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Everything posted by Smoggy

  1. The BCS teams will never leave the NCAA, because they make too much money on March Madness. As far as the NCAA, who knows what's going on. When did they institute the 13 year non playoff for bball? I know a few years ago SI had an excellent article on schools that jumped to DI for the bball money and failed (a few in Illinois and Georgia I believe). I believe after all that the NCAA tried to make it harder for schools to become DI. Maybe it'll get lowered back down like Bison fans think, and maybe it won't. Just remember that the big time schools don't want any more teams taking a slice of their bball money.
  2. I think we should go to Winona. Is it only 3 road games that we have? A team is going to have to win on the road at some point to get to the national title. The only bad thing with this game is that it's early in the season. Does Winona play on turf or grass?
  3. Too lazy to go looking and reading, but isn't that new 3M transmission line supposed to transmit electricity more efficiently and carry more. If that takes off it might help the wind farms. Though I'm sure that will be very expensive, but I'd think it'd more than pay for itself in the long run.
  4. No, I haven't heard that phrase before.
  5. I don't know if it is up and running yet, but there was a pretty good sized farm being built in Southern ND that was being surveyed this summer. I can't remember the town for the life of me. Out here, by Palm Springs there are some large wind farms. Because of the mtns, the wind can really get whipping, but it's nothing compared to ND/MN. My guess on the bird issue is that out here the elevation is so much higher that it puts the windmills higher. Also the windmills tend to be by mtn passes. I would think that in ND you'd have less bird deaths due to elevation, and that there is a much bigger area for the birds to fly through.
  6. Smoggy


    Not sure if he is still there, but Bob Boyd might be someone to get involved. He is the dean of students or student life or something like that.
  7. So the Fargodome has been open what, 10 years? And they already have to remodel the locker room? Didn't the Fargodome know from the beginning that NDSU fb would be there? Why not do it right the first time? Lockers I can understand, but the rest seems odd.
  8. Wait until you have kids and they need an education.
  9. This is what I've heard (if I remember): Sioux is what the French fur traders called them. Whether it was them saying it or the French calling them it. Remember, that their are different tribes of Sioux and one might have called the other by that name. I believe it means "snake in the grass," but that might be just in one dialect. It's hard to know. Facts are they used/use the name and they've been known by it for over a hundred years. Really they could just say it means something else, since there are probably very few that know the language. This whole name thing is frustrating. It's frustrating, because people try telling us how to act when they have no clue about what's been done. Jackguy, there have been pow-wows that the athletes attend and a lot of us have learned things about the culture that would never happen otherwise. I've studied the issue for some time (though not to the extent of PCM). I've taken classes and talked to the people that want to lose the name. They've never convinced me that it caused harm. The main people that want it changed is a small political group of white people. My girlfriend's family is Native American (her grandpa was 100%). I don't believe they are Sioux, but they don't have a problem with Native American names. Lets also remember that last year the Sioux hockey team had a goalie of Sioux blood and he said it was a dream come true and that he wore the jersey with pride.
  10. I can't buy the hot goalie comment anymore. Last year I thought it was true (along with all the pipes we hit). This year with our firepower we should be able to score. We HAVE to score. We'll run into a hot goaltender in the NCAA's and our scoring needs to be on. And our goaltending needs to keep pace.
  11. The way the students are treated is wrong. From day one of the new rink when the students lost two lower bowl sections (there goes your being in people's way problem), that the students needed to walk out. The more I thought about it, the less appealing it seemed, since REA/UND would love this because they could sell more seats. Something needs to be done. Maybe a half period walkout or a section at a time. You could always say that you are just being like the socializing fans in the rest of the lower bowl (this does not include all fans). Letters to the Herald (we all know the Herald loves controversey). Chants saying "we can't cheer." The biggest key just may be the hockey players/Dean Blais.
  12. CSTV said it had his number and Zach's on it. I guess TH thought Brandt was in net for a while, because of the new helmet.
  13. I would agree with that statement. Unfortunately for the Gophers, they rack up a lot of points on the PP and the smaller ice clogs things up. I guess UMD's PP must be great.
  14. Every time I turned to FSNN, MaCrappo was talking about how tough it is for an Olympic ice team to transition to a smaller ice sheet. Oh boo hoo. Thank goodness Woog said the right thing about it being tougher to move to a bigger ice sheet.
  15. What about Lundbohm? 1 goal and 2 assists.
  16. Well, we got what we wanted/needed. Lundbohm's line had 3 goals I believe (though one was to Greene), and Genoway got a couple. The D stepped up into the play, and the goaltending was 'solid.' Not great, but 'solid.' Good to see us get back to our third period form. Now it's on to watching MSU-Denver on FS Rocky Mtn. Channel 645 if you have DirecTV. 4-0 Denver after two.
  17. After one, I thought the play was fairly even. It was due to two mistakes by us, that CC scored. A championship team doesn't make mistakes. Looks like Blais is just rolling the top two lines and then throwing in the other two whenever he can. I'm really enjoying the CSTV color guy. You can tell that he's talked to people about UND or watched tape. Unlike some FSN announcers we know. Very informative. UND getting way more attention than CC.
  18. First one, CC was wide onen in front. Parise challenged and got beat. Second was a screen off of the face off. I personally don't think that either should have happened.
  19. Crap. Gophers scored. Sorry guys, I'll be cheering for the Bulldogs. I don't care that they are tied with us.
  20. I hope Palmo has a good game. I know he'll be working his @ss off. Reichmouth looking very good. UMDogz, where are you?
  21. Maybe it's just me, but the internet radio is terrible sounding. A lot of static. I'll be watching on CSTV. Sorry, SFiP. BTW. Duluth up 1-0.
  22. Summer sports and winter sports. Gotcha. Wow, I was wondering why they had two different Olympics.
  23. The only games I've seen lately was Minnesota and Wisco. The way both of those teams stopped us, was by keeping us along the boards. Getting shots is good, but if the goalie is playing well, they'll stop shots from the outside. We just need to muck things up in front of the net and get some ugly hard working goals.
  24. Smoggy

    rally hats

    Maybe you should stay home Diggs. This is a National TV affair. I don't think we want the image of the University to be you.
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