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Everything posted by Smoggy

  1. I like them. They just look mean. It's just too bad the #'s yellowed.
  2. Anyone else notice how on most of the black jersey's the numbers had yellowed. On a couple of the freshman they had bright white names with yellowed numbers.
  3. Listened to the Gopher feed after the game. Sonmer's three stars were: 3: Guyer (for taking shots) 2: Harrington 1: Kessel (for the pass to Harrington) All I can say is that is that he needs to take off the maroon and gold glasses. For the Gopher fans: I appreciated the offers to fight after the game. I'm sure Stafford also appreciated getting hit by an orange after the game. Like I said last night after they sieved the kid that got hit with the puck. CLASSY!
  4. I was there. Game was not over, and if that shot by Phil was just a little ways to the right it hits the higher glass. Gopher student section was real classy sieving a kid that got hit with the puck earlier in the game. Kid is crying and they are sieving him. Classy. Time to put some nets.
  5. I was really surprised that the GOPHER BAND and director were even swearing last night. The UND band is an sponsored group and in no way allowed to swear. Stuff may come out, but you won't hear them chanting.
  6. TFF! Will Gopher fans even claim you as one of their own?
  7. Thanks for proving my point. DirecTV is by far the best national sports coverage. It's good because of all the regional stations. You just said you only get 18 of the 24 listed. Even if you minus the repeats of the three combined Fox College Sports stations, you still don't get 3 stations. Like I said before, way to list non-national stations. Also for ESPN Gameplan you have to pay-per-view to watch a game. Good pick for a national station though I suppose you could say the same about the rest of the stations, but at least you can watch them all day. You've come on this site proclaiming the greatness of DIAA TV. Prove it. You need to find all the games you were able to watch for DI-AA fb and hockey on DirecTV including sports pack. Then find amount of games played in each sport. Take the # on TV and divide it by the total so that we can compare by %.
  8. I believe Lueck went there to play basketball. I think FB was kind of an afterthought.
  9. Sorry FargoBison, but your post on 126 games DOES include regional stations that most of the country doesn't get. I had DirecTV sports pack last year and many of those stations aren't on it. In fact, many are nothing other than local cable sports stations very similar to how Fighting Sioux Sports Network is distributed. If I need a certain brand of cable (COX) to get a game, then it is not national. This year I have digital cable with the college sports add on stations from fox and CSTV. While there are DIAA FB games on it, there is hockey throughout the season as well. Plus hockey plays two games a week and has a longer season. Finally, while hockey is not popular throughout the country like FB is, hockey has far more recognizable names than DIAA FB. At least hockey has real DI teams playing it, unlike DIAA. Sorry DIAA FB is not DI in my book and even if the Sioux join it I'll say the same thing. Didn't the DII championship game have better TV ratings than DIAA? Serious question.
  10. Wasn't there. That's what someone posted on this site after that party. I believe that UND alumni party was at the Roseville location.
  11. Are the bartenders going to be blowing horns when the Gophers score like at the last alumni party?
  12. We need to hit. We just weren't physical with the Gophers last time we played. Knock Stoa on his ass in front of the crease. Step up and smash Kessel. You know what move is coming. Potulny was awfully quiet vs. Niagara, so that has me worried. It's like he's saving his energy.
  13. The Gopher forwards are great at crossing the blue line and working a 3 on 2. Guys are where they need to be for a rebound (something the Sioux struggle with). They are also really good at sitting someone in the slot. Look for them to harrass Parise again. Though I'm sure in the pre-game meetings the refs will say something about this. Their D is weak. They aren't so bad in their own zone, but give up a lot of rushes. They were trying to stop Niagara from enterring into the offensive zone by waiting at the blue line. Niagara just chipped it past and got some nice 2 on 1's and mini-breaks. They just couldn't finish. I'm hoping the Gophers are overconfident heading into this. The Sioux should be ready to play after getting swept earlier in the year and now losing one to UAA.
  14. I was at the game and if anything Frazee should have gotten a fight instigator since he started the mess. All that happened was a Niagara took a low shot and just after the whistle a Niagara player took a poke at the puck under his pads. Frazee FREAKED. He was really hot about that little play. No way should fighting game DQ's been handed out. It wasn't like it was a chippy game or anything. It was much of a game at all. In fact it was as much fun watching the shot operator put up phantom shots for Niagara as it was watching the game. Niagara had 35!
  15. It's bad for me. Looks like I'll be switching to UAA feed. Anyone find a link to a free webcast?
  16. This is interesting to read: WCHA INCH Mid-Season Report
  17. Won't a good portion of the U.S. team return. Though maybe that isn't such a good thing. But the talent is there for the U.S. At least everyone thought so ahead of the tourney.
  18. I think some people don't realize what a rough game hockey is. Their legs may move them fine, but these guys are dinged up whether we know about it or not. Remember how Greene played with a swollen elbow last year? I don't think we heard anything about it until tourney time. It's a different level of play than H.S. hockey and it's more games. I'm more worried about "hitting the wall" towards the end of the season. Players have the same problem when they jump to the pros. Doesn't matter how often the games are, it's the amount.
  19. I must be in the twilight zone. This is the second time today that I've heard from a Gopher fan that Oshie is the best freshman.
  20. So do the fans from Vancouver/Canada boo Bertuzzi every time he touches the puck?
  21. In the past there was talk of the conference being the host. Is NCC hosting at Alerus possible?
  22. Smoggy

    What a joke

    The Gophers and their fans deserve all the crap they can take for this so called tournament. I remember a few years ago when they were ripping us on our quality of competition. Now they can't get anyone decent to their *snicker* tournament.
  23. Last night was some BORING hockey. Did Harvard ever even try to break out of their zone? All I remember is them constantly icing the puck. Damn defensive hockey. They played the man and didn't let anyone loose. I can't think of a WCHA team that plays as tight defensively as Harvard. But I guess their style worked.
  24. Finley was practicing this week according to short blurb in the Herald. It said a decision hadn't been made on him playing this series.
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