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Everything posted by Siouxperfan7

  1. I have no problem with people buying these products and continuing to have Sioux apparel/merchandise/etc. Be proud of the Sioux name that we had as our nickname for so many years. I certainly am. My point was that moving forward, all of us as UND fans need to accept the new nickname. We cannot have half the fans at a UND sporting event that are wearing and yelling "Sioux" and the other wearing and yelling "Fighting Hawks". Is this really the type of culture that you think is best for UND and its athletic programs?
  2. Gotta love when an opinion is criticized with a short demeaning response with no actual argument to back it up. How should I respond to that..."Oh yes, you have convinced me...I in fact don't have a clue. Thanks for convincing me with your excellent argument"
  3. Once a new logo is released and UND is licensed to sell the new Fighting Hawks merchandise with the new logo, I think it would be in the best interest of UND to either limit the frequency of these Dakotah Legacy Collection apparel being released or release merchandise that is not apparel. Someone with better knowledge of trademark laws can answer me on this, but I would think that UND is not restricted to just releasing clothing with the Sioux logo on it to maintain the trademark. UND is in a re branding period. They have a new nickname for their athletic teams and soon will have a logo to go with it. UND wants people to adapt and accept the new brand. Having periodic releases of clothing of Sioux apparel is going to really hinder an already difficult process of getting people to adapt and accept thte new nickname. So while releasing retro Sioux apparel is great for fans that want those items for many reasons, it actually hurts the rebranding efforts of UND.
  4. Well, if we are going to go with the Lewis and Clark idea, I guess we can play for an over sized replica coin again!!!
  5. Move on people. Go Fighting Hawks!
  6. So the new RRHS jerseys look very familiar. Switch the red to green and this may have been an option for our new jersey had Roughriders been selected as the nickname!!
  7. I can't imagine a logo that isn't a bird. The voters that voted for Fighting Hawks (I guess they are out there, still haven't met one yet) didn't vote for a plane. No need to add avoidable controversy buy picking a logo that is not what was voted for.
  8. Agreed. Yeah, this whole debacle has been going on for for 10 1/2 years now. Let's prolong the process even longer!! No thanks.
  9. Siouxperfan7

    2016 Season

    Looks like 5 wins to me!! #LeaveNoDoubt
  10. Where are the Fighting Hawk fans staying?!
  11. Is it just me thinking that there really is only one obvious choice here?!!
  12. Minnesota losing to a far inferior opponent in the playoffs.......UND losing to a far inferior opponent in the playoffs. I guess you may be right. That is a pretty good comparison!!
  13. http://www.grandforksherald.com/news/education/3940623-company-picked-design-unds-logo-has-detailed-inclusive-plan
  14. Is it too soon to be annoyed by comments like this?
  15. They should come back and say that they don't want to pay their tuition because is was only kid of a promise that they would pay it.
  16. If you are going to compare teams, might as well pick the same time frame I used. 2007-2015. Vikings have 18 more wins, and 3 more division titles. AP has won rookie of the year and the MVP. So by comparison, since 2007, TheAP and the Vikings have been better than Johnson and the Lions.
  17. That same Lions team that went 54-90 (which includes an 0-16 season), zero division titles, and zero playoff wins during Megatrons time there. Yep, those Lions!
  18. There are two of them now? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. Playing for the Lions is certainly one of them!!
  20. I guess Bison fans will have to forgive us UND fans for not sharing in the enthusiasm to the level they are about Carson Wentz going in the first round. After 8 FBS wins (including teams in both the Big 10, and Big 12), 5 MVFC titles, and 5 straight National Championships (not to mention to ESPN Gameday appearances and an ESPN roadshow) .....I guess we are all a little tired of hearing about all the Bison's success. I respect their program. They have accomplished what no other FCS team has or will ever do again. Having a former QB now being talked about as going in the top 10 of the NFL draft is just one more thing. Obviously we are jealous of the success. So is every team/player/coach/player/fan in the FCS. But this is just one more thing that we have to hear Bison fans talking about as they puff their chests out.
  21. I really don't think there are as many UND fans converting to Bison football fans in GF as you may think. Sure there might be a coupe, but I think that the Bison fans/alums/etc that have been in GF for years are just being "extra proud" of thier team snd wearing their Championship gear around town to rub it in the faces of their rival. If you were a UND fan living in Fargo and UND football had won 5 national Championships in a row. I think you would make an extra effort to make sure you wear your UND Championship gear a little more than usual. I do agree that NDSU has gained more of the uncommited fans that have no loyalty to either university. But I highly doubt there is a large number of UND fans that decided to start cheering for their rival.
  22. UND is now the Fighting Hawks. Not just the Hawks. Does a design firm run with that and make that a unique trait of a new logo? Notre Dame is not just a fat irish guy. They are the Fighting Irish and their logo depicts that. Does UND want a hawk logo that depicts an actual "fighing hawk"? Maybe that can make our logo stand out from all the rest of the other bird logos out there. That being said, If they went that route, I think we would end up with something like these.....
  23. Definitely appreciate you and your firm seeking out the message board of UND fans to hear what the fanbase is saying. Says a lot about how your firm wants to develop a logo and a brand that not just the administration will like, but the fans will like as well. I think the constant theme that you probably picked up on is we as fans want a logo and brand that we can all take pride in. The name isn't the most unique by any means. But this gives you (or the other developers) a great opportunity and challenge to turn a generic name and make it into something truly unique that the fans can rally around. Not an easy task, but that's why you guys get paid the big bucks right!! HA!!
  24. I heard he took off his skate and tried to stab him. Only guy to ever do that!!
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