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Everything posted by Smoggy

  1. Every Minnesota fan will jump all over me for this, but Lucia is pretty classless with the comments he makes about UND. Since he hates the rough stuff, if I was any team I'd make a point to pound on his players. Get him even more ticked off that checking is allowed. Oh wait...the Gophers do check, just from behind.
  2. I liked how DH commented on the fight.
  3. Smoggy


    Amazing that there has been no talk about this game yet. By far the biggest game of the year to date. Whoever wins this should win the league. My thoughts: Defense is the key. I've always felt that defense wins championships and its time to prove that theory. I believe that if the D can disrupt an offense it throws them off and they then struggle to bounce a comeback. UND will need to score first. Force UNO to throw. They may have some big receivers, but throwing seems to always lead to more turnovers. Time and time again, teams underestimate UND's defense and think their rusher will be the one to have a big game against UND. I can't think of a recent big runner against UND, therefore, I believe we'll do fine against UNO's run. Our offense (no matter who leads it) needs some consistency. I also believe we need three TD's to win. The consistency will help keep UNO's offense off the field. RUN THE BALL! Special teams should go to us, but it is outdoors. Intangibles are the great outdoors and playing at UNO. We always find a way to lose there, plus we struggle outdoors. At least UNO has turf. BTW, the band is making the trip down.
  4. I love it Digs. Keep failing at school so you can have time to come up with these great ideas.
  5. Bring back Spurrier! Tommiejo, when I finally get to a game at The Swamp you'll have to show me around.
  6. At least these rankings seem to make sense. Though I still think Winona is too high. No disrespect, because they'll probably knock someone off in the playoffs, but their schedule is no where near the other teams on this list. In fact, NCC has 4 and the GLAIC has 5. Winona is the only team from the NSIC.
  7. It would draw better, because the UND women would make it.
  8. Aren't you jumping the gun on this? After the Maine series eveyone was singing his praises. I'll continue with my wait and see approach. I was gone all weekend. Now I'm wondering if I even want to watch the games. Well Friday's anyways.
  9. San Diego!?! Dang it. I have to go to stupid Sacramento this weekend. edit: I hope some bar has the sports pack.
  10. Nothing pleased me more than all the depressed Yankees fans. "Whhaaaaawww. We didn't go to the series for first time in 20 billion years." I root for the Sioux and anyone playing the Yankees. Oh, yeah, stay on topic...umm....thanks for the desktops. They look good on my school computer.
  11. Thanks for the link Greyeagle, but was it me or does the Trib seem a little behind on some of their reporting?
  12. Smoggy


    How many dang threads do we need to talk about Manke and the QB situation?
  13. I think this is a great idea. The hotel next door will help. It'll also help that the city is hosting the WJC this year. I don't think it'll be a problem if UND isn't in the game. Three years isn't that long of a time and I would hope/think the locals would support such an event during that time.
  14. I didn't mean to imply that you had inside info. I was just curious if you would like to see him start against Omaha or just play some.
  15. Are you thinking that he'd start against Omaha? I'd hope he get some reps before being thrust into a big game with UNO.
  16. And it's always bugged me. Not only are we* copying, but we copied a terrible cheer! *WE would only be cheerleaders, because I've never heard any fan do it.
  17. With Greene taking penalties for every hit.
  18. Do students do any of the late 90's cheers any more? Like the M-I-C-K-E-Y (Mickey Mouse Club theme), or any of the spelling cheers? I went to the ASU @ USC football game, and ASU had all kinds of cheers. Many have swearing, though, so I guess they probably won't work. I really liked their Hey Song cheer. Instead of saying "Hey" during the chorus they said each letter of their name. So A, S, U. Then as the chorus ends they say "We're going to beat the BLEEP out of you." Obviously swear words could be changed.
  19. Two totally different situations. UND moved indoors, which die hards don't care for, but the casual fan loves. UNC is just adding seats. In this case, I don't think the demand isn't there according to UND92,96. I guess, my thinking is more along the lines of seating capacity looking better to conferences.
  20. Then if attendance isn't great, why add 2,000 seats?
  21. Smoggy

    UND @ Maine

    I also found it funny that the announcer called Stafford Dave all game long. Also strange that the teams shook hands after the first night. Is this normal in the east coast?
  22. Smoggy

    UND @ Maine

    In case you missed it, CSTV has put the video of Stafford's penalty shot up. I'm sure it won't be up much longer, but it does seem like they might have a bit of an archive.
  23. So I was flipping channels around midnight PST and came across the Northern Colorado FB game on Fox Sports Rocky Mtn. It was half time and they were interviewing UNC's new athletic director. I missed the beginning, but then he said that if they were accepted into the BSC that it would bring them the Denver TV market (which I guess was obvious with this game on FSRM). THen he started talking about all the work that they still have to do. They are adding 2,000 seats to the stadium, but it needs more work. They have to renovate the bball arena, and they need to build their own practice facilities. I'm guessing they share facilities with high schools? We've talked plenty about whether or not SDSU and NDSU are ready, but it's sounding like UNC wasn't ready to make the jump. He said they need to raise a lot of money (can't remember the figure, or maybe he didn't give one) and that they will be asking the people of Greeley to help.
  24. I hope the team realizes that they got LUCKY this weekend. Sure we got three points and I'm happy about that, but we didn't have the effort we should've until the final period. This team better not be happy about getting three points either, because I don't think they earned them. You have to give one point to Parise. If they are happy with the way they performed, then we will struggle in a lot of games.
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