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Everything posted by Siouxperfan7

  1. If anyone can give me a good reason why it's a good idea to have part of your fanbase cheer for one name and the other part cheer for the other, I'd like to hear it.
  2. Attendance issues are not unique to just UND. Everywhere outside of the state of North Dakota and Cheney Washington struggled to fill even half their stadium!! UND fans should be proud of the support that the team recieved this year in regards to people attending games. Especially considering where it was just a few years ago. I anticipate attendance increasing even more next year.
  3. Yes. that is what I am saying. Those people are preventing the University from moving on from the nickname. Why it is just the hockey only fans, hockey coaches, former hockey players, etc that are the ones that continue to do this. I never said that I expected everyone to be in love with it. So you think its a terrible name and logo. That's fine. You don't have to be head over heels i love with it. But don't revert back to a name that has been retired. If you don't want to embrace the new name and logo, than cheer for "North Dakota". The support for the new name and logo is very low ONLY by the hockey only fans. Everyone else is getting on board.
  4. Not only is the "Sioux Forever" chant embarrassing, the people that do it are pathetic. Sorry for harsh words, but seriously you are. You are the sole reason that our fan base is divided. There are plenty of fans that are embracing the new name and logo, and you are preventing everyone from moving on. You are like the 3 year old in Target that is kicking and screaming with mom dragging you out of the store because you want a toy but can't have it. I am not saying that you "Sioux Forever" fans have to go out and stock up on Fighting Hawks gear. You also don't have to go home and burn your Sioux gear. Just saying that chanting "let's Go Sioux" and "Sioux Forever" is not helping the University, its student athletes, and its fans move forward. It is holding them back. Seriously. Grow up, be an adult, and quit being a bunch of sore losers now that the Sioux name is gone. If you are offended by my post, then you are the ones that I am talking about.
  5. http://www.grandforksherald.com/news/4172591-dakota-access-fully-committed-completing-pipeline-opponents-plan-stay-camp “We’re not leaving until they’re gone,” Devlin said. How delusional can you get?
  6. Maybe this is all just a ploy to get the protesters to go home. Let things cool off a bit and by the time it is challenged in court, overturned, and the construction begins again, it will be late January, 2 feet of snow on the ground, and -20 degree wind chill. There will be very few protesters and the construction will go on as planned. Oh, and Obumer will be out of office in late January as well. So an executive order is definitely a possibility.
  7. Absolutely can't stand the "Sioux Forever" chant. It's embarrassing.
  8. Blame the blocked punt, the running into the kicker, the play calling. What really killed us was the play of our secondary and giving up big playes. From the long TD pass in the first half to the late bomb in the 4th that set up the game winning FG. You can't give up those type of plays in the playoffs. Where was our secondary today? You can blame the lack luster offense in the second half for the loss. But plenty of blame rests on the shoulders of our secondary.
  9. Haven't seen that combo yet. I think that would look sharp.
  10. Not really that far fetched that they give the #1 seed firs shot at start time and then give consideration to the rest based on ranking. As the #7, I am sure we didn't have much choice. I doubt that Faison submitted a 5pm start time knowing it would conflict with the hockey game.
  11. Point being, shouldn't be a problem getting tickets there. That's ok. Not a problem getting tickets for games at the Alerus as well.
  12. SDSU built a a C & E Stadium. Meaning its only really full on Christmas and Easter. Christmas being NDSU and Easter being USD. Even then, they still didn't even sell out the USD game. Getting tickets at either of the South Dakota schools should never be a problem. UNO may be more difficult, but they have a big stadium as well.
  13. I remember in the D2 days, there was a stipulation that you could only dress a limited number of guys for playoff games. This resulted in all the redshirts sitting in the first couple rows of the students section. I remember them being there before the doors opened and wow were they loud and rowdy!! ondering if that is the case in FCS as well?
  14. After counting the seats on Ticketmaster that available now after the Richmond seats were released, here is what the numbers look like for tickets sold and tickets available as of this morning: (side note, these numbers are approximate, but still pretty close) Tickets Sold - 7801 Free student tickets given away - 1000 (approximately) So that brings the total up to 8801. And that doesn't include students that bought their tickets outside the donation giveaways, the band, red shirts from the football team that will be in the student section, as well as the walk ups the day of the game. Looking at the numbers, I am very encouraged. There will definitely be 9000+ at the game. Hoping for a big walk up crowd. Anyone know if they eventually release the unused student tickets for General Admission? People may be waiting to get those as well. Looking good! #FilltheAl
  15. As I stated in a previous post, the number of seats below the walkway in sections 213 and 214 is 844. If the band is going to be there (can anyone confirm) then the lower parts of the 3 sections in the student section should be full. That would be huge and add so much to the game if they are up and loud!!
  16. That's the size crowd I want to see this Saturday!!!!
  17. Unfortunately they have blocked off much of the area on the walkways for cameras, etc.
  18. Student tickets as well. It wasn't like they were handed free tickets by one of the football coaches outside the Union. Sure the tickets were free, but the students still have to go inside to the ticket office and make an effort to pick up their tickets.
  19. Probably the wrong thread to post the link into. I have said that is is not the main reason for their struggles. Obviously losing players and playing with underclassman plays a much bigger role. That along with a tough schedule to start the season are obviously bigger factors. The points he brings up about the team lacking an identity is valid. Players/coaches.fans referring to the team as the Sioux wearing a jersey that only says North Dakota when your name is officially the Fighting Hawks does cause a bit of an identity crisis. Of course some aspects are unavoidable (jerseys). But the fact that the hockey team and its die hard "hockey only" fans are the most resistant to embracing the Fighting Hawks name and logo isn't going unnoticed.
  20. Probably not the main reason that the team is struggling, but the guy brings up some good points. #EmbraceHawks http://www.grandforksherald.com/opinion/letters/4170193-letter-hockey-teams-turnaround-starts-fighting-hawks
  21. The decision should be mostly made on financial reasons. That is what started this talk in the first place. If staying in the Big Sky is going to cost near the same as playing in the Summit/Valley, then I am all for staying in the Big Sky. If the Summit/MVFC is going to save UND money and from cutting sports, then that is the route to go. Decisions like these should not be clouded with reasoning based on emotion.
  22. These ticket donations hopefully will show these students the passion that UND football fans have for this program. This could be a kickstart to gaining some lifelong fans just by receiving a $5 ticket to a game. Great investment!!
  23. My parents may have it on VHS burried in their storage closet in their basement!! @PSweeneyND might be a good person to ask!!
  24. Pretty sure the band is there. They will take up the lower part of section 212. Section 213 and 214 have a total of 1391 seats. If you just go with the seats below the walkway, there are a total of 844 student seats in section 213 and 214. Even if we can get section 213 filled with the band and the lower sections of section 213 and 214 filled with students, that is going to be huge and make a difference. Especially if those students are loud!!
  25. First of all this is a thread talking about attendance. Been going on all year. Yes, there are threads dedicated to the game. We are still talking about it. Second, the reason that it is being discussed even more now is because we have all seen what a loud 12000+ crowd at the Alerus can do to opposing teams in the playoffs. The crowd noise has direct impact on the game. That's why many want to see the Al packed so we can add that 12th man and make it hard on the Richmond offense.
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