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Posts posted by Goon

  1. The issue of face shields that was discussed quite a bit a in the last couple of years and there two points to that argument. The players union will not allow the NHL to make half shields mandatory, players want to have the choice to make that decision or not themselves and don't want it mandated by the NHL.

    Some players don't like them because when they recieve a check to the face sometimes the shield will cut their bridge of their nose causing more an injury to the player. Shields are also hard to see in sometimes because they get fogged up.  Full Face shield are hard to breath in and the first thing a player gets rid of when they make the jump from college to the pros is the mask/shield. The player from what I heard don't like them and would love to option of not wearing a full shield.

    There is also an unwritten rule that players that ussually dont' fight wear a shield are tougher than ones that do, wether you like that line of Don Cherry thinking is up to each person. There is also the percieved toughness as far as the shield go. I has been argued in the NHL that some of the players that wear shields turtle behind them and are more careless than players that don't.

    As mentioned earlier the full shield is blamed by many for reckless abandon on the ice and cause players to play with their stick up. The full shield/face mask has been said to cause more concussions to players that use them.

    As far as the Great one not liking goon/enforcers. Gretzky when he was winning Stanley Cups in Edmonton had Marty Mcsorely and Dave Semenko on his wing to protect him and there was an understanding if you got out of line with Wayne you would have to contend with Dave or Marrty. So Gretzky benifited by having these players on his team.

  2. As for the differences between the NHL and college hockey... yes, there is far superior talent in the NHL. But I don't want to see all these idiots dropping their gloves and duking it out every other game. I understand there is certain percentage of fans who enjoy that part of the game, but I'd be willing to bet those are the same people who watch wrestling. Give me Mario Lemiuex, Jaromir Jagr, Paul Kariya, Pavel Bure, etc... but I have no interest in watching barbarians like Tie Domi. I know some people like to call them enforcers, but to me enforcer is just a nicer word for goon. The NHL needs to do three things to improve their product:

    1. They need to fine and suspend guys for fighting, period. In any other professional league (NFL, NBA, MLB) they don't put up with that crap. The NHL shouldn't either. It sets a horrible example for kids. I can tolerate stick-swinging to some extent, but I can't tolerate the fighting. It's just immature macho BS.

    2. Make players wear a face-mask or full shield like they do in the NCAA. Martin Straka recently got hit in the face accidentally by a teammate's stick and fractured a bone around his eye socket. Had he been wearing a face-mask or full shield he wouldn't have been injured. I'm not interested in seeing bloody facial injuries. Again, the WWF fans probably enjoy that stuff. Not me.

    3. Eliminate the red line and open up the offensive game. I don't have to see a lot of goals, but I at least want to see a lot of shots on goal. I don't care to watch the New Jersey Devils and the Minnesota Wild run their clutch and grab, neutral-zone trap. People pay a lot of money for tickets to those games, I think they're entitled to some entertainment.

    You what I hate? I hate trying to defend hockey to someone that does not know what he is talking about, or do they understand the traditions or the way hockey is. Ok, let me make this simple in the NHL, fighting Majors in the NHL are way down, have been for quite some time. However, other incidents are up (Stick Swinging, kneeing etc). You want to know why this is. It is because of the so called more skill Europeans that are not flooding the NHL game. In the Olympics Keth TKachuck was kneed by a Russian player. Boy that is a great alturnative to fighting. Just like Don Cherry says on Hockey night in Canada says by God the Fighting Majors go down in the playoffs because of the instigator rule but stick fouls go up. Think about by saying your against fighting means your going to get stick work... Can't have it both ways...

    Actually lately I can't remember seeing two games in a row for a long time where there was actually a fight.

    Maybe you should switch to another sport like basketball, the point is Fighting is a part of the game it used as a tactic to police the game. Hockey is a game of intimidation a contact sport, if you think other wise your wrong. Unforuanately the NCA$$ stepped in and made some rules to outlaw it. I personally think the NCAA is an organization that time passed by. Until they losen the laws on the Full shield and the time a person has to serve in the box/press box for a fight will determine how much stick work there is in College hockey.

    I like how you determine that if a player dropps his gloves he is an idiot. Stu Grimson writes childrens book...

    The NHL Players unions will not allow the NHL to make face shield mandatory. Again, I am not sure where you get your ideas but your using reversed logic when it comes to hockey.

    If you want finese you might want to stick to golf and figure skating...

  3. This is the same old tired argument that has been around for years. College hockey is percieved to be the cleaner of the leagues while the NHL is filled with goons and fights mar every single game almost every single night.

    Wrong, wrong, wrong... College hockey has become a stick wielding, stick swinging league, if the stick work doesn't get under control WCHA is going to stand for Busch league. The WCHA is starting to marvel the Swedish Ice Hockey Federation.

    2 reason this the over zealous bogus no fight rule and the full face shield. The shield makes players think they are invincible and they swing their stick with out reguard for other players, seen many incidents of this in the past year. With the aluminum stick you can hear sticks wacking the opposing players up and down the ice. Friday and Saturday nights games were filled with such incidents. I don't half as many incidents such as these in the NHL, if you stick Lindros your going to pay for it.

    When ever college hockey players get mad wether it be from a legal check or a being show up they go back and cross check or high stick, slash an opposing players. I guarentee if you had to face a Mike Commodore or other tough guy for after you committed a gutless act you might think twice about cheaping someone again. So a goon/tug like Matt Demarchi might think twice about pulling off a cheap act if he knew he was going to have to pay for it with his teeth in a fight against a heavy weight. Demarchi although talented will not get away with his antics in the ECHL, AHL or NHL.

    I have read somewhere or heard it on the radio (Tim in the morning) Commodore was actually has been told he needs to fight more (he is not fighting enough) so that pretty much shoots the argument that Demarchi a goon in the butt...

    Obviously Dave your not very knowledgeable about hockey, if you watched the NHL you will notice that the NHL's hockey players are way more talented and skate way better than most college hockey players. NHL hockey is a game that is like a tactical battle everything runs like clock. NHL defenses are like the Berlin wall tough to get through. NHL goalies have 90 save percentages and even the percieved Goons can skate better than most college hockey players.

    I wouldn't go around spouting off about something you don't know about. For years I have heard this argument and it doesn't wash.

    Mike Commodore is an awesome folk hero because he was a man of honor, he strapped it on and played the game straight up. Mike had no fear and players knew that if you took liberties with the percieved skilled players Mike would be there to challenge you that was his role he wasn't a punk or a cheap hockey player. If you got hit by mike it was a clean hit. Mike is an NHL player now and has fit in quite well, I get sick of hearing how people think Mike is a goon, they just don't know what they are talking about, I did take 19 commodores on my team any day because there would be less stick swinging...

  4. scott your so right when Commie was on the ice people feared him and were watching for him at all times. I loved the presence this guy had. First he is going to check you and if your still around he finish you off. Normally Commie wasn't dirty or cheap...

  5. I would imagine that if you called the coaches show coach Blais would probably be able to answer questions on players that have signed just not on players that haven't signed LOI.

    Very rarely do people call but, they do welcome them. Blais is a stand up guy I am sure he would love to answer the questions. Also if you call in the morning on KKXL Tim and Swig answer questions reguarding the hockey season, Ryan Bakken comes on the air on Monday mornings at about 9:00a.m.

  6. Only one defenseman played in every game this year.

    It wasn't Mazurak or Schneekloth. They both missed time with injuries.

    It wasn't David Hale. He missed a few.

    Andy Schneider duked up a Manitoba Bison and missed the opener plus a game at CC.

    Nick Fuher didn't solidify his line-up position until the second half.

    Leinweber was in and out of the line-up also.

    Only Matt Jones played all 37 games this year.

    Except no one really noticed him out there. But isn't that the way it is supposed to be with a defensive minded defenseman? ???

    Actually I heard that David Hales Kidneys are in bad shape after being sick last summer.

    I heard Tim Hennesy talk about Siedieve might not be here till the year after next, does anyone know about this?

  7. I heard this along time ago, but is there any truth in the Sioux playing a series with Boston College. I heard that one year they would play in Boston and the next would be in Grand Forks. I also heard about something like that with New Hampshire.

    I Think that starts in the 2003-2004 season. It was announced on the Coaches Show...

  8. Does anyone know who the Sioux are supposed to play next year as far as non conference opponents? Also, what tournaments are they supposed to be in?

    I am not sure it is out yet. Just what I have heard on the coaches show. I think we only get to play the Gophers once. I know we play Canisus, Michigan in the ice breaker, Niagra. The Christmas tourney is supposed to be Yale, BSU, UND and Harvad. Other than that I suppose we have the ussual suspects.

  9. I thought Spiewak played very well this season. His point total doesn't show how much he contributed to the team.

    I would like to see him on the first line next year.


    I think someone else made that statement, becasue I like what Kevin brings to the table he is a checker with great wheels. We need defensive players, he compliments Noterman, I hope they keep those two together.

  10. We do live in the Greatest country in the world & enjoy the right of freedom of speech & I would never try deny anyone that right. Remember hockey is a team game & the team wins & looses together.  Friday we saw what it looks like when nobody shows up & Sat showed us what to look forward to next year & after.

    This is going to be an unbelievably long 6 months till the fun & excitement starts again.

    I think that pretty muchs sums up the way I feel, Ditto...

  11. Yeah, this board just officially went to s&!t with the addition of "happy".  Does this one have an Ignore feature, I enjoy using it at USCHO.

    Thanks Handy.   ???

    Once Happy gets here all reasonable logic goes out the window, he some how thinks our 2000 title was some how tainted because he had an easier schedule. Yesh...

  12. What I don't understand is how you fans make out the gophers to be the most vile evil guys in the world and you would rather die than cheer for them. I just don't buy that any team is a bunch of thugs except maybe Wisconsin and I've cheered for the sioux as a gopher fan even after all the torment they have put me through. The fact is that the gophers for the first time in a long time are actually better than the sioux. I think next year the teams will be really close in terms of talent.

    In response to the Hauser thing. I'm going to take a wild guess and say that it was in response to something the sioux said to him. Does anyone remember the antics of Sertich after they beat the gophs in the playoffs? Well, I understand why he did it and I don't hate him or his team because of it. I think you guys need to stop making yourselves out to victims here, that's all.

    See you next year.

    I doubt Blaiser said anything to Hauser, its not his style.

  13. I'd agree, Clayton. Handyman has been more than fair, usually, but now he's on USCHO offering links to here so Gopher fans can get on board and taunt some more. Hauser's action was classless. The gophs were the better team, period. I'm impressed, Handy, that after your "apology", or whatever it was, you're trying to drum up support on uscho for getting other's in here to taunt the Sioux. Very impressive. Makes your posts ring a bit hollow (two-faced).


    Now we have a Rodent Problem.  ???  ;)  ;)

    Damb Handy_man is a Virus... Now we got clowns like Happy in here telling us the deal. Great... Thanks Handy for bringing tha that Jack @$$ over here.

  14. HANDYMAN must still be drunk because he is saying stuff that I never said. Or should I say misquoting me.

    I never once said that I wanted the Criminal and Piece of S#!t Demarchi to be mamed, Injured,  and killed and laying injured on the ice, I said I wanted to see him get some of his medicine, you know one of the Hales to give him a @$$ beating. I hate when people miss quote me not once but he has done it like 4 or 5 times.

    I have my own family member calling and cheering on the phone and bragging so I chalk it up as UND owned Minnesota the last 4 1/2 years and now they have something to talk smack about and thank god I have caller id.

  15. dagies:

    you are a class act, so this is not a slam.  However, I DO expect Blais to make some cuts based SOLELY on performance.  Why, because he can and because this team let him down in terms of acheivement this season.

    Hasbargen and Murphy gave 100% every shift, but they got the axe so that players like R. Connelly could have a shot.  Some of these guys simply did not come through this season, even though they played in nearly every game.

    Expected to be GONE next season are:

    Both Connelly bro's.

    Possibly D. Faul

    It all depends on whether Blais can find some good recruits in the off-season, like he used to do when he was hungry and not yet big-headed (sorry, Dean).

    Remember, Spiewak notched 15 as a freshman.  Connelly only managed 4?

    Here's to the Sioux being back in form next season, with a number of HUNGRY new recruits, I hope.


    If you were a Assitant coach or something I would take what you said with some merit, but I doubt it, Blais is not going to cut the Connely, this is the same kid that played a regular shift this past season and had his season cut short by injury.

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