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Everything posted by UND1983

  1. Exactly. OL recruiting has gotten worse every year almost. What are they doing?
  2. Yeah, can't believe the kids aren't picking us over them and the other 15 schools.
  3. Yikes. What is going on in Pepperland?
  4. I see it the same as Freije leaving. UND was 12-20 with him as their best player. That says a lot to me. UND will be no worse as a team. Their record might not be better, however, because they are playing in a tougher conference now.
  5. I would guess UM. Need to feel the love of being re-recruited. It's all the rage, man!
  6. At the very least they aren't recruiting 5'7" guys from CA anymore. So we got that going for us.
  7. They have 23 days to hire a coach. Methinks the end of the season lull with nothing to write about and clicks being down on the website drove this article.
  8. Actually, where did you see a fact in the italicized part? I didn't see anything that isn't contingent and speculative. What if Chaves hires a female coach tomorrow?
  9. ..and if the NDUS decides to stop funding UND the campus will need to shutdown. Maybe they should speculate about that possibility before the biennium cycle starts up again? Or if Brad Berry leaves for the NHL then the UND hockey program would need a new coach. That would create clicks for sure.
  10. Because there are no facts involved. There is projection. The fact would materialize on July 1st. Also, he counted the next most pullups and next most after that. Oh, and the only reason it was written at all is because he counted CM's pathetic amount of pullups from 2017 for context.
  11. You sound excited for them. Congratulations to you, I guess!
  12. No they are not. They MIGHT be on July 1st. That's why it was stupid and a preemptive move to create an issue when none was needed.
  13. Which will never happen. Look at their attendance and budgets. None of them have hockey as #1.
  14. They outgrew Hugo's. Fine-good problem to have. But find somebody who can make the same damn thing.
  15. UND1983

    2018 Season

    Who said they are complaining?
  16. UND1983

    2018 Season

    Interesting timing. All the belly aching can stop now.
  17. But, that private entity takes money from the public one, then gives back whatever they feel like. If they were only giving at the end of the year UND would have no argument.
  18. Her making money is not the issue. The REA expensing anything they choose to is the issue. There are no checks and balances as far as I can tell.
  19. That is interesting. Very interesting. The memo was never delivered.
  20. UND1983

    2018 Season

    Nobody is arguing the initial denial and then attempt to get him back, which happened. My point is after he left in June (for second time) to go back home why didn't he request a release and go somewhere else? Appeal? Haven't heard a peep since but he claims he wants to be playing. Damn near every kid who wants to be released gets released eventually. I fully agree that he should be playing somewhere, so much talent.
  21. UND1983

    2018 Season

    I have an extemely hard time believing that. Think about it for a minute: when's the last time you heard a kid say NOTHING to anybody about being held up by his current school when wanting a transfer? So apparently he is sitting at home kicking the couch cause UND won't release him. Lol, cmon. Next point: does Bubba seem like the type to screw over a kid? Final point: he doesn't need to be fully released to transfer to another school. He would just have to sit out a full year, right? A school doesn't own a kid for 4 years. Absurd. If UND wasn't releasing him he would have appealed. Anybody hear about his appeal or see the paperwork?
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