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Everything posted by UND1983

  1. The strikethrough thing is interesting.
  2. Q. Hooker just got him a contract extension. It's not happening anytime soon.
  3. Brewster needs to get it together. He is losing the ship.
  4. Sounds great. Maybe it's spring break time for you. Rest up and we'll see you at fall camp.
  5. Rhett-ski is coming back. That's cool.
  6. Wonder if they took big Sis to get little Sis? Whatever, they both look like they can play.
  7. Can you shutup already? We got it. Sincerely, Everyone
  8. Brew pulled in a sister act it appears for next year. Arnot sisters of Maranatha Academy in MN. One is at Monmouth and must be transferring here. The other just signed with them but must have been released.
  9. Where do those rank when compared to "then I says...."? Simple question.
  10. Take it easy, spanks. Had nothing to do with his playing career. More about his/teammates strange fascination with the Sioux nickname, of which they know next to nothing about-other than what they see on a wall.
  11. According to the current seniors that was Sioux hockey they were playing. Shut the thread down.
  12. I think you missed the point of why they're posers.
  13. What about it? The reality....recruiting is a bitch and part of "coaching".
  14. I would also say the difference in what you're seeing vs 10 years ago is the new style of play. There is no more hitting, no more face washing, etc. The after whistle stuff is gone. Leads to a mote sterile game IMO.
  15. Not just him. Look at the names of the local kids that get the scholarships.
  16. Cool story, brah. My suggestion is to look at the roster. That's the problem.
  17. Cant fault the effort. Energy was there and Cam was great but a couple mistakes and a couple missed breakaways were the difference.
  18. Is there a Juco in the hockey world, like football? Get a older player who is ready?
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