment, so to speak, would be that NDSU would be aligned as one of UND's rivals and be scheduled every year anyway.
  6. That might have worked. Logged out of SiouxSports, shut down the iPad and re-started everything. So far, so good. Thanks Jim.
  7. And there is the downside of selling your old Sioux gear online or at a garage sale.
  8. And so, now we should all genuflect at the altar of Gene Taylor. To resume the series is good, but no guaranteed return to GF? Why not at least a 2-for-1?
  9. Why, after seeing home and homes signed with other Big Sky teams, would UND agree to two road games? Just don't get why UND has to give in to Taylor's demands, even after he is gone.
  10. Anyone been able to get rid of this? How?
  11. iirc - $0 if proper notice is given. Big Sky does not have the revolving door issues that the Summit does, so it does not need a large bounty to deter members from jumping.
  12. Whoa now, wait a minute... The U of Minn doesn't want to allow the Vikings (named for a subculture of people from Scandinavia) to play the Redskins (a subculture of people in North America) on their field? But that's OK, cause the Vikings are white people, and the name honors them, while the Redskins (and Sioux) name objectifies that culture. With the next breath, it's OK to play the Hawkeyes, Illini, Seminoles, et al because of their conference affiliations. Things are not adding up here. Disclaimer: I understand the name Redskins is offensive, but Washington is the home of non-PC names: the football Redskins, the basketball Bullets (now retired) and the most offensive of all, the baseball Senators (now the Minnesota Twins). Just had to throw that in.
  13. Can UND rent the FargoDome for a home game? Control tickets, etc?
  14. This ^^^^^^^ He could probably justify a single game in Fargo to re-start the series, but if that were to happen, then the next game in Fargo should be part of a home and home. Taylor is gone now. FU needs to get over Roger Thomas. He is gone now, too. (Has been gone for a long time) And where does BiSon Dan get off with this "past sins" cr@p?
  15. Wow! You didn't take long to answer. Must be slow over at BSVille. Now run along.
  16. Why don't you just go away JohnBoy... It's bad enough you troll here, but to trash Coach Kill on a Sioux fan board is just a little too low, even for you. Come back in 10 or 20 years when you have had a chance to grow up. NDSU was just fortunate enough to schedule Minnesota before Coach Kill got the ship going in the right direction, much like we hope Coach Schweigert will do at North Dakota. Now the Sioux will have the time to get things going in the right direction before they meet NDSU on the football field, more than likely in the playoffs.
  17. Wouldn't Sodbusters be a better fit for the College of Agriculture and Home Economics?
  18. Doesn't it seem strange that the nickname "Fighting Sioux" is disparaging and leads the Native Americans to feel used and objectified, but the nickname "Rough Riders" honors bravery and courage?!?! Sounds like a confused argument to me. That said, Rough Riders would be infinitely better than some of the ones Kelly's group will likely come up with - Flames, Blizzard, even Spirit (though that would be a small gesture to the Spirit Lake tribe that finally came to the table in support of the Sioux name) etc... Rough Riders would probably be second to the continuation of the Sioux name.
  19. And the women's teams would become the "Thunder Thighs". Fail.
  20. (Oregon State) Beavers host the (USC) Trojans all the time.
  21. Rough Riders would be infinitely better than the PC-driven weather phenomena/soccer name that the kelly group will more than likely come up with. (Read Flames/Spirit/Blizzard, etc)
  22. T J Oshie sporting the Sioux logo at the American Century Golf tournament at Tahoe. edit ... 4 putt from 6 feet on 16!
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