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Everything posted by Smoggy

  1. I thought UND had gotten rid of that branch. Or did they change facilities? Maybe it's still there, but one of the buildings had University of North Dakota in big letters on the side.
  2. good f'ing question. They could've asked someone in the band to play charge and things like that.
  3. You left me hanging here. How did it end up? FSN didn't show the last 7 or 8 minutes due to technical dificulties.
  4. You heard wrong. Bruce McCloud (the commish) spoke during the Gophers game today and said it's at the Xcel for two more years. The Xcel wants to lock it up long term, but the WCHA is riding a popularity high right now. I'm sure they'll sign a long term deal at some point.
  5. What? You mean you weren't a student of the week in the Exponent?
  6. Palmo is the player of the game.
  7. Good win for the Sioux. To win a Saturday night after drinking from the cup the night before is impressive. I'm already planning to take work off during any tourney day game.
  8. Mankato was spanking Omaho 9-1 last I heard. UMD up 3-0. Michigan St. beat Michigan 1-0. I think Michigan is a bit overrated. Maine swept BC by winning 4-3. BC should be behind Maine in PWR.
  9. Hale SCOREEEESSSS!!!!! All three seniors with a goal. You couldn't write a better ending...for now.
  10. Damn Fox Sports Net just went out. Looks like I won't be able to watch anymore.
  11. If Murray doesn't win the WCHA rookie of the year, then you know there's a conspiracy.
  12. UMDDogz are you watching or listening? Some UMD players on the bench held the stick of a Wisco player who was on the ice. Anybody know what the penalty should be for that?
  13. Injuries were the one thing that worried me about this game.
  14. This game really had an edge to it in the first period. Lots of roughing penalties.
  15. Boy is it nice that Lundbohm is producing. He's really taken off since Bochenski went cold. I expected us to start slow. Tech needs this win. I'm sure they'd much rather play Wisconsin than us next weekend.
  16. So did this guy take time away from the piped in music or the band?
  17. SCSU's defense in the neutral zone is terrible. I believe the Gophers had four break-a-ways that period. The Riddle one was an especially bad play by the d men. I liked the Bruce McCloud interview. He said that the Xcel is only signed for two more years, but the arena keeps bugging him to extend it. He also said that now that the league is doing so well with money, he's worried about if there might be a downturn at some point. Coole did knock that net off and pretend to be injured. However, the penalty was for a cross check.
  18. I'm a little surprised by this. How many games did he play this year? Eight? It's almost like he figured there'd be no way he'd stick around for that extra year, and therefore, didn't take the medical redshirt. What's the Gopher fans feelings on this?
  19. The Wild can't be rebuilding already. Stock piling draft picks is not what they need. They have good young players already. They need some big free agent signings. The Wild are one of the teams that make the most money in the NHL, yet spend very little. If I was a season ticket holder, I'd begin to think I'm being taken advantage of. Even the Cubs are signing free agents now. As for Schneider being with the Penguins; I like it. He'll have a much better chance to make and stay in the NHL. Too bad Panzer or Goehring or Bayda weren't in the Penguins system. Losing sucks, but once your in and make a name for yourself, you can always sign somewhere else.
  20. It's a great and fun tournament. Don't get me wrong. A lot of times I'd much rather watch the Final Five than the Frozen Four. But no team at the beginning of the year says they want to win the Broadmore. They say they want the McNaughton and the NCAA. The reason I said its a joke is because of the auto bid. Has any WCHA team that won needed it? I realize that some teams have come close and I guess its fun to see if they'll do it. Though most WCHA teams that make the Final Five have their bids secured, but it is fun to see if NCAA seeds will change. I'm just against this process of awarding a tourney champ instead of the regular season in every sport. Suppose you're a team in the CHA and you worked your butt off all season to win the regular season title. Then lost the championship of the conference tournament due to one bad game in a string of twenty. I just don't think the team that won that one game deserves to be in. But it's all about the benji's. $$ Now if things were done as they are in high school I'd think differently. Each conference only gets one team in the big dance, so they have their tourney to award the bid. It's more like every team in the state is entered in the tourney.
  21. So this great weekend of playoff positioning takes only one night to sort things out.
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