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Everything posted by JohnboyND7

  1. aren't you the guy who suggested Congress pass a law declaring that SCOTUS can't strike down their legislation without at least 7 votes? I'd take it easy before calling others idiots.
  2. What happens if you are an executive at Company A and also Company B, and Company A hires company B for X amount of money...who later pays that money to the executive who works for both? Genuine question and not saying that happened here.
  3. Not sure how being a sexist, racist, homophobe with issues of animal cruelty and a hawkish attitude against a regional nuclear superpower can be regarded as venial sins. The media and DNC told us this in 2012. Mitt was a monster. Now I am to believe that they were just kidding around back then and Trump REALLY IS a monster? Nah. The media lost all credibility. Not my fault they suck at their job. Donald doesn't need to release his taxes to prove anything. Apparently the NYT has them already. Whats this intelligence you speak of? The IRS has had this information for 20 years. You are telling me the Obama IRS, who literally got busted for targeting groups and individuals hostile to his administration, had information that Donald Trump was compromised in some way and did nothing with it? It appears you have some weird belief that Trump is both an idiot and some evil genius mastermind. The more likely reality is that he doesn't want his taxes released because he doesnt have as much money as the he likes to lead people to believe because he's a pretty petty and vain dude.
  4. he was a sexist, racist, homophobe who dabbled in animal cruelty and didn't pay his taxes....Plus his foreign policy was straight out of the 80's! Gotta love our media.
  5. I dont see it. I anticipate Haley. She's well liked, and the GOP would thoroughly enjoy a shot at electing the first female President. I don't think the Party will allow itself to get snagged into a 2016 situation again. Too many cooks in the kitchen there lent itself to the loud goofy tv guy getting picked.
  6. I'm pretty confident that the Congress cannot put a caveat in legislation dictating to the Supreme Court the terms on which they can find it constitutional or not. Passing that law alone would get challenged and shot down 9-0, and I suspect each justice would be salivating at the opportunity to write that opinion. Judges are not going to cede objectively judicial power to the Congress lol. Adding SCOTUS judges just starts a cycle of each party adding the number of judges they need to pass/shoot down the other party's legislation and ultimately would justify secession. Trying to corner justices doesn't work. These people are generally the smartest person in the room, and aren't going to be very effective at landing punches on a judge. Anyone who watched or listened to the Kavanaugh hearing would have seen Dems trying to put gloves on him and continuously missing. These guys/gals are well-coached, some guy on a measage board doesn’t have the solution to somehow dunking on them.
  7. I'm fine with W and Romney criticizing The Don. W in particular, likable guy. They aren't creating dumb strawman arguments. I'll take issue with people who didn't vote for W, McCain, or Romney pulling some "if only the GOP nominated reasonable conservatives!" card. Those three were typical establishment Republicans, and Mitt Romney in particular was as moderate a choice as Democrats could have asked for, and he still got his character assassinated. The GOP DID nominate the hypothetical reasonable guy and he got ripped apart as a monster. When the GOP picks a moderate or establishment type in 2024, guys like Hayduke and the mainstream media will trot out the same nonsense they deploy today against Donald, and the same crap they pulled on Mitt, McCain, and W.
  8. Democrats lost 49/50 states twice in the span of 20 years. Parties change and adapt. I believe there were articles in 2008 proclaiming the GOP was dead only for the Party to win both chambers of Congress and the Presidency within 8 years. The GOP and Democrat Party ebb and flow. The Chicken Little nonsense is always silly. All it takes is one dumb person or policy to drive people to the open arms of the other party... until they do something dumb too. Further, its always funny to see libs bring up the "reasonable conservative." In 2004, libs were calling W a war criminal and fascist. In 2008 they were calling McCain all sorts of names, in 2012 Mitt Romney was a sexist who wanted to enslave black folks, in 2016/2020 they call Trump a Nazi. The only reasonable conservative to nearly any Democrat tends to be the conservative they previously called similar names to whomever they are running against now. The "reasonable conservative" is some strawman invented that probably never existed.
  9. One could make an argument that a generic establishment GOP president would have backed down on Kavanaugh. But yes Mitch McConnell is a GOAT and will go down in history as being the American judiciary's Bismarck.
  10. this is very true but he was the goofy outlier in the GOP primary full or normal guys. By the time enough of them had dropped out, it was too late to really go with anyone else.
  11. He does make for a good avatar against the American liberal march leftward. I wouldn't call his voters inherently stupid, although many on both sides are stupid. Its not really speculation on some of it. He has said he has a goal of getting rid of the Hyde Amendment. And his refusal to answer about the Court seems pretty obvious about his intent, likely doesn't want to scare off independent voters. Biden/Obama have a specific unity in mind that seems to be rather similar to Donald's, its a "my way or the highway" approach. Barry had his famous lines about "clingers." I dont think the dude is a commie or anything, but his entire campaign has sort of been structured to lead people to think of some "return to normalcy" but I dont see where that normalcy is supposed to be. If you can't straight up say "we arent adding seats to the Court, that's insane" then you aren't a unifier. If you can't promise that, then you aren't bringing stability, you are practically begging about 25-30 states to consider leaving the Union.
  12. I'm curious on what the over/under would be for amount of time Biden served before resigning would be in Vegas?
  13. I dont see how Biden brings any sort of stability. He's expressed a willingness to expand the Court, getting rid of the Hyde Amendment, etc. Both of those things fan division more than anything Donald Trump has done; at best, Biden MIGHT slow down some of the unrest in cities because I suspect those folks don't actually care about police brutality, but simply have a beef with who sits in the Oval Office.
  14. I dont think it is illegal to receive money from Russian oligarchs. Thats not what you were complaining about though. You were complaining that Trump might be compromised by Russian oligarchs meanwhile, when your guy is proven to have received money from them, you say thats not illegal. You are holding two different standards for two different folks for the same alleged action. If it is Trump + potential shady Russian money = potentially Dangerous and compromised, then Biden family + shady Russian money = Dangerous and compromised.
  15. You mean wealthy businessmen who take aggressive tax stances might worry about it backfiring? Lol I bet farmers are afraid of bad weather too and Constantinople is worried about the Turks.
  16. A priest no doubt. There are bad apples in all groups but I'll take the group governed by a real code than an atheist.
  17. Mitch McConnell is likely among the most powerful senators in American history and...particularly assuming Barrett is approved, will cement a legacy. I have zero idea what you are getting at. The Dems gave him a club in 2014 and he absolutely bludgeoned them with it. Dude will have statues built in his honor.
  18. For how much you fear Russians, I would think the potential of Donald Trump having Russian Oligarch money would be overriden by the objective truth that Biden's kid got caught receiving millions from a Russian Oligarch. Corporate and federal income tax is a complicated world and while it's certainly possible Trump is in dire financial straights, its also reasonably likely that his accountants/attorneys know how the game works.
  19. I think $70K for a hair stylist is absurd but if you've seen the dude's apartment, I mean...yeah whatever floats his boat. Donald Trump is a pop culture icon for his extravagant lifestyle. He's mentioned in songs, had a board game and a TV show because of who he is. His entire "brand" is built on displays of opulent wealth, while enjoying many things that are blue collar Americana (McDonald's, diet coke, WWE, sports). A bartender becoming a congresswoman and immediately becoming a "sell-out" is a unique criticism (right or wrong). I believe a lot of the criticism related to her conduct is tied to her change in behavior and attitudes towards some of the finer things in life upon getting to congress. She went from being a champion of the poor and what not, to living in a pretty trendy and expensive part of DC, started wearing expensive clothes, spending as much on one haircut as I will spend in 3 years of Manhattan haircuts during school (yes I'm aware women's haircuts are more expensive). Instead of her owning the fact that she had moved to a nice, new, upscale part of DC for convenience or safety or something, she indicated at the time that her luxury apartment should be the new standard for basic housing for Americans. In short, the criticism of her will be tied to her sudden approval of the finer things in life as soon as she had the income to do so. I'd look at it in a sorta similar way to the criticism of Bernie Sanders. Dude owns three homes. People will rag on you for being a grifter when you don't practice what you preach or you change your standards of what sort of wealth/income/behavior is acceptable to conveniently exclude yourself from that criticism. TL;DR version: its not about the amount spent on hair lol, its about the individual's message and how their behavior complies with it. Donald is a hypocrite on many things, but him spending some ridiculous amount on his ridiculous hair is perfectly aligned with him and his brand (for better or for worse).
  20. I'm far from a tax expert, but I am aware that not paying much in the way of Federal Income Tax doesn't really mean much. Secondly, Donald told everyone in 2016 he hadn't paid much of anything in income tax.
  21. Mostly his linemen making holes for him... It didn't really matter who BHS had at RB against us, they were going to get many yards. I do know one of our guys chased him down from behind which I didn't know was possible until I saw it happen lol. Ryan Smith has haunted my dreams significantly more. Wahpeton was trash and he single-handedly beat us one year. I think he had around 400 yards rushing that night. It was very embarrassing. I would like to see the tape of those games again just to see if it was as bad as I remember or if it was somehow worse.
  22. Considering the lack of restrictions in ND, open schools and stuff, i suspect this isn't the end of the world. Open bars, open restaurants, open schools, open colleges, open churches...
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