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Everything posted by UND1983

  1. #endthefight Solid all-around effort by the WH team. Bitch, complain, play the victim, start a hashtag, claim sexism. Then, quit.
  2. I don't know that answer but my contact in the AD is planning on it. Might never happen but they are ready. The women's hockey program is equating themselves with the Men's program because they play the same sport. That is their fatal flaw and the flaw in pretty much every supporter's argument that I have read online.
  3. The lawsuit is coming. But, that is why they hired the Title IX experts. Wondering if the lawsuit may be coming from the S&D, as well? They have just as good of a case.
  4. There is 1 girl from North Dakota on the team. ONE. Do these parents realize this?
  5. From their change.org Save UND Women's Hockey page. Basically, those that have daughters want it kept for selfish reasons that will never happen, anyway. Those that don't have daughters couldn't care less. End of story. Just saw this little gem:
  6. Simple Dimple Dan! Bringin' it on a Monday morning. Yah baby!!!!!!!!
  7. He was one of their top recruits, BV was fawning all over him. But now he can't hack it. I am sure the coaches will be saying "he didn't have what it takes to play the Bison way", or some !@#$ like that. Like they have before.
  8. #endthefightifhashtagsdontwork
  9. You know why people don't really care about them winning a gold medal? Because they were 100% guaranteed a silver.
  10. When hashtags and hearsay don't work you must #endthefight. Good job, good effort. Now the twins can go back to polishing those medals around their neck. You know, the ones that Mark Kennedy doesn't know anything about.
  11. I am going to leave this right here: “It’s a complete lack of respect of female athletes to refer to us as ‘boutique,’” Lamoureux-Morando told ThinkProgress. “I don’t think he has any world championships around his neck. It’s 2017, let’s get with the times.” LMFAOLOLROTFL “The unity we had as a team, as women, it’s something people should take note of.” They are the most arrogant people I have come across in a long time. Those two take themselves very seriously. https://thinkprogress.org/university-president-cuts-top-womens-hockey-program-calls-it-a-boutique-sport-b787dac808a4
  12. I believe it went down. Probably a parent or sibling. I also think they are taking the boutique part out of context. We don't know what Kennedy exactly means when he uses that term.
  13. Their facebook page is a gong show, too. No facts. All emotion.
  14. How does one "double" a team?
  15. All negative. Kind of fun in a sick way. Oh well, more money to my therapist.
  16. Jocelyn officially has more "likes" on her tweet than there were people at the last home game. Strange.
  17. Basically, would be the Big Sky with a much, much harder chance to make the NCAA Tourney. Spend all new revenues on travel.
  18. Talking to everyone about all the great exposure that tourney gives UND and how he is going to try his darndest to not capitalize on it. Like usual.
  19. http://www.grandforksherald.com/news/4247255-und-womens-hockey-team-coach-not-ready-throw-towel Here is the confirmation that Idalski is pinning his hopes to the oil prices. "This current budget crisis is temporary," Idalski said. "Already oil production has increased 40 percent within the state, and expectations are that production will double this summer. That's going to alleviate a lot of problems. I think that's going to stabilize budgets from the Legislature on the state side. My goal is to buy us a couple of years to solve that situation, alleviate that problem, try to take care of ourselves. Open the conversation and work towards endowing the program. I think that's a great long-term solution, but that is not a short-term solution. Once this (program) goes away, it's not coming back. And if it does and they try to bring it back, I know how long and how painful it was to get us to this point."
  20. No kidding, go work for the baseball or softball programs. That would have opened his eyes.
  21. Sounds to me like you are advocating for UND keeping a recently cut women's program. Just sayin.....
  22. Former Herald guy, Chuck Haga, is saddened because he can no longer bring his grandchild to a WH game and he taught a couple of them in class. We get it, we do, but the University has cut more than just your precious little hockey team. WTF is going on here?
  23. By my math, the Swiss and Czech ladies will play for the 4th time today....in the same tournament....in 8 days.
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