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Everything posted by Smoggy

  1. Smoggy

    Sioux vs Winona

    I was referring to the rush on the QB. We had good pressure, but only a couple of sacks. The INT and TD were a gift from their QB that couldn't throw an accurate pass. I mentioned that our O had great field position which is from a number of things. Our D putting them on a lot of three and outs and their punter not kicking longer than 30 yards. I'm looking at it from a coach's perspective and possible playoff implication. I don't want us having big heads thinking we destroyed them. We did, but I think it was more of them playing awful and having everything go wrong compared to us having an amazing game. Don't get me wrong, we played great, but we could've been the ones turning the ball over for TDs. Plus, the O left many points on the field which may haunt us in a close game.
  2. Smoggy

    Sioux vs Winona

    True. Can someone explain the NSIC autobid? Isn't if they have a team in the top ten of the region then they get in the playoffs. What's up with Mankato losing to BSU? Didn't they beat NWMSU last weekend?
  3. Smoggy

    Sioux vs Winona

    I enjoyed the game, but it was hot and muggy there. Funniest comment on WSU pregame was when one of the guys said that he expected the weather to bother UND since it's cooler up in GF this time of year. I believe it was in the 80s there today. A couple of degrees doesn't make a difference. Thank goodness it was a blowout, because the guys looked tired at the end of the game and it was do to the heat, but WSU had the same problems. Seemed like WSU played a lot of second stringers. Their backup QB (Able?) was pretty good. We weren't overly dominating on offense. Left a lot of points on the field again. We had such great field position all day so that Glas got some FGs. Plus Dressler and #6 had some exciting big plays. Defense looked great. Didn't do anything too special. Didn't really sack the QB or blitz a ton, just maintained pressure. The RB for WSU (Weeks?) was really a nice shifty runner. I don't think that all the penalties on us were necessarily bad calls, but could have been no calls. Often one ref wouldn't flag it and another would come running in and throw the flag. They did miss a lot of holds on Winona. A blowout like this scares me for the playoffs if we face this team again. WSU played like crap today. Everything that could go wrong did. Their offense seemed out of sync. Not quite the craziness that I remember. Can't let this go to our heads, because we need to remember that it could have been us having balls intercepted, dropping punts, and not being able to connect with a receiver in the endzone. Dressler is pure excitement when he touches the ball.
  4. I like the names being off the jerseys. It's hard enough seeing numbers during action. It's gotta be even tougher seeing names. If they were on TV all the time, then maybe they should be put on. Plus the programs only cost a buck.
  5. Speaking of Charles; did he get to play last Saturday? He's a senior and his dad was there. They shuffled in a bunch of RB's at the end of the game, but I didn't see him. I guess I was wondering since I hadn't heard of him and was surprised to see that he was a senior.
  6. Got my ticket today. I'm supposed to be bunched with the visitors. Tickets are only $8 and I believe that's a reserved seat. Anybody going from the Cities that wouldn't mind a tag-along?
  7. Anybody got an extra ticket? I'm going to try calling WSU tomorrow, but I don't have high hopes.
  8. I'm surprised that Graham claims the ENTIRE SIOUX NATION wants this. All that has happened is the tribal councils have drafted a resolution. Some of these tribal councils have proven to be quite corrupt. Were they bought off by the nickname opponents? Was this ever put to a vote in the Sioux nation? My only problem with a large scale vote is that those that don't want the name would vote and those that don't care wouldn't bother to vote. I also get this feeling from Graham's writings and threats on this board that many of the Sioux nation and their tribal councils are being bullied into going against the name.
  9. Davidson is the Bill Walton of hockey. You can never quite figure out what he smoked before putting the headset on. Gary Thorne rocks. I love how he gets excited while doing play-by-play and because I like his style I got over the fact that he mispronounces a few names.
  10. The banners did look excellent. Does anyone besides me think that UND should have taken another shot at the endzone before the end of the first half? They had a time out left and about 14 seconds.
  11. It seems the hotel is one of the few that survived Katrina. Imperial Palace used by FEMA
  12. I had the opportuntiy to go to the game and it sure felt good to watch Sioux football again. Both QBs could dish the ball, but neither could throw it deep. No touch. I guess their team probably racked up a lot of yards, but they sure had a lot of 3rd downs. And they converted. The good news is that our secondary was all over them. Not too many yards after the catch. When we did pressure the QB he struggled, but we didn't blitz much or have much pressure. It was the opposite for our offense. We would move the ball good on one of the downs, but it didn't seem like we converted too many 3rd downs. Very impressed with Beatty today. The guy gets hit and always gains two or three more yards. Dressler is that exciting player that you just hold your breath when watching. WC's punter did an excellent job with his kicks, so we didn't see too many returns. I felt we were tentative on both sides of the ball and kept things a bit conservative. We will only get better, though. It's a great character building win.
  13. I'm happy to see games on two nights a week. It would be nice if they threw a few more double headers to see some West Coast action. I'm even happier to find out that Time Warner Digital carries OLN. My guess is that if ratings are good they'll add games when the playoffs near. Remember that they didn't pay for the rights and that it's a shared revenue type of deal.
  14. Someone help me with my thinking on this: If I remember correctly after the flood GF/EGF were upset with the Red Cross because they kept a lot of the money earmarked for our disaster. Am I wrong on this? I want to donate, but am not sure which way to go. Plus I'd rather see my money go to a small Mississippi community that isn't getting the media attention. Any ideas?
  15. I believe the writer Jess Myers is from like Rosoeu and went to UND and wrote for Sioux Illustrated. EDIT: screwed up on the magazine name.
  16. I think you need to calm down a bit. I'm waiting to be convinced as to why the name is harmful before I pass my judgement on if we should get rid of it or not. But people like you and the white professors on the UND campus just push me to want to keep the name to tick them off. Digs told you all you need to know about me. The last thing I'd do with a position of power like mine is teach something that is way off base. I'm not sure what you teach your kids about whites and "hang around the fort Indians" (your words), but you won't hear me using that term. I resent your personal attack on me and assuming the idiotic things that I'd teach and I believe you owe me an apology.
  17. I believe he's working for Vaaler Insurance now.
  18. Bauer started practicing again this week and is making the trip.
  19. Uhh, Timbo, it's already been stated on here that we didn't play NDSU in FB due to it hurting our playoff chances.
  20. I might have not learned more from that dance at the game, but it was nice to see since I was FORCED to learn about it in my education classes. The teacher wanted the name changed, so we spent a lot of time on that subject (funny how she only presented her side) and Native American customs. I'm glad I learned it and get to see dances once in a while. How many other universities would teach me this stuff? I've made this point before, but because of the name I got to do some history teaching on Native American (mainly Sioux) to largely hispanic kids in California.
  21. I posted this in another thread a while ago (no internet), but if no Illini left the NCAA has no choice but to reinstate, because they let the Aztecs keep their name for that reason.
  22. Maybe I missed it earlier (catching up after being gone), but do you have any Native American blood in you?
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