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Everything posted by Smoggy

  2. I believe they each get a ceremony. UND would get to skate this weekend, while Duluth would get to at home next weekend. I'm not sure how they determine who gets to display it and when during the rest of the year.
  3. No need to get nasty. I hear enough of those comments from my students. I guess I forgot to put after the Gopher comment.
  4. I really don't like the prospect of playing Tech 4 (or 5) games in a row. That could get really chippy. We've already had one fighting suspension against them and wouldn't want any more.
  5. If Michigan State loses, they'll drop out of being a TUC. That would affect Minny and Wisco.
  6. What are you a Gopher fan at heart? You go to ALL the games. It's about the hockey and representing your school.
  7. You might have to ask the Gopher football team for directions.
  8. You can't shave the head yet. There is still time to try other things like steps, mohawk, or my favorite, a rat tail. Maybe a full body wax will work. It might help them to move faster. Like a swimmer.
  9. Smoggy

    Grand Cities

    At least it's better than sunflake city. What a mouthful, and I couldn't believe that the air force tankers have the emblem on them.
  10. Every person that I talked to about this team I said not to worry. I am a very pessimisitic person at heart, but with this team I just don't even worry even if they lose.
  11. I sure hope we don't see them in the playoffs. It's hard enought to beat a team 5 times. I can't imagine a 6th. Oh wait. Yeah I can imagine it.
  12. UMD now has the fans in it. Wow. We need to get another goal.
  13. It'll be news when Minny scores a goal other than on the PP. I still think they live and die by it.
  14. It sounds like the Sioux have been catching some breaks when UMD goes to shoot.
  15. Two weekends ago I wore my jersey in Santa Monica (shopping, the pier and things like that). I had two street performers tell me that I had a "cool jersey." I also ran into four UND alumni. Always interesting to hear from other UND alumni and what they are doing.
  16. Have you been to the Vine lately? Last time I was in Scottsdale, I was so drunk at a club that I drew circles for my name on my credit card receipt. Oh yeah. Hockey. Go Sioux!
  17. Make sure you have Windows Media Player 9 installed, otherwise you won't get a picture.
  18. I don't even know where to start with this gibberish. You need to really read some other threads and figure out who you're talking to and what you're talking about. And you can let your anger go over 2001.
  19. Maybe they just all want to be like Lucia Pet.
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