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Everything posted by UND1983

  1. According to these guys we will be signing 8 players tomorrow, including local kid Zach Murphy of Central. http://kfgo.com/blogs/und-football-360/30670/und-signing-day-primer-ii/
  2. Seales is doing a number defensively on Hall. Very impressive.
  3. Having Brown guard Frey is probably a bad idea.
  4. Not bad. If they knock down those open 3s that they kept missing this one will be over.
  5. If UND could rebound they would be up by 15 easy.
  6. Our new Athletic Director on with the football guys. http://kfgo.com/podcasts/fighting-hawks-podcast/22809/und-football-360-with-incoming-ad-bill-chaves/
  7. Didn't he have a couple big saves in the 3rd period that kept it tied?
  8. Can you move from Grand Forks to like any other city, forget Grand Forks and all its issues exist, then just worry about your new city and all their problems?
  9. Did I see that Watford City is going Class A in sports?
  10. They should be thrilled with going to OT twice this weekend the way they were playing. Chance to win still!
  11. Which still doesn't justify chicken-winging a guy in the head. Head up or down, same bull$%!# hit.
  12. Right...cause the puck was just passed to him and he was in the process of one-timing it. What an idiot for having his head down while trying to receive & shoot the puck. Seriously, watch it again.
  13. He chicken winged him in the head. What play where you watching? Smith took the wrong angle and missed his whole body then elbowed him late to get a piece of him.
  14. That hit on Plant was as bad as it gets. Elbow winged out to purposely hit him in the head.
  15. He didn't get the job because he was not even close to being the best candidate.
  16. http://kfgo.com/blogs/und-football-360/30670/und-recruiting-weekend-5/ A bigger weekend. Let's hope we get them all!
  17. When a team hits 13 threes in the first 30 minutes of the game, I would maybe switch up my defense. Just for sh*ts and giggs..but what do I know.
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