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Everything posted by yzerman19

  1. Have you read about the wonderful results of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation polio vaccines in Africa? I’ll not allow any vaccine created or pushed by them in the bodies of anyone I care about. It’s disgusting what happened...and the media have never talked about it...paralysis, law suits, vaccine strain of Polio afflicting tens of thousands.
  2. Duncan had an office like Ovi. Goalies knew he was setting up at the circle and they knew he was going to shoot short-side upper. They still couldn't stop it. That DOT line had Mr. Electric in Osh, Mr. I am always in the right spot and end up with the puck Toewser, and Mr. Wrister in Dunc.
  3. This is an interesting read: https://www.cebm.net/covid-19/covid-19-deaths-compared-with-swine-flu/
  4. 2017 we had the CDC reported death count from flu at 80,000... We're at 34,000 covid deaths... One side will say: Think of how bad it would've been if we didn't shut everything down. Other side will say: What a joke, this really was the flu So, no matter the outcome at this point nothing is decided...
  5. As long as it isnt a DNA editor vaccine...
  6. Remdesivir is the one...it’s been considered for at least a month.
  7. Younger, less likelihood of other conditions, less likely to experience the full brunt of the virus, better likelihood of quick 100% recovery. Not sure where the long-lasting effects comment comes from. This hasn't been around long enough to know that.
  8. 1. The demand for non-covid cases will be pent up. Expect a near capacity surge after the crisis lifts. 2. Much of “insured” are actually self-funded, so the insurance company isn’t risk-bearing, the employer is. 3. If at the end of the year on the fully-insured land at a loss ratio less than 85, the insurers will need to true that up per the ACA. end of the day, you won’t see a check, but you might see some premium relief next year.
  9. How about this novel (pun intended) concept in a supposedly free country: Here are the facts, we suggest that you self quarantine if you are an at-risk group, and we suggest limiting your social engagements and possible exposure. Now go make your choices and live or die by them.
  10. Deaths are a lagging indicator...kinda pointless stat for purposes of managing this. New cases and new hospitalizations would be leading indicators as to how this is going.
  11. yzerman19

    The Herald

    This paper is toast. Minor league garbage. Sucks, because occasionally I liked to read something. I grew up there, live in LA...I’m not paying for an occasional article. I’m an MBA From a top school with 25 years experience, an exec at a fortune 50...Grand Forks Herald you have signed your death warrant...stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid
  12. Remember...Jonny Toews was 17 that entire season!! 17 year old kid scored 22 goals in big time NCAA play
  13. The stereotype wording of the accent was racially insensitive. we’re better than that. All of us. I’m not a fan of the Chinese government and their covid actions, manipulations, and lies, but....no need for the shot on pronunciation and bad photo. im not a we are the world guy, but no need for a slough foot on good Chinese. ive known you both on the board for years- I know it’s silly, but others can read it wrong, then we’ll see all sorts of stupidity come out.
  14. I've got Weatherby centering the 3rd scoring line. Whether you call that line 3 or line 4 its moot. He's the third scoring center after Adams and Pinto.
  15. Totally. When your 1st and 2nd lines are better, your checking line can shut down, and your 4th line can hold its own against an opponent's top line, you win a lot of games...
  16. I think he's just stating that you don't just go 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4 like a Mite scrimmage. I agree that it allows you to get the matchups you want if more of your legs are fresh because you've been rolling. It also helps when coming off special teams a ton!
  17. 2005-2006 was absolutely loaded up and down the lineup
  18. Special teams certainly upsets the normal line rotation. As do targeted match-i.e an energy/checking line vs a scoring line or a key face off wanting a particular center with a particular handed shot.
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