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Everything posted by yzerman19

  1. Masking works a little, but is overkill. Hence my comparison. It’s quite possible in my life that I spread a flu to someone who spread it to someone’s great grandpa who got it and it killed them. Sorry, but I can’t live life in fear or preventing that. I live in a suburb of the 2nd largest city in this country. I don’t walk around in fear of acquiring or spreading covid. I am not reckless or heartless. I just know we live in a biological world... I could wrap my children in bubble wrap too, but I don’t. You must see the insanity of this. The greatest, most advanced country ever to exist on earth was brought to its knees by a biological occurrence, and some people are acting like it’s 12 Monkeys or Resident Evil.
  2. Totally agree. Common sense isn’t so common, so some people Err on the side of paranoia and control, Others Err on the side of liberty and deal with consequences. Life is like riding a bull, but it goes on for 80 years instead of 8 seconds.
  3. Should I wear a condom with my wife too? I could have Hepatitis? I haven't been tested in a long time...I mean can never be too safe right? This isn't the holy angel of death people.
  4. If you have zero reason to believe that you are shedding virus, and you are not invading the personal space of someone vulnerable, I don’t see why you’d wear a mask to go about your daily business. By this logic we’d be asking people to wear masks anytime there’s an environmental pathogen that could kill...Flu? Measles? Cold Sores?
  5. I guarantee you that you’ve encountered the virus. You just haven’t been infected because your immune system is an amazing thing. It’s out there, it’s on things. It’s been on you...
  6. While millions of people have likely been infected and are/were asymptomatic, the vast majority are not actively shedding the virus. That said, I would not be happy about receiving food from someone not wearing gloves or a mask.
  7. Oh great...the government is handling distribution...
  8. There’s so many variables, including temporal...it’s like the fog of war...got be flexible. They should be looking for signal intelligence that can help them pivot.
  9. I don’t remember there being a quarantine related to Ebola...must have been limited to a couple geographies?
  10. We locked our family down in our home, not leaving the house for 5 weeks, not seeing anybody else, not going to the grocery store. I was drinking quinine (not tonic water) in the hopes that it would inhibit Covid, taking all my vitamins...Week 6 we took care of a car repair issue and went to the grocery store. Week 7 my son is back on the ice with 5 other boys and we are making runs for whatever supplies we need, including getting take out. As we prepare to enter week 8, we still aren't going to be going to restaurants or concerts or bars...I'm not taking flights to NYC anytime soon... We did our part to flatten the curve. Now its time to be responsible but not full-blown self-quarantine.
  11. Right its ridiculous...the division...you'd think both sides could out aside partisanship for this...
  12. The tragedy of this pandemic will prove not to be loss of life, but on the further destruction of our nation. Regionalism and ideological world view differences along with economic disparity already in clear sight will be exponentially magnified.
  13. I’d like for there to be a scientific consensus here. I hear mixed responses with a partisan tone each way in the reporting around this. (Not from you Keikla, I mean in media) anecdotally, India, which has cities more densely populated than NYC has a death rate per million of 0.9...coincidence that anti-malarials are pervasive? I don’t have the data to answer that.
  14. lower incidence of Cardiac related chronic conditions? Climate?
  15. There are risks associated with the drug in the doses being used as therapeutic, especially for those with heart conditions. The drug itself is cheap, safe and effective in known dosing for malaria and immunologic diseases. sidenote, you realize you can die from a heavy dose of Tylenol too...
  16. I would hope so too. But my question would be about forcing someone with no symptoms to get a test. That’s the only way you would find these silent carriers. I don’t like forced screenings by the federal government or by private companies for that matter. I don’t want people to drive drunk either, but I have a problem with forced check points.
  17. Folks this isn’t a disease from a movie that kills like Charlie Bronson on a vendetta...80%+ are asymptomatic or mild...
  18. Do you think that asymptomatic people will act differently if they know they are positive? I don’t think they will. Conscientious people will continue to act conscientiously and reckless people recklessly. So testing then would be a tool used by authorities to impose will? God is that a slippery slope. Especially with something biological...
  19. while I completely agree that testing for active cases provides zero practical value for management. It will give the epidemiologists that have been so geeked some more data to get aroused by...
  20. American Association of Physicians and Surgeons have published their support of hydroxychloroquine to treat Covid based on evidence...6 weeks later... I wonder why there’s been so much resistance to this drug therapy referenced by Trump at the outset of this disaster....almost as if there is some ulterior motive at play... but this is America, I mean the FBI doesn’t do things like the Gestapo or KGB does it....
  21. This is where the numbers game gets spun: 1. Cases are going up. Yes, confirmed cases are going up as a result of increased testing, specifically increased testing in high risk populations. The question to ask is whether or not the rise in positive cases is due to proliferation of virus or proliferation of testing? 2. deaths continue to rise. Of course they do cumulatively, but what’s the rate of change? when was the onset of disease in the dead? It’s a 30-45 day lagging indicator. spinning policy on either of these stats without full analysis is a joke. how about available hospital beds to treat potential covid patients? That number is huge. It’s also important if indeed our shelter in place orders were to avoid a run on the healthcare system’s resources.
  22. I don’t believe it’s behaved that way yet (by either party) In no small part due to the key variable (the economy) being strong up until the Covid crisis. Nationalism has been on the rise that is true. Police State has been a bubbling threat since 9/11. Mass murder hasn’t occurred domestically- but you could argue it has internationally by our hand, war has been omnipresent again since 9/11. Civil liberties now under fire by all parties... I don’t believe it’s Trump’s doing, I believe he happens to be the guy in the chair as we hit another trigger point on a 2 decade decline of the Principles of the American Experiment. What happens next should be watched closely.
  23. China supposedly shut down the spread with activities that reportedly included welding the infected inside their homes. You can certainly control a pandemic with actions like that...but I personally would rather die myself of covid than to see that type of government tyranny.
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