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Everything posted by UND1983

  1. Well, they motherf'd*cked the hell out of UND, the AD, and the President incessantly over the past month. So they can take their two titles and go pound sand. We were just fine before they got to UND and this past year showed we're still doing pretty damn good after them. Vamoose.
  2. OK, Ace. The way they slandered UND, Kennedy, and Faison makes them fair game. They made it personal and then tried to starting using "sexism" and "title ix" when they realized the merits of the program were not nearly enough. UND was just fine before them and will be just fine without them, now and into the future. They made their feelings clear.
  3. Gotcha. I have never been described as having that, either.
  4. But Schlossman tweeted that it wasn't endowed? Is the 32 million technically not an endowment for the hockey program?
  5. I thought the article said that ASU has a 32 million dollar endowment to run the program, for now?
  6. UND1983

    2017 Season

    Spring stuff from SFI
  7. I am still amazed at the faux outrage over UND dropping WH. Every day I find myself wondering why these random people suddenly care. Not a word about Swimming and Diving ever, though. The program that actually won something.
  8. Was told that as now Chipman doesn't donate to UND. Doesn't mean he wouldn't in the future but he does not currently.
  9. No. Where was it said that was the plan? If it happened, it happened.
  10. I am sure NDSU would plan on playing The Dakota's so as to have the best of both world's. But, if any of them told NDSU to pound sand, then unfortunately, we would all hear about it for the next 15 years.
  11. The leading vote getter is NDSU, SDSU and USD to the MVC. No UND in there anywhere. Not a bias poll at all and really intelligent.
  12. Jocey just spent a good amount of time talking Title IX on Mac Talk. She certainly thinks they are being discriminated against but once again, brought up no numbers. She did say the soccer and softball fields are a dump, though so they cannot count for replacement.
  13. After listening to Jocelyn right now with Mac Talk I am ready to debate which was the bigger victory for US Hockey: US Women over Canada in 2017 World's...or... US Men over Russia in 1980.
  14. No, I couldn't care less what they do. But thought they would put up more of a fight than this after trying to elicit so much outrage via Twitter and putting down every UND admin they could. Thought they might try something after the initial media storm. They had nothing, apparently.
  15. They quit. The baseball team fought it, got together with alumni, and presented a proposal, at least. WH didn't do anything other than meet with Kennedy, find out how much they needed, and then quit.
  16. #endthefight Solid all-around effort by the WH team. Bitch, complain, play the victim, start a hashtag, claim sexism. Then, quit.
  17. I don't know that answer but my contact in the AD is planning on it. Might never happen but they are ready. The women's hockey program is equating themselves with the Men's program because they play the same sport. That is their fatal flaw and the flaw in pretty much every supporter's argument that I have read online.
  18. The lawsuit is coming. But, that is why they hired the Title IX experts. Wondering if the lawsuit may be coming from the S&D, as well? They have just as good of a case.
  19. There is 1 girl from North Dakota on the team. ONE. Do these parents realize this?
  20. From their change.org Save UND Women's Hockey page. Basically, those that have daughters want it kept for selfish reasons that will never happen, anyway. Those that don't have daughters couldn't care less. End of story. Just saw this little gem:
  21. Simple Dimple Dan! Bringin' it on a Monday morning. Yah baby!!!!!!!!
  22. He was one of their top recruits, BV was fawning all over him. But now he can't hack it. I am sure the coaches will be saying "he didn't have what it takes to play the Bison way", or some !@#$ like that. Like they have before.
  23. #endthefightifhashtagsdontwork
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