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Slap Shot

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Everything posted by Slap Shot

  1. As far as the 'blaming the refs' side of things, I didn't lead any charge at USCHO I had one exchange with that K23456WHATEVER guy for being a hypocrite. More importantly, if you take the time to read my post above you'd note that it is in reference to people at USCHO (I believe mostly Maine fans) throwing Hakstol under the bus for whatever comments he made following a game last weekend. My point was that such comments typically get blown out of proportion by opposing fans wanting to use whatever they can to rip an opponent. My response was that Hakstol doesn't strike me as the kind of guy that is know for being a poor sport and in end these supposed comments shouldn't be used to try and paint an overall picture of him. In essence I was defending Hakstol.
  2. I don't know the full context of the comments in question, but my guess is that with a lot of things related to sports the seriousness has probably been overblown by some and under scrutinized by others. From an outsider's perspective one thing that perhaps adds fuel to this fire is the fact that Hakstol walked off the bench and UND got swept. You put it all together and it probably makes it all seem worse than it would have had it been isolated. The problem is so much of what happens, happens in a fishbowl. Things get blown out of proportion, either by opposing fans who want to use every transgression as a reason to rip an opponent, and conversely supporters often exaggerate the positive to cast a positive light on their favorite team. I think the two most important things to consider are this: 1. Hakstol's history. I don't think he has a poor history of poor sportsmanship (or whatever the accusation is in this matter) and 2. The future. If it doesn't happen again, this will soon be forgotten and people will be commenting again on wins and losses and not quotes in the newspaper.
  3. "Oh, that's quite different..." "Never mind." -Emily Litella
  4. I always knew UND was good for something.
  5. Even if this is true (Hate? This is college hockey, not terrorism) I have to ask - what the hell did we ever do to Vermont and UMass? btw - either of these games on CSTV this weekend? I haven't checked the schedule yet.
  6. Sadly I must admit, that when it comes to mass produced beers I like Leine's. Although Summit > All Wisconsin beer Speaking of Canadian beer, we got stuck with a few cases of Kokanee (sp?) during a fly-in last summer. It was long on alcoholic content, very short on taste.
  7. There's nothing false about Guinness Stout!
  8. Slap Shot


    1. You were not ridiculed - I said that I personally take "every" type statements with a grain of salt. It was a matter of fact statement that in no way was an attack. 2. If buckysieve made an "every" comment about Sioux fans I feel the same way about such a comment, even if from a Gopher fan made about Sioux fans. "Every Sioux fan" doesn't fly with me. There are plenty of great Sioux fans here, at USCHO and elsewhere. Despite the fact we cheer for opposing teams, we all enjoy the greatest brand of hockey on the planet imho and in that regard we're more alike than different. I was just thinking the other day about why for some people (not you Mafia, I'm talking more in general) feel a need to become so divisive when it comes to cheering for their own teams and when discussing their opponents. Yes, I've been guilty of tossing around the "Halo" label but 99% of the time it's been made in jest and not meant to put anyone down. Honestly. There are dick Sioux fans and there are dick Gopher fans and I simply will never comprehend people that argue, "we're better than..." because it's a bunch of crap. When I first started visiting USCHO there were a few Sioux fans that irritated me and after a while I realized that it's not worth getting upset over. SIM is about as lame as it gets, but I can think of at least one Gopher fan at USCHO that probably pisses everyone off so there's no point in trying to pretend this street doesn't run both ways. I realize such arguments always have and always will exist. I'm probably not being realistic and perhaps I'm simply getting too old I don't know. I guess what I'm really trying to get across is that when people ask, "why do you post at ss.com?" my answer is, "I like college hockey". Period. I don't see reason why fans can't dislike an opposing team without hating them. If I were by myself at a bar watching a hockey game and a Sioux fan was sitting next to me, would I not be able to amicably discuss the sport without it being an issue? If so, why can't I do the same on the internet? /off soapbox
  9. Slap Shot


    I've never seen Lucia "whine' about an opposing player sticking up for one of their own. Can some of you at least try to compare apples to apples?
  10. I usually take with a grain of salt comments that state, "Every ____ I know....". Every single last one of 'em, eh?
  11. It's otherwise known as a double entendre. btw this reminds me of a Monty Python skit: Man: Is, uh,... Is your wife a goer, eh? Know whatahmean, know whatahmean, nudge nudge, know whatahmean, say no more? Squire: I, uh, I beg your pardon? Man: Your, uh, your wife, does she go, eh, does she go, eh? Squire: Well, she sometimes 'goes', yes. Man: Aaaaaaaah bet she does, I bet she does, say no more, say no more, know whatahmean, nudge nudge? Squire: I'm afraid I don't quite follow you. Man: Follow me. Follow me. That's good, that's good! A nod's as good as a wink to a blind bat! Squire: Are you, uh,... are you selling something? Man: SELLING! Very good, very good! Ay? Ay? Ay? (pause) Oooh! Ya wicked Ay! Wicked Ay! Oooh hooh! Say No MORE! Squire:Well, I, uh.... Man:Is, your uh, is your wife a sport, ay? Squire:Um, she likes sport, yes! Man:I bet she does, I bet she does! Squire:As a matter of fact she's very fond of cricket. Man:'Oo isn't? Likes games, eh?Knew she would. Likes games, eh? She's been around a bit, been around? Squire: She has traveled, yes. She's from Scarsdale. (pause) Man:SAY NO MORE!! Scarsdale, saynomore, saynomore, saynomore, squire! Squire:I wasn't going to! Man:Oh! Well, never mind. Dib dib? Is your uh, is your wife interested in... photography, ay? 'Photographs, ay', he asked him knowlingly? Squire:Photography? Man:Snap snap, grin grin, wink wink, nudge nudge, say no more? etc., etc., etc.
  12. I actually think, "Earth, Wind and Fire" sound pretty cool - especially if you associate the players in the with each entity as suggested in the original post.
  13. Without wading all the way through this thread, anyone care to summarize their opinion of UND's weekend? -Positives -Negatives -Surprises -Status Quo Thanks!
  14. Lee is perhaps facing similar (although for different reasons) scrutiny from some Sioux fans as Harrington faced with some Gopher fans. After having to follow in the footsteps of Leopold, Martin and Ballard, Harrington had pretty lofty expectations placed against him. While Harrington obviously made some mistakes, I don't think ever received enough credit from some Gopher fans.
  15. Name, Yr GP W L T GA MIN GAA SH SV SV% Jeff Frazee, Fr 12 6 3 2 26 660 2.36 2 264 .910 Philippe Lamoureux, So 14 5 7 0 32 734 2.61 1 327 .911 BOX
  16. I can't believe how those INCH folks keep raking your guys over the coals.
  17. I agree it is a different matter, but from what I recall most Gopher posters recognized there are/were more issues than just drinking involved. This is one of those issues that for some reason makes me feel not proud to be a Gopher fan. It simply rubs me the wrong way that they would be this obtuse, irresponsible and arrogant. AZ you might be absolutely right that this happens elsewhere, but I really hope and expect more from them. Perhaps I'm naive but I am still bothered by this 'scandal'.
  18. The Gophers play tomorrow night. Is it still football season?
  19. Kids make mistakes, including those called upon to be team leaders. This has been in the making for some time but it's just now being published. I don't see this as a 'conflict of interest' or whatever one wants to call it at all. btw red - I think you're the only one that would not only try to nitpick an actual suspension but still get it wrong in the process.
  20. I thought that it came from Dirty's sister?
  21. Not only is it a poll, it's a 'pre-season' poll at that. Referring to it as 'worthless' is redundant.
  22. I see both sides of this one. I think playing the "no respect" card is odd despite claims of, "this goes beyond the polls". UND doesn't fly under anyone's radar when it comes to college hockey and anyone with $0.02 in their head recognizes UND is one of the premier programs in the country. As big as this rivalry is even the vast majority of Gopher fans agree UND is about as good as it gets (almost anyways ). However, I can see from your perspective how the comment could be viewed as somewhat vitriolic. anyway.....
  23. red - after reading that reply I think we're closer to being in agreement than I thought, with perhaps the major difference being I have a bit more optimism regarding potential for the offense. I think there's real room for improvement, enough to the point that if their defense continues to play this well they should finish above .500 and perhaps even get into the playoffs.
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