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Everything posted by yzerman19

  1. Perhaps the nuance is the city vs the broader state of NY?
  2. Different data point from Worldometer shows this morning’s NY deaths per 1M due to covid at 552/1M across all ages.
  3. It’s almost scary how this virus appears to have the ability to trip a multitude of fatal processes...
  4. I’m afraid of an early vaccine....more so than I am of catching the corny
  5. Any commonalities in the younger deaths? Any common lab results? Any merit to the zinc deficiency “theories”?
  6. High BMI...every athlete and ex-athlete
  7. That is fact. In the USA it is unfortunate but minorities have an over representative number of chronic conditions and less access to high quality care- by choice and not by choice.
  8. Yeah, I am speculating on the freshies...I figured Rizzo and Gaber's offensive reputations would be nice adds to Weatherby...his faceoff ability and having them as the third line also protects them to some degree as they adapt to the college game. I liked Blaisdell and Hain's motors on the wings on the second line to create opportunities on the forecheck for Pinto to finish. I think Senden and Caulfield plus whomever adds a good energy line, although I am hesitant in separating Hain and Senden since they play so well off each other...
  9. Adams with Guch and Mash (don't mess with what worked) Pinto with Hain and Blaisdell Weatherby with Gaber and Rizzo Senden with Caulfield and Ness
  10. ummmm...not sure where you have come up with this...If you want to go by ethnicity in the USA and blood type, 26% of African Americans have type A blood whereas 40% of people of European ancestry have type A blood. Let's be careful in bringing in ethnicity. Not saying you're a crazy, but even broaching the subject can bring in crazies.
  11. Adams has shown he performs much better at Center. I think we have 4 rock solid centers in Adams, Pinto, Weatherby, and Senden. I think Senden is clearly your energy guy. We could easily roll an interchangeable top 9 that is all about matchups without skipping a beat.
  12. Weatherby has too much value offensively and in the faceoff circle to be on the 4th line IMO.
  13. I personally like the per million stats for tracking covid. You could have a small nation basically wiped out with very few cases, criticals, and deaths and still report a lower raw number. When you look at the per million stats, the USA is doing fine among the non-totalitarian nations of the world. In fact if you pull NY, NJ and LA out of the mix, the remaining 47 state per million stats are quite good. The 3 largest states in the union: CA, TX, FL all have very good per million numbers.
  14. Market prices have proven irrational. The fundamentals are going to be lousy for awhile, and dividends and buybacks aren’t likely to be happening anytime soon. That said, all of that is likely already priced into the markets. You also have a Fed making unprecedented moves and statements...talking about buying equities...already thry’ve taken over the bond market. At the end of the day it’s supply and demand...where are people (And institutions) going to park their money? to me it all boils down to this: would you kick yourself harder for missing a 20% gainer (opportunity cost) or for losing 20% of what you have? Probably also depends on how much you have to begin with. clearly you can diversify (which is always smart) its a mixed bag out there. I personally am very conservative right now: 65% cash, 25% stock, and 10% private equity.
  15. Hospital cost structures get into very interesting accounting discussions....lots of D & A and other non-cash expenses. It’s a very Let’s say delicate analysis. True Fact though is that in most industries, the kind of margin % you pull in care delivery or insurance is a joke. Even EBITDA is ridiculously low, and the large reserves by insurers are mandated. On fully insured products, they have a legislated 15% MLR...so for them pulling a 6% operating margin is a win.
  16. Ya Know, I didn't drink merlot for a long time...I've cycled it back into rotation and I'm enjoying it. Still can't beat a punch you in the face Cab from Cali...Cakebread, Caymus, Silver Oak...but the Merlots aint shabby these days.
  17. D have partners for a reason...For every dazzling D man, there must be a rock steady, smart partner...even in the NHL...Paul Martin was the Brent Burns whisperer during Brent's best campaigns...
  18. My understanding is it’s being treated as an MCC, the groupers will still follow the MDC....likely respiratory diseases.. Payment of course will vary based on State for Medicare and Medicaid and will be dependent upon contract for private commercial coverage. Two weeks in an ICU with a vent likely will trip payment to outlier status in commercial contracts paying off DRG or per diem. Capitation wouldn’t consider it prospectively in a DOFR.
  19. Define paid more? There aren’t specific covid kickers in the fee for service system that I’m aware of. Although in many cases subscriber liability is being waived and becoming payer responsibility. covid specific codes are new to the party, and I haven’t seen the numbers in terms of RVUs or DRG weight for the new codes. many providers have been asking payers for advances, and the government is promising financial support.
  20. yeah- they are not falsifying coding. Maximizing net revenue within the gray area is certainly happening though and is no different than pre-covid. I do understand that people unfamiliar find the esoteric ICD-10 to DRG grouper incomprehensible, sane with CPT, throw in a side of coding and payment edits and most people outside the industry are lost.
  21. There is a running joke about this with January birthdays in hockey. For USA hockey and Hockey Canada it is birthyear driven, so an extra 6 months can be a huge benefit to some kids. Our son was a mid-August...we kept him back and it was best decision ever for his confidence and maturity at school.
  22. 80% is covid? wow. Is the overall census down or is it fairly consistent. We are seeing nothing of the sort out in CA...low census and low covid
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