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Everything posted by Siouxperfan7

  1. With how this whole thing has played out the past 10 years, it would only be fitting to have an election debacle much like the 2000 "hanging chad" mess!!
  2. Sundogs wins with 51% of the vote. No runoff!!
  3. Ok Bison fans. We get it. College football is better, more attended, talked about nationally, harder to win a championship, etc etc. than college hockey. We all know that you could care less about college hockey. And that's fine. But always riping on it and bringing it down. For what purpose? To make yourself and your almighty Bison football program seem more significant. it is significant on its own. If you don't like college hockey, that's fine. But to come on a schools fan board that does sponsor hockey and then rip on it in a football thread? That's pretty lame. End rant.
  4. You can't dny that Nodaks is the overwhelming favorite of those that supported the "North Dakota" option. Besides being similar to "North Dakota" and that we kind of used it 80 years ago, why is Nodaks a good name?
  5. A 7 win team will not make the playoffs. Even with the expanded field, Unlless you win your conference with 7 wins, the likelihood of getting in is pretty low.
  6. Will be intersting to see hoe the Bison handle this adversity. A last second comeback win against UNI and a loss against lowly USD already was showing the Bison were not the same caliber team they have been these last 4 years. Now throw in a red shirt QB into the mix? Will be very interesting to see how they respond.
  7. I love this argument. They could do the process over again and come up with 5 new names and you (and others) would be making the same claim. I will say we all can agree that no name is ever going to be as good as Fighting Sioux. But to say that no name is worthy of UND? Come on!! In the minds of the people with that opinion, no name is going to be good enough.
  8. I think that the small sample size on this poll will serve true for the real vote and Roughriders and Nodaks will be the top 2. Neither will get the 50%. In the runoff I do think that Roughriders will prevail. Why? I think the majority of the Nadak voters are people that are settling for it because it is the closest to just being North Dakota. I think the Fighting Hawks, North Stars, and the one Sundog voter will turn and vote Roughriders because they actually want a nickname and not a shortened version of the state name. Of course this is just my opinion. Not based on any fact!!
  9. So what is their motive now? Obviously the "North Dakota" will not be added on to the vote. So what do they do now? Wait until an eventual nickname is selected and then put it up head to head with "North Dakota"? I don't see how a judge can rule in favor of a group of people over what UND does in regards to its procedures and practices. Legal minds out there....does this lawsuit have any chance to actually do anything?
  10. It is pretty crazy how much of the support for Fighting Hawks has gone over to Nodaks. I think that we can anticipate a runoff between Nodaks and Roughriders.
  11. If people are noticing that it is random, they are taking the time to find the name they want to vote for.
  12. Peoples minds are made up when they click on the link to vote. It is a non factor.
  13. Funny how Schloss has no problem with RRHS having the extremely offensive Roughrider nickname!!
  14. It is a shame that people donated money to this lawsuit. I really hope that the people who brought this lawsuit about pay these people back when it gets thrown out. Pathetic!!
  15. Surreal day and week for all of us. Let's see how the Siouxsports community voted. I voted Roughriders
  16. So why all this now? Where was this lawsuit when the first committee was formed at the beginning of the year? They say in the article they want North Dakota back on the ballot. The true motives are known here. If the North Dakota option was on the ballot would this lawsuit exist?
  17. UND has been in the process of selecting a new name for months now. Several committees have been formed. Names have been submitted and narrowd down. Coutnless articles written about how UND is in the process of selecting a new name. One would think that if they were in violation of any laws, that one person from the ND state legislature would say something?
  18. Does USC or any of the several other NCAA schools that use Trojans have this problem? How many high school teams have Trojans as their nickname. Are they dealing with people throwing condoms on the playing field? What about Red River? Have you ever heard of a story where condoms were thrown out by opposing fans? Sure there is potential to happen, but the likelihood of it happening is pretty low. Heck, does anyone even throw stuff on the field/ice/court anymore? Not too common at sporting events.
  19. So let's fast foward to, let's just say, the year 2022. The new name and logo have been in place for several years. Every current student athlete will have only played under the new name. Teams will be wearing jerseys with the new name and logo. The Alerus, the Betty, and yes even the Ralph will have the new name and logo displayed prominently. You are telling me that you are still going to continue to wear your outdated Sioux jersey and yell a retired name even though many will be cheering and displaying the name and logo of the ACTUAL nickname for UND?
  20. University of North Dakota Golden Calves!! Is it too late to start a go fund me account to bring a lawsuit to get that on the ballot?!!
  21. As much as you are trying to be funny, this is the reason the majority of people support the "no nickname" option. Look at the pictures from rally to support the North Dakota option...the was wearing a Sioux hockey jersey!! Groups like The Sioux Were Silenced are in support of the no nickname option. What does that tell you? So as much as you laugh and make fun of everyone else labeling "no nickname" supporters as "Sioux forever" supporters, the fact is that it is true for the majority.
  22. With all the recent Kelley bashing and all the noise groups like "The Sioux Were Silenced" and others have made regarding the settlemet agreement UND made with the NCAA, These are the facts the either have forgotten, or choose to ignore. They claim that UND was in favor of getting rid of the nickname from the beginning yet they forget that UND sued the NCAA over making them get tribal approval. This process has been going on for so long, that many often forget what was done by UND in order to keep the nickname. The settlement was the best option for UND to keep the name and was the best possible deal Stenehjem could hope for.
  23. http://www.grandforksherald.com/news/education/3860449-about-82000-people-could-vote-und-nickname Will be interesting to see how many of the 80,000+ people will actually vote.
  24. We already have "Cowboy Guy" running around the field with his hat and boots waiving the flag. Not much needs to change except making him the official mascot of UND. Hey, we could have our own version of Ragnar!!!
  25. Say "University of North Dakota" then add each one of the 5 finalists and say it out loud. Imagine hearing each name over the loud speaker at games. Practice yelling "Let's go _______" for each name. This is going to be a name that we will have for the rest of our lives. What name do you want to hear and say at games. It is amazing how dumb some of the finalist sound when you do this.
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