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Everything posted by UND1983

  1. So, she flew to Grand Forks and met with the Herald in person because Kennedy was "tactless". what the....
  2. Auburn Tigers = "War Eagle". They found a way to symbolize something for people to rally around. Maybe we go that way?
  3. The REA already confirmed that Kris McGarry was on the front lines for it and made it happen. Trump only worked the phones.
  4. I don't know. Why do you just automatically assume that McGarry is right about everything she says and Kennedy is wrong?
  5. Sounds to me like the REA was needing UND to bail them out on some things. Interesting. I said it earlier, there is much more than came out in the story and McGarry got out in front to try and control the narrative.
  6. UND will be just fine without him. Horner on the other hand.....
  7. STOP! Don't ever say that again not funny.
  8. I see Davidson left now for South Dakota. At the very least, Jones must be doing something right with his coaching hires cause the Yotes really like them.
  9. Which is the narrative they went out of their way to express to the public and alumni. Now I would be interested in why, with details.
  10. The one who goes public usually does so to get out in front of something (perhaps something deeper). I would guess that Ralph's kids have been raised to be tough and savvy yet she is running to the paper to cry about something she doesn't like at UND. Preemptive deflection, perhaps?
  11. After reading that, combined with Kennedy's other transgressions, I would say his days are numbered.
  12. How about 2nd Ave N from Washington to the HPC? What a complete disaster zone. I honestly think my suspension got F'd up the other day.
  13. I would say they are not offended at all and probably laugh. But that is my uneducated opinion and it's probably case-by-case.
  14. Yah, I'm not sensing what inflation has to do with hard dollar donations to UND athletics. What am I missing (since I only took HPER's)?
  15. I took all HPER classes. What is remeadial Econ?
  16. I don't think there is anyway to know who is giving what as the "label" of a Hawk or Sioux fan is in the heart of the beholder. I just know the donations have gone up so both groups must be pulling their weight. Who is heavier? The Sioux fans, I would imagine. Maybe the Half/Halfers? Is that a group? I got a headache.
  17. I was told that Fighting Sioux hillbilly's quit giving once the name was dropped. You and El Zagel are saying that isn't the truth since Hawks fans are not giving anything other than wearing hats and shirts. Which is it?
  18. What don't you understand about it? The fans haven't stopped giving - in fact, the fans are giving more. You claim they need to give more - I say they are. Do you think UND picked up a ton of new "fans" when they switched to Hawks?
  19. Donations are higher now vs. when UND was called the Sioux.
  20. Poorly attended? The place only seats 12,000+ and there was over 10,000 there. Poorly attended is an SDSU playoff game.
  21. Oh no, not that. We have lost your respect....
  22. Which you are well within your right to do. I for one am happy that you let us know, though.
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