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Everything posted by Smoggy

  1. That is a beautiful mask. I've been wondering what happenned to Ted Nolan. I think the NHL needs his mullet back. If I'm not mistaken, he's had a lot of off-the-ice battles and I'm sure he'll overcome this one as well.
  2. First off, no to Bemidji unless things change in the WCHA. DI hockey needs that small start up conference. I wouldn't mind having the two Alaska schools together in a conference. Schools could make it a week long trip and play both which might just cut down on costs for everyone. I would also like to see Omaha in the WCHA for the NCC thing. The scariest and worst thing for college hockey in the WCHA and CCHA would be the Big Ten conference. I think attendance and revenues would plummit. Those big schools wouldn't ever play a non-conference game on the road. The only road nonconference for Minny I can think of in the last few years is going to Boston to open their rink last year. Michigan is the same way, though I don't follow them closely. I do think the CCHA should ask a few teams to leave. I have no idea how they make a 12 team conference work. If two leave their, then the CHA is stable. Though I don't like the idea of a conference kicking schools out. We had a bad stretch. Wisconsin had a bad stretch, Duluth wasn't anything special through the '90s. Mansucko and PCU have never done much. Yet, we won a title in '97, UW has been strong under Eaves, and Duluth made the FF a few years ago. I guess the difference with UAA and Tech is that it's been a looooooong stretch of crappiness. I guess what I'm getting at is that a person never knows when a school will make a turn around. Just ask our friend from Jersey about Rutgers.
  3. Smoggy

    TJ Oshie

    Ah Digs...that was the good ship lollipop that you were on.
  4. I got such a kick out of that line when I read that article this morning.
  5. Don't forget that UND and UM don't agree on the all time records.
  6. I've never been to a baseball or softball game involving UND (though I've known many that play). I've played tennis with the UND women's team, but haven't watched a meet. I'd certainly PAY to go watch lacrosse. I guess that's what it's all about.
  7. Don't trust them. I called before the Tech series for tickets and my buddy called as well. The Ralph never called us back about the tickets. I don't know if they were saving them for Al's bus (that didn't go) or what. It wasn't a big deal since Tech doesn't sell out, but if you can get them through BSU then do it.
  8. Just get rid of the olympic ice and it won't be a problem.
  9. I talk to the Potulny's. I sit with Irmen's dad. I get to talk to him. Blah blah blah. You are a jersey chaser. Get over
  10. Same reason Vanek was. Lucia loves the floater to go in on a shorthanded breakaway.
  11. Does Bemidji HS still have lacross? It would be nice if more local HS's had it. I guess the biggest thing is money. Right now we can't afford to be flying another team around the country and it would probably take a while until it's a money maker.
  12. Lammy didn't play against Tech.
  13. Irmen shouldn't have even been in the game. That charge against Prpich was a blatant check from behind. Prpich never once faced towards Irmen. If it hadn't been for another player between Prpich and the boards, he would have gone into them.
  14. I like the explanation I gave earlier (complements of CSTV intermission guys): It shouldn't have counted because Parise did not have room to come out of his net to cut down the angle.
  15. And the scary thing for the Gophers is announcers and color guys have been saying that this game was their best game of the year. And we only lost by a goal. They played very well, and we didn't. Though I thought we had plenty of chances that just didn't work out.
  16. Great chance with the PP at the end and couldn't pull it off.
  17. Good call at the end of the game by Shephard on that interference. Do you keep the goalie pulled? Glad I'm not the coach.
  18. Gophers should have gotten an extra out of that scrum for starting it. Oshie didn't do squat to earn that penalty.
  19. Nice couple of shifts. D stepping up and keeping the puck in the zone. We need more of that if we're going to win.
  20. Parise doing a good job of positioning.
  21. We're losing a lot of face offs in our own zone again.
  22. Now you know why I'm on CSTV. Though I am taping FSN. I figure they'll say something so rediculous that I'll have to watch it to believe it.
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