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Everything posted by UND1983

  1. For another good laugh, go to BV and read about how great their new staff is. Their new staff is a shell of their last one. Their OC has never even called a play before in his life.
  2. Therein lies the problem. You only have 6 home games to make all your money. As do all football programs. Great hypothetical, though! I believe there are some posts above that you could address.
  3. We are all pretty condifdent that will never happen. History is with us.
  4. I noticed the NDSUF fans didnt address this bit of info. Fact is that to the NCAA Selection Committee, our two leagues are the exact same. Seed the champion and move on to conferences that matter.
  5. The comparison is spot on, except Tubby has way better win pct, a NC and was still run out. UND loves their regular season wins.
  6. See Tubby Smith and his record at Kentucky and how it ended.
  7. Appears so. Kind of what we are talking about, huh?
  8. What year is it? Times are a bit different now. Comparing that UNC program in 1961 to this UND hockey program is not even close either.
  9. Do that at Kentucky or North Carolina and you're more than likely gone. Go 15 years (five more for Hak) and never win it all = gone. I thought UND was the UK or UNC equivalent in NCAA hockey?
  10. (spits drink all over screen)...Let us know how it goes, bro.
  11. Realize we are drifting pretty far now but why did Dean leave for the high school gig at Roseau?
  12. I was young then but I do remember my parents saying how Blais was a major reason why they were so good in the 80's, like he was the recruiting ace on the staff.
  13. After the move was made and Blais brought two NC's, a faction of the hockey fan base somehow still never warmed up to the AD who made the move.
  14. Hockey is not my #1 sport so I have a different view than most on here. I find it somewhat amusing how much complacency has set in with this supposed "die-hard" fanbase. There are more excuses for lack of success in hockey than any other sport.
  15. Lose in Regional. Yet another Top 8 finish. Exhilarating.
  16. I understand the "making the tournament" argument because it means UND has a chance ever year. However, at what point does simply making the Top 8 or Top 4 become not enough for a program that is Top 3 in "advantages" (facilities, support, history). Honestly, who has more built-in advantages than UND? Minnesota, BC, Michigan? What I have seen is Hakstol is only as good as his recruiting. When he has Toews, Oshie, Duncan, etc. than his teams were pretty good. When he doesn't have one or two of the best players in the country his teams are pretty good (5-10 range). Has a UND team ever overachieved and went to the FF when they weren't supposed to or won it all?
  17. 18 offensive rebounds for ISU. EIGHTEEN. UND has two rebounds in 2nd half and are now losing. Figure it out Jones, DO SOMETHING!
  18. If UND would decide to rebound on the defensive end they would be up by 20.
  19. UND is destroying this zone tonight. Movement all over, open shots are being knocked down. Antwi has hit two in a row and looks good. 46-35 with 1:27 left.
  20. UND up 39-32 with 3:50 left in half. Traylor just gave his guy two offensive rebound put backs in a row.
  21. They look better tonight, actually have some movement vs. the zone that ISU is playing.
  22. NDSU - 26 of 36 FT's - 30 fouls called on them UND - 33 of 41 FT's - 27 fouls called on them. The refs weren't the reason your team went 1-12 on three pointers.
  23. I don't know one UND fan who "raves" about the quality of Big Sky basketball.
  24. When Glas had talented teams, they kicked ass. When he didn't they were average. Jones has 6 seniors and the best team he has ever had and they are no better than last year, or the year before (arguably). That's the problem.
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