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Everything posted by Siouxperfan7

  1. Siouxperfan7


    And there are almost as many dillusional nut jobs on this site than there are on that one! (Almost).
  2. Hunters is to vague. What type of hunter? Native American Hunter? Deer hunter? Duck hunter? Cougar hunter?!!
  3. So I realize that unfortunately the expectations for next year are not lofty. But what do you think Jones has to do to keep his job? He has 2 years left on his deal and would most likely be either let go or sign a long term contract. What are some things that must happen for Jones to be the coach in 2016-2017? .500 record? Win against USD/SDSU/USD? Win big time power conference opponent? Making the Big Sky Tourney?
  4. University of North Dakota Peregrines!! http://www.grandforksherald.com/outdoors/3711215-grand-forks-peregrines-gear-mate
  5. His personel push up coach was pretty decent. Other than than, no!
  6. New thread title..."If Zane let's in more goals than we score, we are going to lose"
  7. Dude, it's 2015. Get the Watch ESPN app. Watch it online. It's gonna be ok.
  8. There are 2 names that I think will be on the short list of 3 to be voted on. Nodaks and Nokota. I think these have the best chance to be a decent nickname moving forward. Here is why I think why: Nodaks: Many people are, to put it lightly, less than excited to choose a entirely new name and logo. They don't want to be known as anything else if it's not the Fighting Sioux. Some of these people you can classify then as the "no namers" who simply think "North Dakota" with no nickname is good enough. Well, being known as the Nodaks might be a middle ground compromise that they and others may rally around. If UND simply adopted the name "Nodaks" they really don't have to come up with a new logo. The interlocking ND has been used at UND for decades. Simple adding Nodaks below the ND logo would give us a name, but we wouldn't have to change too much. Old jerseys from teams in the past ,basketball I know for sure, had "Nodaks" on them. So its not like we haven't gone by it before. Not having to come up with a new logo is something many don't want to do. Picking Nodaks keeps the logo in place and gices UND a nickname without having to change things drastically. Nokota: Now there are those that want a new name and a new logo and a new identity. One thing I and others said in the survey was that they wanted something original. Something that no other school has. Well Nokota is exactly that. Cannot get any more original than that. To my knowledge, no atheltic team is called the Nokota. Itis the state horse of North Dakota. And its history is specific to being only from North Dakota. There is the potential for a pretty sweet new logo to be designed as well. A new logo that people really liked would go a long way. Of course it has already been mentioned that you could shorten it to "Nokes" if you wanted. Those are the best options I see out there.
  9. Denial ain't just a river in Egypt!
  10. Get your vote in!! http://www.grandforksherald.com/news/3708146-submissions-new-und-nickname-accepted-throughout-april
  11. I get it that you are mad that the Fighting Sioux name is gone. I am there with ya. It sucks. It was a great name and the tribes supported it. One tribe wasn't given a chance to voice their approval and that's unfortunate. So I am trying to figure out why you and others are mad at Kelley. Is it because he is the current President of the university and as one of his jobs he is in charge of overseeing the process of selecting a new name? If it were Tom CLifford or any other president in charce right now would you be as mad at them as you are Kelley? Possibly you are just focusing your frustration at Kelly because you need someone to cpmplain about and Mark Emmert is just too far away to complain about. I am not here to defend Kelley for everything he does. But you are really focusing your frustration on the wrong person. He was not even president of UND when the NCA came out with their list of "hostile and abusive" names. I understand you are mad. But be mad at the right people. Be mad at the NCAA for coming up with a rediculous ruling. Be mad at our State congressman for not taking a bigger stand. Be mad at the Standing Rock tribal council who would not allow its tribal members to vote on the issue knowing that their would be overwhelming support. Kelley is simply moving us forward to selecting a new name. Which we must do. So I get it. you and others can be mad at the situation. But be mad at the right people.
  12. So I was wondering if you could give me some proof that Kelley is in favor of lame mascots that don't mean anything? You ASSume, but provide no proof. The "Sioux or nothing" crowd is getting super annoying. UND will never be the Sioux ever again. Not going to happen. Not sure what it will take for you and others to realize this. Sure it sucks. But accept reality.
  13. I never said a couple thousand. I said there would be "many". I guess that is all relative. Do I think 2000 local Sioux Falls residents would show up, no. But they would be there. I can't predict the number any better than you can.
  14. http://www.undsports.com/ViewArticle.dbml?DB_OEM_ID=13500&ATCLID=209983634 150 tickets up for grabs!! Get your tents and head over to Scheels Arena!!
  15. Sioux Falls Stampede averaged over 6000 fans this pas season. Sure some of it had to do with the new arena, but its not like people are going to stop going to games in the new arena. (Similar situation to what we experienced in 2001 when the new Ralph opened). Sioux Falls has plenty of hockey fans. I think that you would see many locals attend the tournament jsut to see good hockey. Especially if former Stampede players are playing for NCHC teams.
  16. How bout beating both BU and BC in Boston for title #8!!
  17. It's all about priorities I guess. Restaurants, hotels, museaums, bars, ect sure they are nice to have a variety to choose from. Sure it's an added bonus to have all the other things to do while you are at a tournament. But what is your main reason for going to the Frozen Faceoff? To watch hockey. All other things are an added perk. IMO I would much rather sacrifice a few other ammenities in regards to non hockey activities that I could do for having a much better game day and tournament experience.
  18. I can see attendace increasing, obviously, for NDSU games. But UNI, W. Ill, and Missiouri State...thos games are no more of a draw than any Big Sky team. Sure you will have people that would buy season tickets to gaurantee they get tickets to the Bison game. But 4000-5000...not a chance. It has been said many times in many threads on this site. The thing that is going to to get butts in the seats at the Alerus and the Betty is WINNING.
  19. Minneapolis to Sioux Falls - 237 miles Minneapolis to Grand Forks - 315 miles
  20. Paging Brian Faison.....the ship is sinking! Need to do something!! There is a relatively local coach who's team is playing in the Elite 8 today. I suggest you give him a look!!
  21. We all know the frustrations with having the Frozen Faceoff at the Target Center. Many issues make the tournament not as great as to what it could be. I think I had mentioned before about how the NCHC is the premier conference in college hockey and needs to showcase its conference tournament in a premier arena. Well, Can't think of a better place than the Denny Sanford PRIMIER Center. Seriously, this arena would be absolutely perfect for the Frozen Faceoff. Here are my reasons. 1. Centrally located for more schools. Sure you don't get the influx of alumni from the Minneapolis area, but looking at the distance it is from each school, it is actually very comparable. Average distance from the 8 schools to Minneapolis is 507 miles. Average distance from the 8 schools to Sioux Falls is 504 miles. (Trust me, I did the math). Sure it will be farther if you want to drive for schools like Duluth and St. Cloud. But it will be much closer for Omaha and the Colorado schools. 2. Size of Arena As much as people don't want to hear it, the attendance at conference tournaments this year was the lowest it has been for years. Sure having the tournament in a huge arena is great, but when you have 8,000 in a 18000 seat arena, the atmosphere is horrible. The NCHC isn't having the attendance issues quite as bad as other conferences, but it could get by with playing in a smaller arena. The average attendance for the Frozen Faceoff this year was 11563. The Sanford Center holds 10678. No sure you can say that it is already to small, but I think a lot of that can be attributed to having alum so close in Minneapolis. Now moving it out of Minneapolis may hurt attendance a little but a slight dip in attendance is worth it considering the other advantages. 3. Hockey Arena The Denny Sanford Premier Center was built to host many events in Sioux Falls. But their primary tenant is the Sioux Falls Stampede. A USHL hockey team. They have experience maintaining the ice, boards, glass, etc. No more crazy bounces and slow ice to worry about. Also their staff working the game is used to hosting hockey games and they won't have people coming in and out during play. Having the tournament in an arena that is used to hosting hockey games is a huge advantage. We want the best conditions to play on and playing in a basketball arena converted to hockey is just not it. Also, the Sanford Center host many tournaments, mainly the Summit League basketball tourney at the end of the year. They have experience handling fans attending multiple sessions at one arena. There would be no wrist band debacle. 4. Size of Community I understand that going to the big city of Minneapolis is a great road trip for many fans and there is a lot to do besides before and after the games. But it's not like Sioux Falls is a tiny town. Population is about 165,000. There are plenty af bars, restaurants, and hotels that could accomodate fans. Also, when the NCHC Frozen Faceoff is in Sioux Falls, it would be THE event in town. Lots of people would be talking about it. No other teams are playing in the town. (Except the Stampede, but they would be out of town that weekend, obviously.) The city would take it seriously and would deffinitely make sure that the tournament is run smoothly. So those are just a few advantages I can see to moving the Frozen Faceoff to the new Denny Sanford Premier Center in Sioux Falls SD.
  22. Unless your schools decides to close down their football program...then we will take you!! (
  23. If the NCHC consistently outdraws the Final Five and the B1G tournement in the X, you don't need to oubid the B1G. Hypothetically, the X will see that the Frozen Faceoff can generate much more revenue than either of those tournaments and they will not sign new contracts with the other leagues, and will propose a contract to have the NCHC Frozen Faceoff at the X.
  24. OK, calm down. I should have put a little smiley behind my comment as I meant for it to be sarcastic. YOu can mess with the lines, sure. Needs to be done. But obvioulsy you don't move a D-man to forward for the first time in the NCAA tournament. I agree with you MAttson needs to stay where he is at.
  25. NCHC Frozen Faceoff should be in the Xcel. Period. While the WCHA was successful there, I think playing the Final 5 in Grand Rapids, MI would be better for the league due to all the great lakes area schools in the conference. B1G is not going to draw the crowds they want to due to the fact that the majority of the schools are more focused on the NCAA basketball tournament. Not sure what theya re going to do, but playing in 18000 seat arenas when less than 3000 people show up to games looks very bad. If the NCHC really wants to be THE premier college hockey conference, they need to showcase their product at their conference tournament at a premier facility. The Target Center deffinitely is not a premier hockey facility by any means. The X is.
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