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Everything posted by JohnboyND7

  1. Good. I celebrate all groups partaking in their right to bear arms.
  2. I got roped into going to Gamble one time to help a girl on an assignment and was appalled at how dumpy it was compared to what I had during undergrad. Good for UND to get that fixed lol
  3. I dont believe anyone debunked the wire transfers lol.
  4. We just haven't found the oil yet. We need boots on the ground and contract out oil exploration rights to the highest bidding American oil company.
  5. We should invade Cuba, steal their trade secrets, and then leave.
  6. Not to get ahead of myself...but the Jamestown F'ing Blue Jay's are 3-0 in football for the first time in probably decades and beat a Bismarck team for the first time i think since my family moved to Jamestown. Happy for them, when I was in school we mostly existed for the sole purpose of getting stomped.
  7. I grew up with Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and to a lesser degree Barack Obama. I can say with about 95% certainty that I didn't learn anything from them. Your kids aren't learning anything from The Donald unless you are failing as a parent, which based on your posts... seems like they weren't going to learn much of anything from you anyway so they aren't going to be any worse off.
  8. Speaking of... Lemon had a breakdown last night lol Biden will get rid of the Electoral College!
  9. I'm with ya. Did a bit of research on it because I vaguely remembered that going down. She couldn't win in a competitive district. Her district is D+29 and less than 20% white and is 50% Hispanic. She got lucky, she primaried a dude who didn't even campaign lol. He sent a staffer in his place to the debate they scheduled. She won the primary by convincing 16K of 700,000 people in the district to show up. For comparison: Rick Burgum got 68K votes in the ND primary for governor. Kelly Armstrong got 37K votes in his 2018 primary which I would think is a more appropriate gage than Burgum --> 2018 HoR primary in a non-competitive district. In 2012 when Cramer won his primary, he got 54K votes while the other guy got 45K votes. Maybe North Dakota is just super politically engaged....or...next to nobody in the Bronx/Queens even knew there was a primary and some hot little number is pounding the pavement for months and some guys(and gals, not that there is a problem with that) followed her to the ballot box lol. Would be interesting to see some moderate Rockefeller Republican type run in NYC as a Democrat and mimic her strategy and see if it works. All you need to do is win a primary against someone who is a complacent after decades of being in office and boom...you might win and get a cushy job for a minimum of two years.
  10. I wouldn't call her the anti-Christ but I do believe if you gave her the power, she would probably try some fascist gungrab nonsense.
  11. That would be a substantial undertaking that I think might more appropriately left to a reasonably tech savvy older poster. I was thinking about that a bit today too though. I will see if I know anyone willing to create a database for you.
  12. Listen Fat....you're a dog faced pony solduer.
  13. To be fair, Biden won because literally everyone dropped out and endorsed him.
  14. Gardner, Grassley, and Alexanser have all said let's roll. Mitch appears to have the votes. Dude has cemented his place on the GOP's Mt. Rushmore if he gets this done.
  15. Do you proportion it per statewide vote or do you do winner take all based on house districts? If by proportion, does the dude who gets 50.01% only get half of the EC votes in the state or do they get 50%+1? If by house district, how do we decide who gets the two extra votes each state has? I think there would be some goofy stuff that goes on. I like the simple way we have it now. Win the state babyyyy.
  16. I love reading up on libertarian candidates. One second you'll be reading and its like "yeah this guy gets it"...next thing you know they are talking about legalizing beastiality or PCP or something off the wall.
  17. Motivation to carry out your civic duty can come from many sources!
  18. Anyone who says they didn't vote because their vote doesn't matter are the types of people who wouldn't vote if you dropped a ballot off at their house. They either do not care or do not like either option. Nothing wrong with encouraging people to participate in elections but changing the rules in order to try enticing them to come out seems excessive.
  19. It doesn't seem like I'm the problem here. Then again, I'm not the one threatening violence against states like...LOL Wyoming who I'm pretty sure has never bothered anyone.
  20. 1. Why don't you craft policies that appeal to these Ubermesch Wyoming voters? What's crazy is...if you appeal to Wyoming's citizens, there is a strong likelihood you'll appeal to SEVERAL other states as well! Its really cool how that works. 2. The burden of convincing people lies with the one seeking to institute a change. So far all you've offered was a generic threat of some sort of avocado toast uprising. I would say you claimed it would benefit us all because there are apparently mythical non-voters just waiting for a popular vote to be implemented...but my experience with non-voters is that it is an excuse to justify not taking the time to vote rather than the reason they don't vote. So in conclusion, you want to take voting power away from several states, you don't want to give them anything in return, you make a vague threat towards them if they don't comply, and then get mad when they don't want to go along with it?
  21. You are right! We can amend it. Get busy leading the charge. Be the change! Convince the requisite number of states and congressmen that your idea will improve the country. Something tells me it won't go well but...you are free to try.
  22. A field goal and a touchdown should be worth the same. 1 score is 1 score. The concept frightens you and every Nick Saban team. Very telling. Instead of looking at who wins 4 games in a best of 7 series, we should award the series to whomever has a better point/goal differential. The concept frightens you and every team who has ever won a series with a negative point differential... very telling!
  23. Because there is a very real possibility you'd drive from the Jersey Shore to LA and not encounter a drive through a single state where the President won lol
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