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Everything posted by SIOUXFAN97

  1. first i was serious about snatching snap cards in the parking lot...and second if federal programs like SNAP were trimmed in all 50 states my and YOUR taxes would go down...lets say 300 dollars a year....let's say that the sales tax is defeated so the city sends me and all property owners in GF a bill of 150 dollars a year...my taxes would still be lower by 150 dollars...
  2. do you think that those peole that abuse SNAP might also be abusing other city, county, state, and federal programs?
  3. seems to be working just fine in Estonia?
  4. i understand that...trim the fat at each level...cut back on these stupid programs that are totally abused that grow and grow every year. it's not a tax problem...it's a SPENDING PROBLEM
  5. i guess my point is ...instead of raising taxes how about trimming the fat...CF county paid out over 7million in snap benefits last year...get that down to 2million and there you go..a nice payment for our water plant. simple.
  6. paying for other people's food because they can't "afford" to but they have a 2012 chevy impala and a 110 cell phone plan...and a pocket full of camel 100's...that seems really practical?
  7. big government applies to city, county, state, and federal...so yes it does apply.
  8. yes...but the less u send to washington the more you have for your local streets and new water treatment plants...it's the idea of people that claim they can't afford to feed themselves but have a 20k suv in the parking lot.
  9. when we're talking about a 100 bucks here and there...here's an idea.... Send some of the city employees to hugo's to watch each checkout aisle...every person that uses an EBT for their donuts, potato chips, sour cream, and mountain dew get followed outside...anyone that used their EBT that walks up to a car that is 2010 or newer gets their EBT card taken away on the spot and given a city bus map....MILLIONS saved...Next question?
  10. the lowest sales tax in the state should be our goal...not the highest...we should be voting to lower it to 5.5%
  11. remember when people would say that studs locks on one person pre-snap...studs was going to that wr no matter what on that play...plus that should've been a td throw to brady he showed ANY touch on that pass at all...
  12. u think taubs would've made that kick...no chance.
  13. we all know that the defense is totally decimated...but on the offense are there any excuses for how poorly the look? norberg, demon, and anyone else are hurt yes...but come on.
  14. what is gf's longest running restaurant and bar in the same location restaurant-Red Pepper? bar-mcmenanny's?
  15. I saw Demon and I think Randloph at Biolife yesterday...for a guy off the team Demon looked like he was still a footballer...since he's selling his plasma he is probably a little low on money for a new non-fb backpack and all that other stuff...including the tag with his number and last name hanging off the backpack. Did Bubba leave a possibility of him rejoining next spring?
  16. don't forget about the special teams or lack thereof in that game...or season?
  17. is this true that rudy hasn't made gf his "home"....
  18. is studs career officially over?
  19. bring in brad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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