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Everything posted by yzerman19

  1. I hope Scott can adapt to the NHL. He’s not a big guy and he takes a lot of chances.
  2. Depends on where you are. September 1st is most common I believe. My son is a mid- August and we held him back. June would be very aggressive, July aggressive in terms of holding back, but what’s the rush....that’s what my wife and I decided.
  3. Extremely valid point. Culturally and economically the US is more akin to several nations. There was a great book written many years ago titled the 9 nations of North America. It was standard issue to the KGB, as one strategy was you can only take down the US from inside itself by exploiting these differences. anyway, they break it down into New England, Dixie, The islands (sliver of south Florida), the Foundry, The Breadbasket, Tex-Mex, Ecotopia, and the Empty (Resource) quarter. For those keeping score at home, the 9th nation is Quebec , but it’s entirely in Canada. fascinatingly, major cities appear as “nation” capitols, and major cities appear on borders between “nations” as trade Centers. For example Chicago is where the breadbasket meets the foundry. Denver is where the empty corridor meets the breadbasket. New York is where the foundry meets the world.
  4. He musta started school late- I turned 18 in June after I graduated high school.
  5. Jon Casey won the natty in 1982, so just a point of clarity that he was a 1x championship game participant and 1x champion.
  6. He’s a big body which could hasten his time here as well...let’s hope we get him for two.
  7. Right, the “what would the children think” campaign worked! On a Sidenote our cases per 1M population are in line with Germany’s: 1693 vs 1526. Our deaths per million are higher at 67 vs 36, but that’s probably driven by the underlying health conditions of our general pop.
  8. Yeah- why go to med school to make less than a coder.
  9. Right- I mean, I’m all for natural and holistic too, but get real. I think finding a good PCP who listens, thinks, and understands that many of his/her patients didn’t just fall off a turnip truck is like finding a needle in a haystack... I had a pediatrician tell my wife and I about his concerns over my daughter’s BMI when she was 4...what?? She was built like a little gymnast. Super athletic and strong, and not at all fat...indoctrination...oh, and Scandinavian/Germanic people are more dense in terms of bones and musculature than average...do a body fat visual you Jack wagon.
  10. I haven’t kept a PCP for more than 1.5 years over the last 10. I’m an ex athlete- At 6’1 205 i carried around 9% body fat. I’m 235 now. Genetically, EVERY male on my maternal side has/had hypertension and high cholesterol (my bp was 140/90 as a high school athlete) I’ve never had a fasting glucose above 95, yet this last dude ordered an A1C...it came back a 5.0..he was honestly disappointed. He wanted me to be metabolic syndrome, because it’s easy. Genetically high blood pressure and high cholesterol (interestingly with a perfect ratio) and low triglycerides is more complicated than they want to deal with. It didn’t help that the doc was about the size I was at 12-13.... I could certainly lose a few pounds, but work and kids get in the way. I traded great health first for education, then for $, them for family, then for more $...life’s about tradeoffs.
  11. Gotta give credit where it’s due. UMD has been a force in college hockey of late. They are “new money” in terms of ice cred, but they are definitely flush...3 titles in a decade.
  12. I don’t think it should matter. I was pointing out that ESPN screwed up
  13. No doubt costs continue to go up- diabetes management has probably jumped the most (as you mention). There are many health plans out there that greatly lower the out of pocket costs for diabetes. Many State’s Medicaid programs also offer zero $ co-pays for drugs, insulin, and test strips.
  14. I would stand up and say the healthcare system is not broken. It all depends on what you want to measure. It’s riddled with inequality, but so is the rest of the USA. We’ve got access to techniques, devices, Diagnostics, equipment and medicines that are the greatest the world has ever seen in all its history. we have poverty, substance abuse, obesity and the chronic diseases which follow, but that’s not the healthcare system’s fault. the biggest issue with healthcare is cost, and it’s not even that expensive if you have decent insurance. People just don’t want to pay for it...how many people have a combined monthly car and cell phone payments of $700 but bitch about a $1000 deductible. system is imperfect, but I’d rather get healthcare here than anywhere else in the world. I know many disagree, but I truly believe the issue isn’t the healthcare or even what it costs, but the simple fact that people don’t want to pay for it...kinda like parking. it doesn’t bring prestige and you don’t love it, so you don’t want to spend money on it.
  15. They screwed up in the show. Perunovich just finished his junior year. He won titles as a freshman and Sophomore. he was 2x participant and 2x Champion
  16. Neal Broten has been known to say his brother Aaron deserved the Hobey.... speaking of Roseau boys. There was a great quote from Butsy Erickson where he was interviewed (by someone obviously ignorant of Roseau) about making the NHL from a small town in “the States” and how special it must be to be the best hockey player from a small town. Butsy replied “best player from Roseau? I was the third best player on my block”
  17. Sanderson with JBD will be an unbelievable pairing...truly elite back-end.
  18. Agree you don't crown a champ until April, but those games: 2 vs WCHA, 3 vs Big 10, 2 vs ECAC will be enormous in the PWR. Sweep (7-0) and it we will lock the COP point vs all 3 of those leagues.
  19. Perunovich will win the Hobey
  20. Need to evolve the business model. They are poised to be blacksmiths and Kodak film...
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