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Johnny Five

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Everything posted by Johnny Five

  1. Both I do believe.
  2. I can speak on the girls side...not on the boys side, my son never had interest in Team ND or pursuing post HS hockey. I think we talked about earlier in this thread, the amount of girls that have graduated from ND hockey and made a Division 1 roster is minimal. There have been quite a few that have left ND for greener pastures and went D1. Would they have made it had they stayed? Nobody knows. Are the 10-15 girls who could be playing HS hockey in ND who left going to make D1 hockey? Some, yes. Some no. Time will tell.... Problem is...you have a daughter who loves the game, works at it, dreams of playing D1 hockey. Go to a tournament or a camp and they're told "you need to get out of ND." What do you do? There is no Juniors for girls hockey players. Their JR and SR year is their "juniors" experience. So girls do Team ND in the fall, then drop back to their 15U and HS teams and the level of play just drops. The intent being, play that level year round...with like minded girls...and your game elevates. Because every HS team has maybe 2-3 girls (if they're lucky) who actually prioritize hockey. The former UND coach literally looked Britta Curl in the face and said she needs to get out of ND. She stuck to her guns but got recognized outside of ND hockey (USA HP), got a scholarship to Wisconsin, has a Gold medal, etc. She's the .0001 %. So do I blame families for leaving? No. Would this be enticing? Yes, once the kinks are worked out. Do I want to move my daughter somewhere because of hockey? Also no. Am I glad there are people looking to create different avenues for kids? Absolutely.
  3. I can agree with that. Advantage, males.
  4. Due to the high number of boys and girls leaving ND, status quo is not working.
  5. Fall of 2023 NDAHA Board Meeting Minutes. 2nd page. A full out discussion about a year round AAA program (think sioux falls power) being run in ND. Sounds like the wheels are being greased. Heard rumors of this at the State Tournament, but hadn't seen that it was officially discussed. Curious how this is going to play out. https://ndaha.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/NDAHA-2023-Fall-BOD-Meeting-Minutes.pdf
  6. Well...that could be. If that's what it derived from, so be it. Every city could and should put more emphasis on girls hockey.
  7. Now as a girl hockey dad, I thought what Grand Forks is doing with this is pretty cool. A position within GF youth hockey to grow, develop and retain girls hockey players. Solid move.... https://cdn1.sportngin.com/attachments/document/c8bb-3142544/GFYHA_Girls_Growth_and_Development_Director__1_.pdf?_gl=1*13b3iwb*_ga*NTE2ODU4MzcxLjE3MTAzMjczMDQ.*_ga_PQ25JN9PJ8*MTcxMDMyNzMwNS4xLjAuMTcxMDMyNzMwNS4wLjAuMA..#_ga=2.62056172.1745848950.1710327307-516858371.1710327304
  8. That's probably one reason why organizations today are spending 100K a year on program directors...although "last name" perceptions remain the same regardless.
  9. Perfect example of development. B1 kids can play varsity hockey in Grand Forks, Fargo, etc. Puberty and work ethic does amazing things.
  10. Chanhassen was rolling in the second period. Edina cranked it up in the 3rd. And with that....HS hockey season is complete. That sucks.
  11. Many teams could. Including Warroad and EGF. Always respect Roseau for playing up. But holy class what a day for Class A hockey semifinals.
  12. This guy updates daily: I heard Section 8 was "blocking" the live feed. Maybe they had to make a back door deal. The rink will be packed and we all get to benefit.
  13. Warroad v EGF on KNOX YouTube tonight for the 8A title. Should be a dandy.
  14. Maybe there'll be some chatter about that at NIT camp this weekend.
  15. Wait a minute. Alexandria girls are section 8aa and the boys are 6a? What the hell…that’s odd.
  16. Any wins over a KCC team that finished with 2 wins is discredited. They had 11 kids on their roster. And are we really gonna puff our chest about CHS beating Ifalls? Maybe Roseau beating Sheyenne 9-0 and Minot 7-1 is better. But yes, always fun to see the GF teams play EGF, Roseau, Moorhead and Warroad.
  17. Interesting. Was always told it was open enrollment in GF.
  18. Minot very well could be playing in the final game of the year next year. That is, if everyone stays.
  19. Was just curious if they knew at an early age or if they waited it out to see where opportunity exists.
  20. Question about Grand Forks hockey....since it is open enrollment, do most kids know where they're going to go when they're PW age? Or what is the process and when do they decide what school they are gonna go to?
  21. Zam guys had Abrahamson for 8-10 minute shifts at times depending on the game situation….lol!
  22. Ryan Cunningham made mention on his pregame show today that Fargo South girls are allegedly going to coop with Davies and Fargo North will just be the Spartans….
  23. The best boys and girls team in the state hoist the trophies…..
  24. Minot beats south 5-2 for 3rd place. Minot loses 2 F and 3 D. They will be a handful next season.
  25. If families move there, nothing can be done.
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