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Everything posted by UND1983

  1. No no no. Gene specifically stated after the 2 for 1 offer that he will no longer honor it and can only be a 2 for 0, now. Then, he countered his own 2 for 0 with a 1 for 0. The guy was negotiating with himself.
  2. Why didn't this "business relationship" get destroyed with basketball, volleyball, baseball, or soccer? You guys gotta get sick of making up excuses for Gene. Just admit, its his ego. Then we can all move on and hope he somehow deflates its enough to sign a contract.
  3. Gene offered it three times and changed his mind after two of two of them, basically altering his own offer. Faison accepted the 2013 offer to the point where they were deciding on a presser or not.
  4. That philosophy is already out the window in 2016. Next excuse?
  5. Do you just repeat what other Bison fans say and what you read on BV? Come up with some fresh thoughts once in awhile. "A great relationship"...LOL.
  6. Exactly. Finally NDSU fans admit he is the one holding it up due to his ego.
  7. Talk about irony: NDSU Mens basketball is playing their next two seasons in a hockey arena.
  8. Not even near the level of your fanbase after the Montana State debacle. That was some high-end baby time.
  9. #buttgameday We got a new one.
  10. Why can't they put the word Sioux on a T-shirt? Other than it was in bad taste for an event on UND's campus (based on recent history), I don't see why they cannot do what they did? Everyone is calling for Kelley to do something. Like what?
  11. It matters to us about as much as NDSU's first place finish in Softball does to you. Great job.
  12. Yawn. NDSU sucks at baseball. Their coach pretty much said so in the article after the game.
  13. West Fargo is getting a Blarney Stone real soon. Same owners as the one in Bismarck. From what I remember they have great food, unique and made from scratch mostly.
  14. That would be some sweet revenge. "No D3 team, and I emphasize NO D3 team is going to come into Coughlin High School field and beat the Jacks twice in a row. Not on my watch" - Stig pregame speech.
  15. Women's basketball and soccer? Your baseball is not good. Dont dismiss these sports either because NDSU cares about all teams.
  16. Yah but you guys pride yourselves on a "well-rounded" athletic department where you support all sports. Remember?
  17. But didn't the NHL say that no offenses over an 18 month period wipes the slate clean?
  18. Which is why fans don't write recruiting letters. They fake support for lower-tier sports on their rival's message boards.
  19. Keep pumping big money into track and field. For every dollar you put in you will get a peso back. If your track and softball teams sucked you wouldn't even know they existed or talk about them on message boards. All the sports you listed (minus baseball in the South - which we are not located in) are essentially worthless to the majority of every fanbase in America. If they are good, awesome. If not, oh well.
  20. They pay more. Also, it is inevitable that they will improve.
  21. Lynn definitely has a pattern to her hires. Not sayin, just sayin.
  22. You realize that ORU was average at best at basketball this year, right? 17-16 is average. UND fans know this all too well. Also, if you say "kick your ass" to him you are more than likely about NDSU, he is not a UND fan.
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