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Everything posted by SIOUXFAN97

  1. doesn't he have a rep of rubbing people the wrong way the longer your around him....
  2. How about when biden locks it down for 4 months you can't leave minneapolis.....
  3. https://www.ncsl.org/research/elections-and-campaigns/poll-watcher-qualifications.aspx this part....
  4. more evidence of computer "glitches" changing small amounts of votes over and over...smallish to where you don't see them but when it's said and done it's enough to change the outcome. kinda like money laundering...keep it under 10k (9,999.99 your good) ...(unless your last name is biden)
  5. welcome to the enlightenment.
  6. that's the second part of the cospiracy....ballots coming from china and russia thru the dnc....those were cast illegally of course..
  7. Hey sally before you vote today just letting you know if biden wins we aint getting that cadillac and we aint going to cazumel either....see ya later tonight.
  8. somewhat disagree...lots of these moms like their material stuff...just like last election people will say thing and vote another. i don't believe that he lost that many soccer moms....to keep up with their friends TDS they say they voted biden but really did plug their noses and voted trump....it's hard to win an election when millions of illegal votes are counted...adn this has been happening for a long long time. it ends here
  9. alex is 2 for 2 so far
  10. norm coleman just said that he lost to stuart smiley thru mail in ballot fraud in minny "you lead by 10k votes...okay here are 10,500 votes the next day." this has been happening for years....time for the supreme court to fix this mess dr shiva
  11. better q is when was he not wrong.
  12. https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2020/nov/6/donald-trump-election-lawsuits-alive-pennsylvania-/ does this mean that michigan and georgia is a done deal...biden's? can't go to supreme court?
  13. alex jones was right again trump looks to win with legal ballots and then deep state will try to flip it with bogus mail in ballots media will annoint biden president within the week of the election (tonight maybe) trump will go to the courts to overturn the bogus ballots supreme court on straight left/right vote will throw out thousands of ballots and trump will get his 270 aaaaand the city's will burn and it'll be all trumps fault
  14. you know exactly what will happen from one side.
  15. spot on....if cnn and msnbc and all the raps of newspaper tell the masses the same thing over and over again ...they eventually believe it.....(russia russia russia.....)
  16. can't they replace her with the "guam is going to tip over" guy please.
  17. az is gonna be red within 24 hours...just worried that penn and georgia will print enough votes to swing it....but this election will end in the courts and a lot of "found' ballots will be dismissed...trump will win this.
  18. nope...deep state swamp rat got it.
  19. divert all flights from gfk to nashville? or austin?
  20. heydouche...ten hours and waiting by my count
  21. even the clintons can't make up 800k votes...it's over..maybe
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