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Everything posted by SIOUXFAN97

  1. how much better would we have been if someone, anyone, off the bench could've knocked down some open three's this year...kinsey didn't and bb didn't...will be fun to see if moody can be that guy that those two weren't
  2. don't count out moody
  3. same here...have some coworkers say its fine...pluto ALWAYS sucks for live sports forme
  4. he's just getting started...75% a und commit/recruit wins a natty!!!
  5. how about active military gets 10 dollar tickets and a free food voucher...
  6. could've been more than 3k...
  7. he's maybe mostly responsible for a pathetic environment...most exciting non-hockey thingy was the chubby usher dancing for free food.
  8. maybe time for hodgeson to go?
  9. anyone gonna comment why there are 3k empty seats for a must win playoff game? what is wrong?
  10. Looks like a big10 conference game....
  11. i just wanna get this straight..curb cutouts are designed to reduce the distance i have to walk from one street corner to the next...say instead of being in the street for 40 feet they will reduce that down to 30 and increase my safety by reducing the time i spend crossing the street...serious question here...
  12. i say make south washington heading north from all seasons to h2 flashing green after 9pm...same for demers...columbia...
  13. at fourth and third...doubt if they would put these up at gate city bank/ bonzers corner wold they?
  14. only was this makes sense is to make the east west on demers flashing yellow and north south flashing red (or is it green and flashing yellow)..anyways...east west never stops and the north south people yield?
  15. i walk by that about four times a week ...haven't seen one person all year...plus when the weather got a little warm the water would run out from underneath and trickle downhill toward the river...so bad that they had to close one the bikepaths just east of it because it was a mini lake/river of water/ice...
  16. he's morman.
  17. maybe...but they were penalties during the action...plus it sounds like the last penalty was a classic nchc special...guy lifts/grabs basts stick and whacks himself in the face (whips his head back) and gets a penalty called on bast?
  18. 5 minute power play would have been nice...but hey gotta be the tough guy.
  19. hope trevor sits tomorrow.
  20. love how ole on the radio says you have to stick up for smaller teammates...so someone is gonna not take a shot at someone bc a guy like trevor olson is gonna give him a facewash after??? season on the line...you talk !@#$ and walk away to your 5 minute power play....just plain stupid.
  21. big rowdy crowd=5-1 sioux win!
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