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Everything posted by yzerman19

  1. It protects others if you think you are actively shedding virus...if you have zero reason to believe you are actively shedding virus and aren’t interacting with a Highly vulnerable person, then a mask is overkill. On the other topic: Naziism was the German socialist workers party- It’s rise was fundamentally economic driven by the failure and ultimate disbandment of the Weimar Republic. This led to fierce nationalism , a police state, and ultimately mass murder and war. the collapse of democratic principles and a republic is easiest in a crisis as public sentiment moves from “freedom to” to “freedom from”...civil liberties go first...they did in Germany in 1933 too. The end stage of the third Reich is when they moved to death camps. In the beginning it was more loosely controlled...
  2. How can you have any pudding if you don’t eat your meat?!
  3. How do they come up with $10M? That’s $100k of economic value add for 100 years...
  4. Just can’t wait to be first in line for a rushed vaccine on a novel virus...what could go wrong?
  5. Never, ever leave the house....you might die. Oh and the rich and powerful are bad. If any grocery store checkout person dies- you all have blood on your hands you evil, soulless creatures. now I’m going to bubble wrap my children and call the police on you for not bubble wrapping yours.
  6. Your posts are intelligent- appreciate that. So- New York City appears to be special... what’s your take on path forward? My stats in CA say we need to live...
  7. Deaths by all causes...Covid makes up just under 5% of all deaths of 45+ so 95% of 45+ who die, die of something else....it’s consistent in each age 10 year age band between 45-55, 55-65, 65+. Way, way less in younger pops. There are those that will say that’s because of self quarantine...they’d be guilty of flawed logic called post hoc ergo proctor hoc. We also had a very mild flu season....and kick me for not being very surprised, but if you add flu + covid it looks like a bad flu season....
  8. You forgot the insurance companies that are now taking massive profits due to people not seeking services!
  9. You Tube shut down the video of those ER docs in Bakersfield calling for the end of shelter in place...if you disagree with the machine, you must be silenced. i truly feel its time to move on. Vulnerable and sick, stay home. Everybody else, phase it in. Starting now. What are we waiting for? A sign?
  10. Inside my stats in CA: cases still ticking up due to testing. Hospital admits for CV19 just fell off a cliff! Discharges 2:1 over admits. This is a great sign. Again considering it’s probably 10-14 days from infection to an admission, we are probably a good 2 weeks post real concern. Plus homeless and SNF folks have nowhere to discharge to at present, and those populations appear to be driving the positives out there. I believe in CA we are post pandemic and dealing with a flu at this point...no more public health concern for the masses, just the vulnerable...plus we were 90 and sunny all weekend, frying up that little virus! Let’s Go!
  11. Let’s be clear, there is the increased revenue in the DRG methodology related to Covid, but the hospitals would be much happier ridding themselves of every Covid case for the vanishes stents, joint replacements, etc that are not happening.
  12. Some CA ER docs Presenting data...interesting how combative some of the “journalists” are... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xfLVxx_lBLU
  13. Right- and death rate for people not 55+ and not in NY metroplex...at like 2/100,000. it was fear of the unknown in the beginning and warranted caution. Either that or the intel community knows something about this that they aren’t telling us. This has exposed the soft underbelly of the service and retail industries...
  14. not True. LA is very socio-economically diverse. Large working and middle class.
  15. Yes as is Texas. Considering the homeless population in CA the performance is even more remarkable.
  16. CA has mostly adhered to a shelter in place directive for the past 5 weeks. Incubation period + onset of symptoms + hospitalization + death is typically around 35 days. Shorter if you skip the vent (which if you’re 55+ doesn’t really matter as barring a miracle you will not survive after being intubated with COVID). So we’re rapidly approaching the end in CA, with the exception of SNFs and the homeless that are driving this secondary surge of this week. Antibody tests and herd immunity over the next 30 days, non dna-editor vaccine by fall. This becomes an annual 25000-50000 person killer like the flu. meanwhile the US economy won’t recover for years...the debt component will drive increased taxes or inflation or socialist controls. Made it really tough on the kiddos. Imagine a world where it takes $300k/year to have a Barelyvmiddle class life...
  17. Better believe it. Every day I count my blessings.
  18. I don’t ignore the virus, but it’s important to put it in perspective. I don’t drive drunk and I don’t let little kids swim unsupervised either.
  19. The blessing of this pandemic is that Children are spared. This makes it very unusual in pandemic terms.
  20. + mass transit....so mass urbanization and public transportation has some drawbacks? + unhealthy older people are at risk of...dying? Who knew....
  21. Puts it in perspective. There are people terrified to get their kids their booster shots...
  22. Uh oh...COVID rapidly approaching...drowning deaths in CA...
  23. CA...still over twice as likely to die in a car crash than of COVID...well, probably not now seeing as nobody is driving...
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