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Everything posted by Godsmack

  1. Anyone going to be attending the series in person?
  2. I can’t believe Motzko can sit there and call that a dive. Plus, I don’t think coach Larson would be too happy with his own players taking dives in the defensive zone of a 3x3 sudden death overtime. Plain and simple, that didn’t look like Perpix dove to anyone with an ounce of intellectual integrity.
  3. I’m no St. Cloud fan but I do believe in fair play. This has to be one of the worst non-calls ever in college hockey. I wonder if these were NCHC refs? I’m guessing they were given the game was played in St. Cloud.
  4. Mankato and Michigan in a big time dog fight. Dryden McKay just made the save of the game-wide open gaping net and the Michigan forward one-times it and somehow McKay makes a sprawling save. Near empty Amsoil arena; fans are idiots, they’re missing a potential frozen four matchup.
  5. Is it true that the fans, or the students at least, were really chirping Driscoll pretty bad? Saying “f Driscoll”, etc.?
  6. Highlights of the game https://ccha.com/watch/default.aspx?Archive=78&path=conf
  7. Good luck. The ticketing process for the new Robson Arena has been a frustrating mess all around. My buddy and fellow season ticket holder has been growing impatient with the promises to have the portal go live for season ticket holders to be able to sell or transfer their e tickets. Not sure who you talked to but David Bailey is the athletic department contact person. You may want to call him directly at 719-389-6324. You can also email him and he will reply: david.bailey@coloradocollege.edu Heckuva nice guy and very accommodating. I would confirm with him whether or not all of the General Admission tickets are actually sold out. Hope this helps.
  8. I thought that name sounded familiar. What happened with him?
  9. Question-is there a mask mandate to attend UND games also, do you need to show proof of vaccination to enter the Ralph? -Not looking to engage in any debate, just curious to know what other NCHC programs are doing as compared to CC.
  10. Love Ben Holden’s play by play for hockey, particularly when he calls a goal.
  11. $850 million endowment, them constantly bugging me to give them money, and they still can’t get decent tv production. Geesh…
  12. I stayed home last Saturday and watched some of the CC game and the camera quality was not good. The main cameras that cover the wider angle, end to end action were fine but the lower cameras and cameras down in the corners were dark and grainy. Highly disappointed given the new arena.
  13. Bummer! I really enjoyed those podcasts. Very informative.
  14. Anyone have any idea when Brad and Nate Ewell will resume their weekly College Hockey Today podcasts?
  15. Any chance as they CCHA continues to grow that teams like Mankato will make another push to leaving and joining the NCHC?
  16. Kinda like the Bruins fans who’d filed out of that huge come from behind victory over the Maple Leafs some years ago in the NHL playoffs. I believe it was a deciding game 7 too if I’m not mistaken.
  17. I stayed home and watched the UND game and some of the CC game on NCHC.tv but my wife went to the first CC game at the new arena and based on reports from her as well as what I’ve heard from other CC fans, the first impressions of the game day experience are mixed. The good… 1. Open air concourse is such a cool concept. 2 The ice. Having spoken to the players a few weeks ago, they universally LOVE the quality of the ice which in turn, should make for a great viewing experience for the fans. 3. Excellent sight lines. At 3,400 seat capacity, no nosebleed sections. 4. Parking. Contrary to what I assumed would be a hassle with a parking garage, my wife said they did a great job with traffic flow patterns both pre- and post-game. The bad… 1. The stairs. Uneven depth and height is going to lead to some nasty falls. Plus, given the arena’s policy on removing caps from pop and beer bottles and wine boxes, some have already commented about spilling as they walk back down to their seats. 2. The piped in noise. Yah, every arena does it but I’ve been told about ringing ears after the game last night. Between the goal horn and the music they blast during stoppages of play, you can’t even hold a conversation with the person next to you, it’s so loud. We probably won’t be bringing our young child to any games unless they address this fixable issue, which we plan on contacting the hockey operations director about this week. 3. Quality and variety of the concessions is poor. Perhaps this was a soft opening and the options will get better but one fan described his slice of pizza as cafeteria quality pizza. 4. Lack of many GA seating for visiting fans. Not yet sure on the official numbers of available general admission seats but it sounds like it’ll be difficult for any significant number of visiting fans to attend games. 5. TV production. Given how bad the tv viewing experience was when games were played at World Arena, I was expecting much much better at the new venue. I was wrong. Several alternate cameras were dark and the picture was very grainy. Not every camera was hi-Def. Hopefully this is a fixable issue as the tv viewing experience was pretty low budget last night. 6. Cramped, tiny seating. Much less leg and elbow room than at WA. 7. Some curious things with regards to the playing of the National Anthem as well as the signage for the restrooms but since we’re not supposed to get political, I’ll just leave it at that. You can pm me if you care to hear more. EDIT: 8. I don’t know how I could’ve forgotten this as this was a huge let down for me as a college hockey fan in general but the lack of acknowledgment of CC’s past players and legacy inside the arena was a real bummer. There is so much drab, unused gray space in the rink area as well as the concourses. Such wasted space that could be used to highlight former greats like our two Hobey Baker winners, Peter Sejna and Marty Sertich, not to mention the all-Americans who’ve played there, the Gold Pan trophies and Pikes Peak trophies won, etc. Call me naive but I’ve been to a lot of arenas and one thing as a visiting fan I love to do is walk around and look at the pictures of that program’s former greats, read stories up on the walls, and admire the murals. North Dakota, Boston University, and Minnesota come to mind as excellent examples or barns that, when you walk in for the first time or as a visiting fan, you know you’re in their house. CC’s arena, for the most part, feels very non-descript and that, to me is disappointing.
  18. Announcer, before he cursed, said Omaha outshot Lake State, 40-19.
  19. Someone should tell the Omaha play by play guy that he’s on a hot mike. He just said G*d da*m on the air.
  20. Danny Weight for CC is going to be good, I think.
  21. Anyone know if the game will be televised outside of the local area? Namely, in Colorado?
  22. Not as funny as years past but still some good nuggets of humor buried in there. I actually chuckled at the prediction of CC moving up 3 spots to #57….three spots ahead of idle Alabama Huntsville, Alaska, and Robert Morris.
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