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Slap Shot

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Everything posted by Slap Shot

  1. If the Gophers could score more than 2 goals and not get out-worked during a 3rd period you might have a reason to be worried, but as it is unless Kangas gets a shutout the Sioux might have a hard time losing either game.
  2. You guys might be right and I'm just not noticing that it happens (CFB and net scrums) just as much in the NHL but for some reason I've got the impression.
  3. Two suggestions - don't drink and post, and lighten up.
  4. Agreed. I disagree however with the sentiment that a team must "stand up for its goalie after whistle" at all costs. Some teams overreact to the point of someone breathing on a goalie causes players to go after their opponent to the point of ridiculousness. I understand you don't want your goalie getting run but your goalie isn't made of glass either. Watch the NHL and two things in this department stand out for me - you hardly ever see players freaking out at an opponent going near their goalie and you rarely see CFB (not the penalty but rather the act itself). [edit] and before anyone takes that the wrong way, UND was not the first of a few teams that came to mind in this department.
  5. It's a good point. Too often when something like this happens you have an extreme reaction on both ends. People that overreact and label the player a cancer (extreme in this case imho) and those that want to completely ignore it as if it's nothing to scrutinize (myopic imho). As with most issues the seriousness of the matter probably lies somewhere in between. Since this is a second 'incident' involving TJ in less than a year it should not be swept under the rug, but chances are he didn't do anything too egregious and should be forgiven - at least until he does it again.
  6. Any Sioux fan with a history of watching your team the past few years should never write them off this early. I could be crazy but it seems you guys have been notorious lately for average starts yet still making the FF, and if you can get that far anything happen. It's precisely why I still have hope for not only the Gophers but the Vikings as well (well not too much hope for the Vikings but at least a playoff berth).
  7. I can't tell who is more upset - those offended by the announcement or those pissed off that anyone would actually be offended.
  8. I personally wouldn't want it done, but it's nothing to get excited about. pstar - I can see what you were trying to do but you could have picked a better analogy.
  9. What does this have to do with the PA annoncement? Was this thread started by a Gopher fan? You have a great arena hats off to you guys - I think it's awesome the WCHA can have teams play in such great venues.
  10. Great weekend. I know some UND fans don't think your team played its best while Gopher fans are left wondering why the team has so much trouble finishing. Hopefully the quality of play for both teams will be on the rise until they meet again in Minneapolis. Good luck the rest of way.
  11. When I saw the thread title this is what first came to mind:
  12. Boosh likes to instigate but I don't think he's serious. I believe (Dirty can confirm this) this is the same guy that said Anaheim didn't play dirty against the Wild last year in the playoffs.
  13. Hellooo, UND! I swear you've had more sets of rels come through Grand Forks than a chapel in Appalaicha. (and before anyone wigs out that's not a shot at UND - imho more power to ya)
  14. His mentioning losing some players to the WJC is all you've got? You sure nailed Lucia to the wall with that one.
  15. Reminds me why he's on ignore. I'm sure there are links to dozens of quotes where Lucia blamed others for Gopher failures to back up such a bold claim.
  16. How is playing Friday night an advantage for the Gophers at the Final Five? Does playing in prime time help them win? Would they not have the most fans in attendance regardless of what time the game was played? Does playing at night give them more rest than if they played several hours earlier? I've never understood the complaint that playing the evening game provides a competitive advantage. I wouldn't have a problem if the schedule wasn't fixed in this manner because I'd attend regardless, but the Friday night game is a non-issue.
  17. [insert]"awwww" drop from PA/Dubay[/insert]
  18. Your point? j/k - long time since the last visit and I had to find a reason to post because I know you all have missed me so much.
  19. It depends on whether or not the U defense let BC get to Frazee or Briggs the way UND let BC attack Lammy, but also whether or not we stayed out of the box. You have a right to your opinion but I don't believe for a second a solid effort by UM leads to a blowout loss. Not a chance.
  20. Sorry to see you guys lose. I had to DVR the game last night and will watch it some time this afternoon so I can't comment on what happened. There was a part of me that wanted to see UND win although if you had to lose, BC is a pretty good opponent to go down to. Here's to next season and another opportunity to see the best hockey rivalry in college hockey duke it out again! Hogwash. The Gophers took UND to OT the past two games. Perhaps we wouldn't have won but if the same UM team that beat UND at the X played yesterday they would have kept it close.
  21. Yes - I'm sure not a single Sioux player envisioned a Frozen Four appearance before the season began.
  22. One interesting point of view regarding this rivalry and others. I realize that such a rivalty can become very contentious and that the anonymity of the internet often provides an arena for people to talk smack that probably wouldn't if they didn't have this vehicle. But what seemed to carry far more vitriol a few years back, it seems there's an increasing amount of mutual respect amongst fanbases - in some cases here and even more so at USCHO. I realize that there will always be dinks and always feelings of, "those guys suck" but I've noticed a lot of congratulatory remarks going both ways from our fans and I don't know that we would have seen as much of that several years ago. Of course I could be just on something....
  23. That's an odd post. No Gopher homer takes the Gophers to task more than Doug Woog and both he and Dubay last night said after the game that UND deserved to win the game.
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