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Everything posted by UND1983

  1. No, probably never will. Is it a 10 step process?
  2. There it is again..."hurry up..". It's been 6 years. Hope their transition is still on track.
  3. There we go. That is the first one I have seen, like it.
  4. Those comments on the UND Facebook page are a complete embarassment. Bunch of petulent babies whining.
  5. Ummmwhat? Saying what's actually happening is dividing an already divided fanbase? Wtf.
  6. If you would take time to read what the point was you wouldn't have even posted.
  7. Read what I previously wrote. You are not paying attention and turning into 'hockey hate logo guy'. Hockey fans are in their own world - they aren't even a part of this conversation. The rest of the fan base for other sports is growing quite well. Hard to tell what ratio it is because unless they distinctly wear Hawk gear that day we wouldn't know.
  8. Are you happy to think your right even though I am at a good majority of these games and witness the truth?
  9. In which I broke it out to hockey fans and non-hockey fans. The latter being much more supportive of the new name and logo as evidenced by the merchandise worn at games. It's pretty much only hockey fans that are fighting it tooth and nail now.
  10. I have gone to a bunch of football, basketball and volleyball games over the years and have never been given free merchandise. Would love to get some, though!
  11. FYP. The other fan bases are warming up slowly as evidenced by the gear in the stands.
  12. Welp, you didn't get it. Nobody feels bad for you. Negativity isn't going to get you anywhere, obviously.
  13. Which you are well within your right to do. Congratulations and thanks for the update.
  14. I would vote Z. But, I am such a dork for moving on from Fighting Sioux so my opinion doesn't count.
  15. Did we ever determine whether the settlement agreement stated that UND had to pick a new name upon dropping the old one?
  16. I think the University wanted a new nickname and logo that weren't racially offensive and wanted the fans to embrace it. yah. crazy I know.
  17. yah, they are protected by federal law I think and also not pre-trained by their mother to land on some dude's arm. At least I don't think so.
  18. Ummmm, if you cannot figure that our for yourself I can't help you.
  19. Yeah man, cause that's a really good idea. Not like we are all here cause we love UND or anything. I repeat, love UND. Having two separate fanbases for one college is totally a really neato idea.
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