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Everything posted by Siouxperfan7

  1. No way. The hawk head making the D makes is what makes it unique.
  2. Look closely and you will see a sneak peak of the added border to the logo
  3. Unfortunately, UND and the Ralph aren't going to check with the Sioux Forever crowd before they decide to use the logo in any capacity for any sport. Including hockey. If you don't like the new name and logo, you may want to avoid going to any UND games for a very long time.
  4. Another thing that the hockey team could do would be to put a Fighting Hawks sticker on their helmet. Looks jsut awful and boring with nothing on there.
  5. New logo needs to be at center ice. The hockey team has the most national attention of any team. UND is going to want to develop brand recognition. The hockey team can be the best ones to help that. Many of their games are broadcast nationally. Having the logo at center ice is going to get the Fighting Hawks brand out there.
  6. Politically correct highways!! https://www.sayanythingblog.com/entry/north-dakota-native-american-highway-signs/
  7. Make the Alerus Center great again!!!
  8. Officially a logo used by the Herald, if that means anything. http://www.grandforksherald.com/sports/und-basketball/4071719-mens-basketball-und-assistant-dirden-leaving-head-job-oklahoma
  9. As a fan of both teams, I would love to see you win big on those two bets this year!!!
  10. It took NCAA sanctions, conference affiliation, and scheduling issues and a statewide vote to finally drop the Fighting Sioux name. And even that took 7 years!! With the Fighting Hawks name/logo, you have none of that. So the only thing that is pressuring UND for a name/logo change is an online petition. Doesn't really hold as much weight as last time.
  11. The wasn't even a modification. I just added the new script around the logo. I guess the point I was making was the logo by itself may look bland and boring to some people. But the merchandise that comes out will have a lot of it that is accompanied by the new script. The logo on it's own is now known as UND's logo nationwide yet. It needs time to gain traction and recognition. The logo with the script looks better.
  12. HA!! Yeah, I suppose it could be!! Just showing the logo with the script. Looks better I think.
  13. Could they.......maybe Should they......No Will they......No. Why are we still talking about this?!!
  14. But racism is a buzz topic right now. He has to stay relevant somehow. Otherwise, what else can he complain about?!
  15. I guess he can write in to the Herald now and tell us how much better life on the reservation is now that the Sioux name is gone. That all the problems that the nickname created have been fixed now that the University has retired the new name. Should be riveting!!
  16. And then there's this..... http://www.grandforksherald.com/opinion/op-ed-columns/4069907-erich-longie-fighting-sioux-critics-new-und-logo-just-fine
  17. This homecoming logo was produced before the new logo came out. So the new logo wouldn't be on it. They said that they are going to use the interlocking ND logo this year, so this is nothing to hold on hope to in regards to the interlocking ND going away.
  18. The nickname has been voted on and chosen. The logo has been made. Neither are going to be changed anytime in the near future. The sooner everyone realizes that, the better off we will be.
  19. Again, UND could have gone with just another bird logo like the many of them that are out there. But instead, the chose something unique that shows a hawk head embedded in our state's initials. Would you be more satisfied if UND came out with just another generic bird logo that looks like every other bird logo out there?
  20. SiouxVolley, I wish you would turn the debate from how UND is going to go FBS to whther or not UND wants to go FBS and can the afford it. After cutting two programs in the last couple months, I don't think that UND is in the financial status to be looking at adding all these scholarships as well as other expenses that will increase with an FBS move. I have heard absolutely nothing from Faison or any of the Presidents we have had here even make a hint that UND is looking into this. YOu have all these scenarios of how it is going to happen but ZERO evidence that UND even wants to do it? (Or anoy other Big Sky school for that matter).
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